Dear, Fifteen Year Old Me.

It is kind of surreal to look back several years and see the things I used to write about, the thoughts I had, the concerns, fears and complaints. I haven't logged into this since I was 15 years old and here I am four days shy of turning twenty two, this is almost like a 'dear future me' situation.The craziest part is reading back through all the things that worried, scared and bothered me and...
November 20th, 2016 at 05:13pm

Naruto Cosplay && Sad Times.

My night’s great, I really should be doing my art appraisal task that was due last Friday but I couldn’t bring myself to stop watching Shippunden, call it my latest phase. I got overly excited and inspired and decided to have ago Konan cosplay; just to avoid having to do my appraisal task. I really dislike appraisal tasks; they’re definitely up there with that annoying sound people make when...
July 31st, 2011 at 01:09pm

Fact's, ya dig?

I'm dying of bordem and lack the interest to write a update or a story, a few updated facts since I know your all excited to hear about me - eye roll -• I own a collection of rubber ducks, like seriously.• My nickname is Ducky Butt, lame right?• I'm allergic to the sun.• I adore instrumental songs, classic piano solo’s are my favourite.• I taught myself to draw from studying Disney...
July 27th, 2011 at 11:44am

Bubble Bath's and Redtube? my night is dull.

You know what’s great? Bubble baths best things since slice bread if you ask me. What’s better than bubble bath’s? The drama from girls bitching (excuse me French) about other girls taking photo’s while being in said bubble bath.I’m having a dull night with nothing to do but stare at formal dresses, constantly reblogging on Tumblr and trolling the bubble bath fiends. I guess there’s a...
June 20th, 2011 at 02:52pm

Another little girl with daddy issues

I’ve been missing my Dad a lot lately, I mean I talk to him everyday on the phone since he and my mum split back in 2007 and I get to see him once or twice, maybe even three times a year if I save up enough but the last few months I’ve been feeling like I’ve been replaced or left out in a way.My Dad remarried last year in July, which I didn’t have a problem with I went, gave him away at...
March 8th, 2011 at 09:35am

Madison Piercing and Depressing Weekend.

Well after my long a rather depressing week of soundwave blues, my bestfriend who has had a shitty week also what with her boyfriend being put through the ringer for having sex with some goose looking girl; we got another piercing each.I got my long awaited Madison piercing.I’ve been debating over this one or getting my sternum done once again but I decided to jump in the deep end; I only live...
March 6th, 2011 at 12:47pm

A f*ck off would have been nicer.

I am honestly so let down by my older sister, hell I never would of thought she would so damn selfish but boy was I wrong. Kim, my older sister offered to take me to the soundwave this year as a birthday present; but I had to pay for my own ticket, flights and accommodation which I did simply because I love the bands attending and I thought it was worth every penny.So, I purchased and organized my...
March 4th, 2011 at 06:51am

Cyclone's and Crazy girlfriends? I think so.

Well I haven’t posted a journal since who knows when, so I decided to get off my lazy arse and write one. I don’t particularly have a certain thing to whinge about today so I’ll probably just tell you a few things that I’ve been up to lately.One, I got wiped out by that bitch Yasi. For those who don’t know what that is nor do I know if the television has broadcasted it to other...
February 4th, 2011 at 01:22pm

your quotes, saying and song lyrics. Some help?

I’m doing an Art piece made up of quotes, saying and or lyrics. The main idea of this piece is rather simple but meaningful; I was watching the All American Rejects music video ‘Dirty Little Secret’ the other day and I got the idea to photograph people holding a piece of paper with either a song lyric, quote or saying written on it. It’s going to be part of my study towards Inspiring...
January 22nd, 2011 at 02:27am

Stop saying your not good enough.

I’m so sick of logging on to Facebook and seeing all these status posted by girls I know who are heartbroken over someone “who didn’t care and wasn’t worth a single moment of their time” or whining about how they are “not good enough”. You may not have been good enough for them but you are good enough to be better and more.Learn from things and be the better person, mistakes are...
January 9th, 2011 at 10:43am

Make up in Drag.

