School Dances: Lame or Game?

Last night was the Winter Ball at a highschool some of my friends go to.I spent about two hours shopping for a dress, half an hour doing hair and makeup and then another half an hour driving there. Was it worth it? Yes, in my opinion. It was thrilling and exciting and funny and worth it. This morning I was on facebook and some girls were complaining saying "I got all dressed up and for what? I can...
January 31st, 2011 at 03:28am


Yesterday, I was talking to a boy I don't hang out with and simply asked "what's going on with your friends?" To which he replied "Oh, you mean my clique?"Which got me thinking, most cliques have a theme. The movie Mean Girls is an amazing example, watch the movie to basically see my school-The Wannabes- People that *want* to be popular, they wear expensive clothes, they hang out with popular...
April 30th, 2010 at 01:03am