An Old Friend

Old friendships hurt. So many times I've wondered if she ever remembers me, ever thinks about me, if I was ever anything to her. I wonder if she was better off without me, or if she's still hurting. I miss when we hurt together. Oh, and I wonder if she thinks I hate her, too? Just as I wonder if she still hates me. I wanted to write this for all those who've lost someone important to them. This is...
May 12th, 2013 at 10:45pm

Looking for a greater purpose beyond Earth... that's me

Why? Why is there no purpose this Earth for anything? There is just a certain length from one point to the other, and no way to exceed this line or go beyond it. All you do is exist, and survive, and then die. There's nothing more, nothing more important, and nothing I can do about it. It's a really depressing way to live. To have no value, no meaning and no purpose. To just exist with millions of...
December 28th, 2011 at 08:34pm

this is one of the reasons i think i'm mental, i have dreams like THIS...

So for christmas i went to ym grandma's yesterday and she has this video game that i've been addicted too since elementary school even though back then i couldn't win a single game. Anyway i forgot what it's called.... its like play station 64, idk. And theres this mario racing game, and you have the option with a partner to go to the side and battle eachother. You have 3 balloons, and what you do...
December 26th, 2011 at 08:46pm

How do you know you're depressed?

This is how you know you're depressed:When your heart feels like it HAS to eat itself and end the pain for you or else you'll go insane.When you feel a scream of torture in your throat, aching to come out, but you hold it in because you're afraid someone will call the cops on you next door.When the depression attack is right there, on the edge of you, and you just sit there hopelessly, not fending...
December 21st, 2011 at 08:59pm

Mah Christmas List =] [Questions- to draw you to this journal]

Okay i keep seeing this everywhere so now i feel like i need to make one too. =DSO i don't know how to post gif's, let's just post links if they even work on mibba: Uno: Wolf's Rain FULL DVD COLLECTION =DYeah i love this anime, and i need to have it on a moments notice... this is what i want for...
December 19th, 2011 at 05:02am

How do you know you're in love? HELP ME!

For those of you who know you've been in love before...What's it like? Tell me all the for sure symptoms and things that might make you think otherwise...? TELL ME EVERY DETAIL D:<Because i don't have a clue...____________Yeah i knew this would be too short lol, well what i really need is to know the symptoms and such and the like. I mean the only reason i'm starting this is to start a chain of...
December 13th, 2011 at 09:32pm

Wehn you watch Anime and you're seriously scared for weeks afterwards....

because its so SAD!So i just watched the whole series of Wolf's rain yesterday without stopping for a break until it ended yesterday (i think i dislocated my spine bending over the computer for like, half the day) and i was so sad! My two most favorite characters- Hige and Hubb- commited SUICIDE. which really hit home since i have clinical depression.... i just loved them and it's sad because in...
December 11th, 2011 at 09:26pm

Depressed irony.

I like how I can't sit still for more than five minutes without zoning off.I like how i half to lie to mom about how many missing assignments i have for school to stop her from verbally strangling me.I like how i spend hours chatting to my friend Nikki about depression, suicide and how much we regret ourselves when i'm suppose to be doing homework.I hate how it takes me 2 hours to actually get up...
December 9th, 2011 at 07:25pm

50 Words to describe depression... Comments please?

1: Painful2: Self-harming3: Lonesome4: Cold5: Hopeless6: Helpless7: Empty8: Ghostly9: Lost10: Invisible11: Dark12: Crushing13: Limp14: Crisis15: Help16: Feeble17: Down18: Hurt19: Insecure20: Tears21: Hatred22: H*ll23: Fire24: Fears25: Fake26: Down27: Dissapear28: Broken29: Fragile30: Weakness31: Fight32: War33: Guilt34: Blame35: Rejection36: Heavy37: Melancholy38: Misery39: Dull-edged40:...
December 6th, 2011 at 09:58pm

Depression and Religious/Heaven Ranting...

Have you ever felt completely useless and hopeless...?Like when you just kinda realize theres no hope. That theres nothing at the end. That theres no such thing as a better life or a better ending.I think its funny, because all my life really roles around is depression and hope. Sometimes i lose that hope and get mauled by depression, like now.Everyday everything is a routine, a cycle. I wake up,...
December 4th, 2011 at 10:00pm

What do you look for in a story?

