coin_operated_boy / Comments

  • Chemistry.Queen.

    Chemistry.Queen. (100)

    Canada took a lot of time ...and effort *sighs*
    -how are you?
    October 26th, 2007 at 01:02am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    it died?! oh no!
    have you tried re-setting it?
    hold down the middle button and the menu button for like, ages. until it goes off.
    or if you leave it for a bit, it might work eventually o_o. that worked on my friends one?
    oo!! lets!!
    can we do chemistry experiment on them too? put sodium hydroxide in their mouths, and then drip hydrochloric acid into it!! and see what happens! XD
    September 22nd, 2007 at 01:39am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    oo! Was it tyne cot? The really, really big british one in ypres? (or somewhere like that)
    we went to lots of british ones, and a german one. It was relitavely small, really dark, and they were ALL mass graves (with at least 2 people in each)
    we didn’t get to stay for long though : (
    it was really sad, cause I wanted to stay for longer, and read more of the graves, but there wasn’t time 
    I love the way that some of them are symmectrical, and just like, 3 graves are completely random
    But its…yes.
    Aha caffeine porridge. I had to have an incentive to eat all of it (cause I HATE porridge) so I put my instant coffee in it. The plain one. There was a syrup one, but it didn’t look too nice. So I gave it a miss o_o
    But I did have to wash up a porrigey pan. With my nails. It was…rather disgusting o_o
    XD it was clever pondweed : )
    It knew that photosynthesising kept it and us alive. Because if it didn’t then we’d have no results, and therefore no experiment, and therefore no work to hand in. and then miss verdon would have shot us
    Lol when it comes to normal…well, I’ve ticked the box when it comes to embarrassing your friends :D
    Basically, skip. Everywhere XD
    September 22nd, 2007 at 01:36am
  • B_e_x_a

    B_e_x_a (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hey president and friend it is i the vice president i have a mibba account but im brand new and know nothing so please help me out or i shall stalk you until you do (or just ask you at the gig whichever is easier)!(not that im a stalker *shifty eyes* lol).:)do you not just love my pic?!
    September 21st, 2007 at 11:37pm
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    so. good day?
    OMG in biology today
    me and tor made our pondweed a name : )
    so it was called jimmy
    but we had to turn off its light-support machine : (
    so it didnt photosynthesise : (
    and then he had to go back in the basin with all the less clever, nastier pondweed : (
    September 20th, 2007 at 12:12am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    hey d'you wanna be in my mibba family?
    September 17th, 2007 at 04:11am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    i was grey. or dark blue o_O
    September 16th, 2007 at 08:47pm
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    glad you liked the last chapter. and i wrote the pill popping bit. he wasnt going to pop the pills until we realised that my friends first part and my second part didnt link well 9he was going to get knocked out by the big man) so i had to link it someway.
    and we have pink pills in my house which have sugar on them.
    i dont take them for fun or anything, i just thought i should inform you xD

    okay now im sounding really psycho

    lol I didn’t try to overdose, I just like it too much o_O. woooah that’s a strange caffiene pill XD
    I think the weirdest I’ve ever been was when I had about 5 teaspoons of instant coffee and then went completely wired on caffiene o_O. on d of e I had coffee/hot chocolate powder porridge, cause it was the only way I could think of to a) get the caffiene into my system, and b) make the porridge taste acceptible.

    Lol we once had to be at school at like, 10 in the evening. And then we drove all the way to germany, for a school trip. And we eventually got there and there was 10 inches of snow. And we wernt allowed a snowball fight : (
    This time we went to see the battlefields of WW1 in france and belgium. I think it’s the best school trip I’ve ever been on, but it was both emotionally and physically draining. We went to see the menin gate, which has 55,000 names of the missing (commonwealth soldiers) on it, and the thievpal memorial which has got over 72000 names of missing british soldiers on it. And none of them are on both. We also saw about 6 graveyards. It was interesting…but….kinda sad.
    Haha we wernt meant to take ipods. And its “forbidden” for the main expodition o_O.
    Haha but if we roasted them, what would we do with them then? Oo!! We could discuise them as chicken and give it to the other populars.
    I think I have a twisted mind XD

    Eh, I like your story : )

