Natarii Waiatto / Comments

  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    I actually am contemplating doing Milestones as a series haha So it's funny you mentioned that. Of course it'd need quite a bit of work, especially on the first part, and I'd hvae to change names and the band around and such, but that's okay. I've been coming up with random band names to substitute if ever needed so I don't get sued :P haha I think Switch might be the first thing I really work on to send in to get published though :P
    August 7th, 2008 at 03:00am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Awhh would you really?! I'll have to let you know if I ever get anything published then ;) haha

    Dude, you wannt live in Oz? That'd be insane! My best friend lives in Perth, and I kinda wanna go down there and see her but don't have the time nor the money at the moment lol It seems wicked nice down there, I'd just probably die of sunstroke lol

    >.< What is it with you English and your fascination with Japan!! haha Not trying to offend or anything... just... my friend who I mentioned before, from Yorkshire... she's like madly in love with Japan and took it at college and all this other stuff lol I don't really see the hype of it. Guess it's just personal opinions? lol
    August 7th, 2008 at 02:43am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    OMG I KNOW RIGHT!? That's mainly the reason why I want to get into Audio Engineering. And possibly producing. Two birds with one stone?? haha I mean, music is something I love... it's something a lot of people love. And if I can't go out and make my own music, why not help others make theirs and get heard, you know? It's something that I'd enjoy doing. Same thing with writing. Sure, if I don't ever get a book contract, I'm kinda broke lol. But if I were to send something in, get a contract from a publishing house... the initial payoff from that could be immense lol I'd have to write one hell of a book though. First time writers are rarely picked up. But - it's obviously not impossible. Because every author that is getting shit published NOW was once a first-time author, and look where they are now :P That's something I want to do within the next year. Itd be fucking STELLAR to get a book published, as this is probably the most hardcore into a hobby I've ever been haha
    August 7th, 2008 at 02:29am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Hah... I'm a babysitter >.< Overworked, underpaid. I work on average 10 hours a day, give or take, and I have to take care of a borderline autistic three and a half year old who has the mental capacity of my year and a half year old niece. So yeah... it's a REAL TREAT, let me tell you >.< I'm none too fond of it, cuz I'm supposed to like teach him how to count and do his letters and colors and shapes and shit and it's like ... I'm not a fucking Occupational Therapist. That's not my job. I'm not a fucking teacher either. That and I have to work on his physical coordination and all this other shit. Again, I'm not a Physical Therapist. And I do all that, from 7:30 AM to anywhere between 5 and 6 PM, for $2 an hour. Minimum wage, legally, is like 7.50 here or something like that. I make 100 a week, for 50 hours. Complete bollocks if you ask me -.-
    And I have to work this job up until the very day before I move back into college, so I really don't ever get a break. I don't get paid enough for this shit, honestly. But I'd feel bad if I asked for anymore cuz she's a single mom >.< Fuck me... grr hahah

    Yeah there was a point in time when I was like 16 where I told my mom I wanted to get a job for a record company, and she goes "How the hell are you ever going to get a career in that? You won't make any money blah blah blah..." and I was like "Uhm... start out low, get promotions? Helloooo?" and she was like "Well, I don't want you to do it."
    And that was when I started to say "fuck college" and decided I wanted to join the Air Force since I had nothing better to do with my time. So I was really dead set on that for like a year, and then when we asked my kidney specialist (cuz I actually HAVE one of those... fucking... stupid) if they'd let me in cuz of my condition, which is basically GONE now, and he goes "Chances are they'd turn you down right off the bat, seeing that on your charts." So once again, I got a big fat NO shoved in my face, and decided I might as well do college just to DO something. I don't like not having something to do.. I always have to be busy with something lol Hence why writing is such a good hobby for me to have 0.0 haha
    August 7th, 2008 at 01:54am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Hah yeah my full-time job doesn't pay me shit... at all.. cuz it's not a "real" job I guess >.< Whateverrr haha

    Yeahh... I'm not 100% positive on what a year at my school costs, but it's lower for me cuz I have a scholarship for 3500 a year, so that helps a lot haha And then other scholarships through other organizations and blah blah blah... so it's cheaper than 15k for me, but that's roughly what it is for anyone else that's in-state lol
    August 7th, 2008 at 01:18am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Oh wow!!! hah, I'm amazed you know of it :P But yeah, if I want to do something in England with music, out of all the other England programs my school offers, that'd be the only one. And it'd cost me roughly 15 grand to stay there for two months. Just to give you a clue on how expensive that is for ME.... an entire YEAR at my school costs 15 grand >.< Needless to say I gotta save up... a LOT hahah
    August 7th, 2008 at 12:25am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Well, the uni I'd be going to in London isn't exactly English... I wouldn't think 0.o Sounds kinda odd, but my English friend's never even heard of it, so yeah. But it's AIU I think, which is American Intercontinental University or something like that... it's more just a London based program than a Uni, I suppose considering they have the same thing in Paris, Dubai, and Florence. So yeah lol If you have heard of it, I'll be amazed haha

