Ridahna / Comments

  • July 1st :)
    good I love that song!! :D
    I think the older stuff is really cool for these. :)
    June 3rd, 2010 at 02:33am
  • again, no prob. hope to read from you again some time soon
    June 2nd, 2010 at 11:25pm
  • your choices are..
    Seize The Day- Avenged Sevenfold
    Piano Man- Billy Joel
    Let me know which one you like :))
    June 2nd, 2010 at 09:40pm
  • Yeah, I just got an new vinyl player and with the style of the songs it only seemed fitting to buy it on vinyl :). And well, I'm jealous of you seeing TYV twice already :)! I'm love low-key concerts as well, but living in Belgium I barely get to see the low-key American bands. So I'm definitely jealous of that! Although I might even love the festivals more then concerts :).

    Let's see... Change obviously. I kind of instantly fell in love with it, even though now I like it least. The other girl, which had to grown on me. Still not too fond of the lyrics. Young Veins (Die Tonight), which I like, but I feel like Ryan's voice gets lost in the chorus. And my favorite right now is Cape Town, everything just seems to fit in that one :).
    June 2nd, 2010 at 07:18pm
  • hey, i really hope you do one from ryan's POV (dear Brendon...) and i enjoyed reading your stories so no prob!
    June 2nd, 2010 at 05:14pm
  • Take A Vacation you mean? I preordered the vinyl beginning of last month (dude, I can't believe it's June already, what happened to the rest of May?!). I'm basically checking Amazon each day, even though I know it won't be shipped before the 8th.
    I'm really excited as well, though mostly curious. I have a bit of mixed feelings about the songs I heard so far. Which are four, because I refuse to listen to the rest of it until I get the album xD.
    June 1st, 2010 at 10:41pm
  • Thanks for the heads up! I already have both Bang and Howl, but the link will definitely come in handy later :).
    Btw, if you want to get a physical copy of Bang, you can just buy it at their site (weareempires.com). I'm thinking of doing that myself, whenever I have the money (right now I'm still waiting for Take A Vacation to arrive though...).
    June 1st, 2010 at 10:13pm
  • Haha. I'm pretty sure it's real because I've seen others like it. But I have no idea where the hell it's from but I laughed for about ten minutes straight after seeing it. x]

    I'm too lazy to find a link, but if you go to tinypic.com and type in "ryan Ross" it's on like the first page. x]
    June 1st, 2010 at 03:54am
  • You're welcome. =]

    And also, thank you. I had fun creating it. x] Especially finding all the awesome amazingly beautiful pictures. (Like brendon molesting Ryan AND the sandwhich. ;])

    Hehe, I will also always love Brendon's apple bottom. :3
    May 31st, 2010 at 10:13pm
  • BAHAHAHAHAHA! "they had hot hot, raging, ohmygod iloveyou sex" That made me LAUGH.
    Thanks :-]]
    May 31st, 2010 at 08:58pm
  • Gee*, thanks for the constructive criticism! I know there;s so much I can improve with my writing, but no one ever seems to point it out. Don't get me wrong, I love compliments too (wink, wink).

    Yeah, the story is going to focus a lot more on his relationship with his mother than most fics seem to do with the father.

    And ofcourse, thanks for the comment :D

    *Um, by the way, I don't actually use the word "gee" I just type different to how I talk hehehe...
    May 31st, 2010 at 02:23am
  • Thank you soooooo much for the comments!!!!! I really appreciate it :-]]
    And, could you tell me where else I use 'like rabbits'? I don't remember... Thanks for pointing that out, by the way XD
    May 25th, 2010 at 03:37am
  • I'll send you a message with the pre-sex chapter (in Bdens POV) and you can message me back with the sex chapter (in Ryan's POV) if you agree, that is.

    Thank you!
    May 23rd, 2010 at 01:12pm
  • Aw, you sound shy,hun. Don't worry. Shy people are like me who blush when they read/type the word 'dick'.

    The sex scene I'm after isn't actually for Corruption, though. You're okay with that, right? Well I'll just give you a basic sketch of the storyline/plot:

    Three years in the future, TYV and Panic! are going on tour together. Brendon is openly dating, YES openly dating, as in all the fans know and write shitloads of fanfiction about it, the guitarist Jake. Ryan was kind of a total mess. Very promiscuous, started cutting, smoking, doing drugs and whatnot. He tries to clean his act up when he hears he's meeting Brendon again cause he wants to be better than him. This is pretty much what happens:

    - Brendon has a dream about Ryan (not that kinda dream you perv!) then Spencer wakes him up.
    - Ryan is vomiting, Jon tries to make him presentable and fails. Then tells him about a tour where the whole of Decaydance/FBR will be, that means Panic! obiously. Ryan cleans himself up.
    - Brendon is in bed with Jake and phones Spencer, who tells him they'll be on a tour with Ryan and he, lyk, totally faints.
    - Brendon has a flashback.
    - First day of the FBR tour and Ryan sees Jake and Brendon together, He goes back to the bus with Billiam.
    - The next morning Brendon and Spencer go to visit Jon and Ryan. Brendon sees William in Ryan's bed and Ryan in a towel. He puts 2 and 2 together.
    - Jon and Ryan argue.
    - Spencer and Brendon argue.
    - The four of them return to Panic! bus.
    - Ryan realises Brendon and Jake are together and the guy last night wasn't just some trick so he runs out and fucks Billiam again. Poor sore assed Billiam.
    - Ryan and Jon talk with Spencer and Brendon. Ryan and Brendon act bitterly towards each other, so Spencer and Jon push them inside a cupboard to talk. This solves nothing and they start a fist fight, which, surprisingly, Ryan wins by giving Bden a nosebleed.
    - Jon and Spencer start keeping them away from each other.
    - Jake gets suspicious about what Ryan means to Brendon (he is kinda slow) then they fight.
    - Ryan sees Brendon is upset and talks to Jake, telling him that yes, they had a relationship, no, they now mean nothing to each other. LIE LIE LIE.
    - Jake becomes addicted to reading fanfiction after this. He does tell Brendon, upon Ryan's request, that Ryan spoke to him and everyone is happy again! Except Ryan, who's still angsty.
    - Brendon goes to TYV's bus in search of Spencer. Ryan is the only one there and they have a huge fight, but when Ryan goes to punch him, they end up kissing. Go into bunk room, make out.
    and bla bla bla...

    So, you up for it?
    May 23rd, 2010 at 01:10pm