Louise gets hacked numerously and suctacularly

Hey so i just realised that i put up a journal once then pissed off and never wrote another one haha.So have you ever noticed, that when you really want something to happen it never does?That's what i experience a lot of the time. For example, my sister and i have been like oil and water ever since i could walk,talk and argue back, still***louise got hacked for not paying attention by chelsea mwa...
January 31st, 2011 at 05:52am


Hi guys, this is my first entry and i have absolutely no idea what I am doing. My name is Louise i am currently 16 and I live in Australia.If there is one thing I have come to learn in these recent months, it is that you never truly know who has got your back. Take one of my friends for instance. A few weeks ago I told her about some stuff and I asked her not to tell anyone because it was...
June 25th, 2010 at 08:31am