    Ooooh, Broadway shows are so good. I went and saw the Lion King when I was 15, and yeah.... I cried >.< It was so amazing thoughhhh I <3 it haha
    And shopping... gah. I was amazed at how cheap I could find stuff at the mall in Queens my friend took me to. I got a winter coat - the ones with the faux-fur around the hood - for twelve bucks. Which is cheap. But then again it was knocked down like 8 bucks just for the fact that all the inner labels and tags on the coats were marked wrong for sizes, so if it was a Large, it was really a Medium, but still. Twelve bucks in NYC... for a winter coat. Amazing haha
    August 6th, 2008 at 11:02pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Well, I'm a music major in the Electronic Music and Media department, so basically the part of the department I'm going for is like.. Audio Engineering. And the classes the program overseas offers has a lot more of the stuff that I need than my own school does, or are at least narrowed into what exactly it is I want to do, which would be recording and sound boards and all that awesome engineering stuff lol

    Yeah Manhattan is quite nice. I've been there twice - Once on a day trip to see a Broadway musical, and the second time for New Years and I stayed with my friend in Queens for a week, which was amazing. I had so much fun lol I hope you guys have fun as well, if you end up going :)
    August 6th, 2008 at 01:28pm
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Ehh, just boring ol' New York :P And not the city. Nowhere near the city. Littttle podunk town :P But lately I'm up in Albany, which is a nice sized place, and I'm going to university there ^.^I love it over there haha

    Ooo I've never seen Hellboy ... or the 2nd haha

    Yeahhh, I'll be totally thrilled if the classes match up with shit I need to take for my major, so that I can take them in London because the ones they've got there sound AMAZING and I NEEEEED to take them :P Costs a LOT though >.<
    August 6th, 2008 at 04:41am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Hah yeahhhh.. that story didn't have a happily ever after! How rude! hahah It was a good ending though, sad, but good.

    She's in the Yorkshire area lol Smack dab in the middle, eh?? haha I really want to go to London for a study abroad program next year... that'd be stellar haha
    August 6th, 2008 at 03:56am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Oh my GOD! 300 was SO EPIC! I was just so pissed when the real hot guy - that one dude's son - got his fucking head chopped off! It was my first time watching it and after he did major hot ass kicking and stuff I was like "Psh they so better not kill him. He's too pretty to not be in the movie" and then like A MINUTE LATER HE WAS BEHEADED! I was so sad :( hahah

    I'm doing alright. About to type up what I've got for the next Wild Horses. And right nowwww... it is 9:21 PM :P I suppose it's rather late in England, as my friend who lives there just got offline saying it was super late. What is it.. like... almost half past 1? Ish? lol that or half past 2, those are my guesses lol
    August 6th, 2008 at 03:22am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Ahha yes ^.^ I mean, mushy love stories are good and all, but I like to switch it up. Make the plot have a little something more to it than just the love story in itself. And while Switch does have the romance factor in it, it's not really a love story at all, if you really think about it lol I love the shit I'm coming up with these days. It's so cooky and friggen weird... some stuff readers may not like >.< I can't help it! I'm drawn to wacko ideas haha

    Soo, how are you? :)
    August 6th, 2008 at 02:45am
  • YourMomOnSteroids

    YourMomOnSteroids (100)

    United States
    Awh, thanks so much for the instructions! So far all I've been going on was this video of some guy doing it to a chick with SUPER short hair... so it's all just visual instruction, and he did it in like 60 seconds, so that was good, and I kinda get the gist of how he did it, so I might try it tonight :P

    And I'm glad you like Switch! Not gonna lie... it's probably one of my faves of the moment, kinda out of any I've done before lol
    August 6th, 2008 at 01:42am
  • Lala Loveletter

    Lala Loveletter (100)

    United States
    going to a water park tomorrow
    and im going to be a freshman at high school
    im so damn bored and i cant fall asleep!!!
    *screams in pilliow*
    July 16th, 2008 at 12:03pm
  • Lala Loveletter

    Lala Loveletter (100)

    United States
    soo anything new happening??
    July 16th, 2008 at 09:02am
  • Lala Loveletter

    Lala Loveletter (100)

    United States
    yeah it kinda makes sense
    July 16th, 2008 at 06:01am
  • Lala Loveletter

    Lala Loveletter (100)

    United States
    how is it over there in england? the starting college age..
    July 16th, 2008 at 05:38am
  • Lala Loveletter

    Lala Loveletter (100)

    United States
    umm right when you get out highschool which is about 18 or 19
    July 16th, 2008 at 05:21am
  • Lala Loveletter

    Lala Loveletter (100)

    United States
    thats really good
    you're doing you love and i think thats the point of living
    and if you go somewhere you don't have the heart of going
    then what's the point?
    July 16th, 2008 at 04:32am
  • Lala Loveletter

    Lala Loveletter (100)

    United States
    haha yeah..
    why did it all change? may i ask..
    July 16th, 2008 at 04:27am