The truth.

I wish I could write the most amazing journal about loads of exciting and intricate and delicate and special parts about life. I wish I could write about true love and rainbows and happiness. I wish I could write about the good in the world, the perfection and all of the beauty. I wish I didnt need to just pretend everything was okay. I wish I wasn't scared, looking over my shoulder ALL of the...
March 27th, 2011 at 07:25pm

I have the cure.

Today I was reading the "Six Billion Secrets" website thing. If you've never heard of it, I'll post a link on the end of the entry.It's part of the "Give Me Hope" network... and reading through all those secrets and everything else everyone posted has filled me with so much faith in humanity.I live in a place where nobody can be accepted, and because of this it has evolved into one big mass...
August 10th, 2010 at 05:52pm

A great man left my life today. [couple questions.]

Kirsty,You are a pupil I will always remember. It's been great to see you develop over the years. I'm glad you share my enthusiasm for books and music. I wish I could write with your flair. Good luck fo the future. Keep gigging!"My English teacher of four years has officially left my life today. He is going to teach at another school, as I'm guessing he doesnt want to be stuck in tin cans for the...
June 21st, 2010 at 06:20pm

147 days, 22 hours and 31 minutes into the year 2010/Questions

On the very first day of this year I posted a journal about how I wasn't ready for the year 2010.It has been a very eventful 147 days, let me tell you. I am absolutely knackered of hearing about things I need to do, exams I need to sit. To be completely and totally honest with you I truly have turned into something that right at this moment in time, I'm not too sure I'm happy about. My life isn't...
May 28th, 2010 at 11:44pm

I seriously need band recommendations - whats happening to the Industry?

It has been absolutely forever and a day since I was on Mibba - but the truth is I have been totally swamped recently and really havent had time for much internet. Got two weeks off for Easter break, and I truly need to rant. Couldn't think of anywhere better to come.So I realised the other day as I was leisurely strolling through iTunes that music these days is complete and utter piss. What is...
April 11th, 2010 at 11:46pm

Escapism - how do you plead?

I have decided what I want to do when I leave school. I'm not scared anymore because I know.Music Journalism.It was staring me in the face all along, I suppose. It got me thinking though.When I'm sad or feeling lonely or upset or anything I know all I need to do is click Shuffle on my iPod, or pick up my favourite book or start writing, or read up on some famous philosophers or just start writing....
February 12th, 2010 at 10:49pm

29 days, 20 hours and 16 minutes. Hello, social rejection.

At this moment in time we are 29 days, 20 hours and 49 minutes into 2010.--Topic one of my journal is a small rant. Please ignore if you want the meaningful stuff.Recently I've been trying to figure out a lot of things. I thought I had it all right, who I was, who my friends were, school, who I wanted to be, WHAT I wanted to be. And I realised that I've been getting it all wrong.I've been so...
January 29th, 2010 at 10:16pm

Anyone else feel like they just weren't ready for 2010 yet?

Last night I went to my best friends for the bells. But all I wanted to do was stay at home and cry and feel sorry for myself because I know that things are gonna change this year, and the prospect of everything changing again scares me to death when I just got used to 2009 the start of last month, and I was really enjoying it.This year a lot of things happened and it made me realise a lot of...
January 1st, 2010 at 02:46pm

The Great Depression of Mibba.

i think this is important; this isnt silly spam; it isnt lies.i think this is actually important.where has happiness all gone in the mibba of today? or rather, the internet of today. everything is all gloomy and depressing.i said to someone today, how happy i was.(15:21) KIRSTY! (: : all i want for christmas is happiness(15:21) KIRSTY! (: : tbh.(15:22) Jadэykinz__!! ;]: what alot opf...
July 6th, 2008 at 04:46pm