I was invited out to a Drag ball for new years and I figured ‘What the hell?’ So I went with it. My mates who were also attending where paying for a professional to do there make up and I was kind of on an edge, I mean I can do my own make up and risk it looking like a raped hooker or I can get it done professionally and it’d be good.I decide against forking out like $40 at the chemist and I...
January 2nd, 2011 at 10:03am

New Year, Dinner Rolls && Piercings.

The year’s almost over here in Australia, a few hours; It doesn’t seem like a new year coming it’s seems like it’s going to be the same as the years before just with a few different experiences. I can’t complain though I’ve had an amazing one with unbelievable experiences, unforgettable people, high moments and low moment’s, better days and excellent ones. The only downside to a new...
December 31st, 2010 at 04:53am

Inspiration should have it's limits.

I brought two of these antique dark wood gothic carved bookcase the other day, I was sceptical about why I would need such a huge bookcase's which I was soon grateful for; I have so many books, magazines and sketch pads.Is it kind of sad that every book in my collection is a biography from all different walks of life such as tattooist, bands, criminals, artists and throw in a few fiction stories....
December 25th, 2010 at 11:16am

nobody should be without on christmas.

I never realized how lonely it must get spending Christmas in the hospital, My grandmother was up here for some treatment thing and the ward she was staying in was filled with old people and the one girl who couldn't have been anymore than fifteen.I felt so guilty because her parent’s weren’t able to be there since all the highways are closed from flooding and what not, I had nothing to feel...
December 25th, 2010 at 07:46am

Beauty Killer.

Mall ratting never get's old I tell you, I love going to the shop and just sitting there on a bench and watching people walk in, out and around. I find my best inspiration watching people interact, it's very interesting. I guess it's on the weird side of things but hey whatever.For example today I was sitting on a bench outside having a smoke when this lady strutted across the parking lot in a...
December 7th, 2010 at 07:57am

the final tattoo design decision.

"One hundred thousand wings soaring through the sky's at intense speed's we can't catch with our eye's"I've been trawling around with idea's on how I could get these lyrics tattooed with out drawing the attention away from the lyrics. I'd considered multiple idea's such as a banner with rose's, just a paragraph with the lyrics and even just having the words tattooed across my upper back.None of...
December 5th, 2010 at 01:40pm

Distasteful Disney.

I am honestly appalled at how commercialized classic Disney and Disney in general has become. I think it's wonderful that they are digitally remastering the classic's but I find it very distasteful that they would try an re-capture the magic of the movies by adding extra features and extend versions.I understand they are trying to make money and advertise Disney and what not, but I'm a little...
December 4th, 2010 at 01:19pm

Deadstar Assembly, please?

This will only be short one, more like a request actually. I've been searching around for a couple of days for a Deadstar Assembly story, slash or not. I can't seem to find any no matter what I search. I've tried searching in story description and search tags nothing seems to pop up.So I was wondering if anybody knew of any, any genre; if they could leave a comment with either the name of the...
December 2nd, 2010 at 02:39pm

Tattoo Designs && Best Mates.

I've had the same design running around and around in my head for the past few weeks, and it was always somewhat of a blurry image so I put pen to paper today and this I is what I came up. It's rather simple, but not too simple you know?It's a little bit of a crude drawing, it was really just a rough draft; I'll probably re-do it and make it neater.I was thinking about getting it running across my...
December 2nd, 2010 at 01:47pm

wake up, brush hair, pull on pants, meet korn.

So you know I figured I'd get of my lazy ass and head down to the shopping center an bug my best friend who works in this little cheap $2 full of knick knack stuff. Her managers pre rad and let's me hang around and I have my own little seat and everything, but that's not my story.She was working the registers and I was just sitting thee ranting about how it is total shit that the Gun N Roses gig...
December 1st, 2010 at 02:57am