Documentation Of My Eating Disorder

I just felt like documenting this somewhere... and everyone on here are strangers so I wanted to do it here. OKAY, so it started like this: In seventh grade my female harmones started to rage... meaning I started to really like guys. But, I was fat as fuck. That just wouldn't do. I HAD to loose weight. So I cut back on a lot of food. I went from having breakfast, a lunch that consisted of a...
June 1st, 2012 at 03:59am

Why doesn't perfect exist for me?

Like normal teenagers, I'm really stressed right now. I feel this undying need to be perfect. I never felt this way before. I'm in my sophomore year in high school. It feels like my whole world is changing. Like, in a way I'm maturing.During freshman year, I honestly could not care less about my grades, what I looked like, or how I acted. This year, one day, it feels like someday all of the sudden...
November 18th, 2011 at 01:43am