    Lol psychos rule Smiley
    September 16th, 2007 at 08:46pm
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    a new chapter!! Smiley
    haha we toasted them on forks (the marshmallows not the populars, although im sure that would be highly satisfying) and mine caught fire. the downside was that i didnt notice until someone pointed it out (god knows how i missed that) and i nearly ate it o_O
    that is the one reason i love tents. you can hear everything everyone else says :D
    we somehow got into a conversation about what colours we were (dont ask how XD)#
    haha i ffell asleep to my ipod. the downside was that it was flat battery when i woke up the next morning. and i was like "CRAP"
    but its fine now : )
    im going on a trip tomorrow!! at 5 in the morning! [i]wahey[/i]!
    i mean, i love school trips, but ones that start at 9am. not be-at-school-by-5 ones.
    im so jealous. i wanna go see them : (
    do you have a practice navigation thing too? we do (in may) cause they're worried we'll get lost in the dangerous countryside of surrey. i mean, whats the worst that'll happen? we'll get a mozzie bite. :D
    but oh no. none of us can read maps or use a compass, so its going to be an interesting weekend : )
    September 13th, 2007 at 11:55pm
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    (over the portable gas stove XD)
    we jsut had all the "populars" running around screaming and (apparently) stripping (o_O) until 2 in the morning. nothing i'd rather go to sleep to XD
    and it was school the next day. and i had SO MUCH prep to do
    today we went on a school trip : )
    to the V&A in london. and were ment to draw stuff. but our little group decided it was more fun to try to get pictures of jen XD
    (we failed. miserably.)
    haha my legs still hurt from last weekend : )
    although dont swallow muscle relief stuff. or get it in your eyes. not the most pleasant of experiences Smiley
    Smiley <--haha a new one
    September 12th, 2007 at 11:54pm
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    haha i like going to the cinema (rarely cause i hate going out of the house in general o_O ) and making lots of noise...i once accidentally choked on a sweet thing and i coughed for about 10 minutes XD. 'twas very funny. after the occasion when i could breathe again Smiley
    lol i LOVE italy. its practically the only country i can go to and not complain about the food XD.
    haha i went camping with school at the weekend (bad idea by the way, d of e practice thing). and got a bite on my hand, regardless of teh fact that the tent is meant to be bug proof. which probably means 34720 different species of bugs rather than 34721 Smiley <--- i think im becoming obsessed with these smilies, and ending every sentence with them XD <-- goddamn it i did it again!
    okay. i am not going to end this sentence with a face.
    I DID IT!
    okay. moving on.
    September 12th, 2007 at 04:22am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    haha yea. adverts rule. i can never understand why dad skips through them when hes recorded something. the only time i dont like them is on the music channels when they take about 10 minutes and then the programme runs for 5 and then another 10 minute advert break. thats annoying. but its always fun taking the mickey out of the adverts for skin stuff. i love doing that XD
    i went to italy this year! i like it there : ) lots of nice food.
    internet cafe....woah. thats a step up for me XD. we're not allowed anywhere near technology for the whole holiday. thankfully, that doesnt include ipods or gameboys. i set a new record for the time spent to complete rugrats. (thats how bored i was :D )
    our lodgers are generally really nice : )
    they give you sweets and help with homework and think of excuses for why you were on the computer : )
    haha when you're outside my house, all you can see of my room is an open window, a black hole and a bit of a collage XD
    i like maltesers. but not as much as cadbury's eclairs. they just taste SO GOOD!
    amazon's my downfall though. i end up spending so much on there cause i jsut cant resist the bargins.
    the talking thing XD?!
    i do taht anyway.
    on monday my friend had her party. it was a murder thing and we had to read bits out. and i swear one of the other people there was ready to murder me. it was very funny. but i'll have another go at it. first day of school? haha that'll be fun.,..
    hang on. what didnt bug you?
    (i think my comments are getting shorter XD. never mind)
    August 30th, 2007 at 07:47pm
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    nar its not spotty :(
    but it IS bright yellow XD
    omg the one thats like a...i dunno. almost a video. which has the man in glasses in a deckchair half way through? haha that advert is funny. Smiley
    haha we have foregin (i dont know how to spell that XD) lodgers for some of the year. and they always have such trouble understanding me and dad becuase we talk so fast. and apparently i dont make much sense to boot. lol
