A Video I Made to Help/Inspire Those Who Are Depressed or Feel Alone In This World

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbK3n_vkmN8I've struggled with depression for a year or more. And I mean deep depression. It started when my first love broke my heart. It just all went downhill from there. But I've learned to coop with the depression, stress, or whatever I'm feeling. This video was made to Help or Inspire people who are depressed and/or feel alone/helpless to this world. If you...
April 15th, 2011 at 12:43am

A Cold Spiraling Darkness Called Death

I feel like dying….letting deaths deep embrace take me away for ever. Never hurt never hurt another person… never hurting myself.. only wishing death would have me. Be gone from this twisted earth of pain and suffering… never having another worry. Only regretting the past once gone for good. Knowing it will give pain to others wishing that it would not hurt them to know. To know you put that...
May 6th, 2010 at 09:24pm

Finally Back and Alot Better

Well…I was at a mental hospital . . . right? Lol actually it kind of was once I started getting to know everyone. It was my escape from everything that was happening all that was about to happen. I missed out on a lot of good yet kind of bad. So a win loose right? Well more of a loose, loose in a way. Because I was going to ask this one girl out when I got back,. But when I got back she was...
May 2nd, 2010 at 03:04am


Well I have decided on a few things. One I’m done trying to change myself to be perfect in her eyes. She is perfect in mine but if I’m not perfect in hers for who I am . . . and she may not even really like me (not totally sure) then what is the point? I don’t see one . . . another thing is with my dad and me. Well we’ve been doing better, thanks to a certain someone who told me something...
March 26th, 2010 at 02:55am

Hiding Behind Pain

I know that my problems aren’t as bad as a lot of peoples, but there still problems and well some things mean a lot to me when they wouldn’t to other people. Like for example: someone might think its no big deal that them and there father don’t get along but they used to very well. But now they fight a lot and don’t really talk to each other and when they do most of the time they’re...
March 9th, 2010 at 03:59am

I Really Messed Up.

Well, you see. I was dating the most amazing girl I ever met. Maybe we should have waited a little longer and be better friends before we started dating. But all the same we fell in love. In my opinion I was positive I loved her before she was positive about loving me. But all the same we still fell in love. We started dating on Sept. fourth. A day I won’t forget. The pervious day I was having a...
February 4th, 2010 at 03:40am