Don't make this easy.

January 28, 2010
Time: 3:10 PM
Music: None =(
Mood: Creative
Update: Working on a new story---deleting Anderson Academy for Boys. =(
Thinking: If a robot does the it still the robot? Or is it just dancing?

I want you to mean it.
about me.

I am Artemis but no, that isn't my real name. I don't plan to reveal that. =) As you can tell from this lovely layout I got from ClassyClassic, I enjoy All Time Low music. I also like bands like Tokio Hotel, and artists like Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert. I love Slash stories, yeah, I'm bisexual. I currently have this crush...I'm not spilling it on here, though. =P I love cookies, play-dough, and sour gummy worms. =) I also love being with my friends! Special love to Christal & Aspa if you're ever on here, & also to you Raelynn! Now that I'm done with 'about me' you should scroll down...little farther...and click on the link to Anderson Academy for Boys! It's awesome...okay, maybe not, but you still read it!

Say you mean it.

No Story, Yet
Boy: Dadadadadada
Girl: Pooopy
Chapters: Nonnne...Yet
Status: Blah Blah

Jasey Rae.

Layout by Classic. at Classy, Not Classic Layouts.
Remove the credit, and I will shank you.

Headers, Jasey Rae by All Time Low.