Justified Sins Reboot

I don't think you can actually have a reboot or a revamp of something unless the original has already been finished but...it's okay. No one has to play by the rules. Anyways, if you even bother to read these things, I made an announcement yesterday about how I was taking Justified Sins down. You can read that here. I have another announcement some 23 hours later.The reboot/revamp of Justified Sins...
December 19th, 2012 at 01:07am

Justified Sins

As of tomorrow (December 18th, 2012) night, Justified Sins will be taken down. I am extremely sorry to anyone who reads the story and enjoys reading it but I have decided to delete it. I'm not happy with it and if I'm not satisfied with a story, the story is going to suffer. I don't want to continue to write poor updates for a story that I'm not satisfied with. I want each and every chapter to be...
December 18th, 2012 at 02:26am

Possible Hiatus

My grandfather died this morning so all of my stories are on hiatus at the moment. I may have something next weekend, I may not. I don't really know. This is the first time I've ever had a family member, who is incredibly close to me, die and I just don't really know what to do. I'll try to have something within a week or two, at the least. I only updated Liar today because I didn't have anything...
November 17th, 2012 at 06:44pm