I am going to write one soon and i'm getting SO PISSED and SO DEPRESSED because none of my stories work. I know thats stupid, childish, and really a stupid reason to be as depressed and miserable as i am and unwanted and unneeded as i feel but its like... why can't i freaking SUCCEED in this world?! Am i destined to fail! .... okay im ranting.Anyway, What do you guys look for in a story? What...
November 27th, 2011 at 11:45pm

QUESTIONS and Me ranting. for my own venting reasons, not for views....

So yeah, whenever i'm sad i turn to mibba journals lol. That's kinda sad, but oh well, Heres mah Ranting:SO i'm all writing like "ar har har har i'm f*cking brilliant" and then i go to the 'stories' link on mibba and i read some random story and then i look at mine and im like ".... wow :l i suck" I mean those of you who type, do you not know this feeling!? I mean my friend gave me the link to one...
November 27th, 2011 at 07:50am

What is Nano!?

The title pretty much sums it up, what the heck is this Nano? I hear it EVERYWHERE, i see it on stories, i read about it in journals, i see it in comments, i see people gloating about it, i see people talking about other people gloating about it, i see people whining about how they'll never reach their nano goal. Apparently this Nano thing is popular, so can anyone tell me WHAT THE HECK IS...
November 18th, 2011 at 07:07am

I suck at writing poems...

I hear the chime, I clear my head.I flip a dime, just to decide how I'll end up dead.It's a constant struggle inside of me,It feels like there's no light for me to follow.Why is it so hard to see?To see the light. I feel like I need a knife to swallow.It feels like I'm carrying 20 pounds of broken glass shards, and every time i breathe, every shard penetrates my heart and everything inside of me...
November 1st, 2011 at 08:53pm

Fill the glasses- Depression

I look around me, then I see you.Whats wrong with you? Why do you see everything in black and white? What are those circles under your eyes doing there?Why is everyone else but you so PERFECT?Why doesn't anyone understand what you're going through....all you ever recieve is pity, people just say 'don't worry i'm here for you' or 'i know what you're going through' but they don't know what...
October 21st, 2011 at 05:26am

Who the HELL does she think she IS?! Deleting all my stories...

So here's the story. There's this girl.. let's call her HER and theres my best friend, let's call her Rikki and then theres me, let's call me Julia. So her, rikki, and i used to be all good friends. They only knew we from the computer, Rikki and her knew in real life. Well Rikki moved away and now her and Rikki don't see eachother anyway. BUT they made a promise that they would never lose contact...
July 8th, 2011 at 07:06pm

What happened to the MATURE men!?

So, during gym, we all go outside, right? I have this thing with my leg that i was born with, i had to have surgery on it and such. Before i get off topic, with this thing i only half to run half the mile while everyone else run's the full mile. (and yet, about 5 people still beat me...)Ofcoarse theres lazy butts who walk the WHOLE MILE and we half to make 21 minutes for every single soul to...
March 24th, 2011 at 03:45am

The annoying populous

The populous is sheerly annoying. If you were put in my school, with my personally and attitude, you would have jumped off a cliff by now. I'm on the edge, honestly. The worst- as i had oftenly stated before- is lunch. and i have a new problem to the already bulging envelope i already have... of nothing but PROBLEMS. This is people keep getting on my back. They follow me and smirk and laugh when i...
March 24th, 2011 at 03:35am

[Short Story type thing for kicks] :)

So, you don't half to read it, but i made tthe following short story. [It's only half a chapter worth, so i promise its nothing huge!] So i wanted some feed back because i was planning on continueing this story... It's about a girl who is abused but i don't know if that's overused, boring, is it a story you think you would enjoy reading, maybe even subscribe too? :] FEED BACK IS MUCH THANKED...
March 20th, 2011 at 03:07am

Today was one of my GOOD days.

So, today, i was just walking down the lunch room- minding my own bussiness- when this girl i hate calls "heeeeyyyyyyy."I sighed in annoyance and walked on. This girl- she's a S-L-U-T! Natual born talent of her's. She's that girl that takes 50 pictures of herself every 30 minutes, has the nice clothes, a million friends. Her name is silv-E-uh. i dont know how to spell it... i call her saliva.Well,...
March 16th, 2011 at 10:17pm