    yep, i wear LOTS of blue. y'see, im not allowed black unless i wanna go buy it (which i dont) and its relitavely close (sp).
    lol my wardrobe is practically empty. although i emptied my chest of drawes into it so i have no idea where all my clothes have gone O_o. i think they're currently living in a pile in the spare room and in the airing cupboard (along with several top trump cards and the cat XD)
    why is it itchy?
    sorry, im SO nosy. i have a room at the front of the house, so that i can see XD
    no problem with the shortness, its not THAT short
    socks rule. i just dont really like wearing them. i've got a cupboard full of odd ones.
    lol of course you're not weird.
    (i love doing that, it annoys the shit out of my friends Smiley)
    August 17th, 2007 at 08:42pm
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    lol i dont actually say much in real life unless ive been incredibly antisocial for weeks on end (like at school) and then i see my best friend. then i talk. lots. but i type too much. no hopping on the tube? dammit. never mind.
    not spotty?! i dont think dad has a spotty one actually. hes got a bright yellow one though. hes not allowed to wear it XD.
    clothes shopping....ugh. i dont really care about the clothes. actually, i tell a lie. i wont wear anything that isnt dark blue or black, unless its been deemed worthy by me or im not given any choise (which means i'll never wear it).
    so i hope you ahve a room dedicated to stuffed frogs. my bedroom's usually a complete tip, with much rubbish that i either cant bring myself to throw away or that may (in some unimaginable way) one day actually become useful. socks is a bad topic in our house, cause mum hates sorting them so gets me and luke (my brother) to do it, except we can rarely (as in never) be bothered, so just pair up random ones. i figure that considering the only person who wears socks is mum, it doesnt matter if they're all odd. i wear odd ones when i wear them anyway.
    ah, but then there would be no pockets! i neeeed pockets to continue everyday life. they are good for hiding mars bar wrappers in.
    lol every time you write about yourself and your "business partner" you use a different phrase.
    you have lives. right. lol
    probably not as bad as me. all i do is msn, mibba, read books, listen to music and stare into space.
    the halifax ad? the one with the lady or with whatsername? i cant remember. the dude with glasses. howard or sommat.
    i prefer the lloyds one. the musics addictive. and the T-Mobile one where he reaches through the glass. that rocks.
    anyway. i think this is long enough. tt
    August 15th, 2007 at 02:16am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    oops. i type too much for my own good. i'll shut up now.
    August 13th, 2007 at 05:50pm
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    haha my mum no longer buys clothes unless im actually there with her. which means pretty much no new clothes almost ever 'cause i do everything i can to avoid shopping trips (i hate them with a passion).
    a bow tie.....
    right. wont ask questions
    was it a spotty one?
    3 studded at once. how long did it take to get them all through the loop thingies in the jeans?
    i should imagine that having your legs locked together is not a particuarly comfortable sensation. expecially if you're in public or sommat at the time. lol im having this brilliant image of someone on the tube hopping towards the exit with a belt round their
    sorry again. i dont have enough things in everyday life to take control of my imagination.
    on second thoughts theres this really irritating ping like tinkerbell makes coming out of the computer atm. and unless someone (namely my brother) has stuck something in the disk drive (which i highly doubt) then i have no idea where its coming from. where ever it is its not going to live much longer. i might take your screwdriver to it.
    oops. tend to get slightly carried away. sorry if it takes 4 months to read all that.
    and yes, your point about the overly active imaginations could well be true. i dont think i've ever read a story were beware of the pond weed had been put in the extra information bit.
    August 13th, 2007 at 05:49pm
  • KatieBatieHead

    KatieBatieHead (100)

    nothing really
    August 10th, 2007 at 10:07am
  • A M B R O S I A

    A M B R O S I A (100)

    United States
    Iam Sammeh
    Welcome ot mibba!!!
    August 10th, 2007 at 09:14am
  • ultraviolet;

    ultraviolet; (150)

    United Kingdom
    truly serious. in fact, it went all the way to kenya and then back again
    studded belt lol. my dad would murder me if i even wore it. but apart from that, hes okay.
    you are good writers!
    i like the comment about the pondweed. god knows its dangerous stuff XD
    anyway, im about to be forcibly removed from here and sent upstairs,.
    so. i shall possibly talk to you tomorrow
    August 10th, 2007 at 04:25am
  • Libby!

    Libby! (100)

    United States
    yay!!!!!!!! :D
    I worship the song too!!
    August 10th, 2007 at 04:22am