coast rider / Comments

  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I would too, so no worries. I'd never subject people to sex scenes.

    I am doing pretty much nothing whatsoever! What are you doing?

    Well I told him about the arguement I had with Andy next week and then asked him how things in that department were working for him. Then I asked who this person was and he said me. I had a feeling it was me. I was writing that last comment and almost said something, but I didn't know for sure then :p
    August 2nd, 2011 at 09:50pm
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Yeah, no... that's too gross for me. I would not subject myself to having to write that bit out.

    I GOT MY GLASSES TODAY :D so that's exciting!

    Originally I wrote it in Adelle's perspective and I couldn't think of an ending for Chris' perspective... so I just used hers :P

    HAHAHAHAHA Good, I'm glad you approve. It's very important that I get support, especially after what I just wrote.
    August 2nd, 2011 at 08:08am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Yay!! Cool, thanks! hahaha yeah, maybe! I just think I'm done with peoples' bullshit.

    Go for it, it's really good if you're brain dead xD

    No comprenda your question... I'm like a saint child, don't you already know that? I never go out or do stupid stuff. hahahaha I will try that one night! That would actually be fun!

    haha it'll be the same way for me. I'll be like "Well I feel so fucking left out, now I'm gonna go fix that!"

    She wants me to get a job. As far as I'm concerned I can't get a job until I have a license, and that could be a while.

    That sounds kinda lame... Well yesterday I spent the day with Isabella and now I'm sitting on my computer. My mom got a new monitor for her computer, so I got her old one. It's fucking giant D:
    July 29th, 2011 at 07:37pm
  • city lights;

    city lights; (100)

    United States
    Both are equally boring. I can't watch sports on TV and the news, as important as it is, I can't watch. Not only is it depressing but it's kind of boring too. I thought that when I was twenty years old I would be able to watch the news but I guess not.

    The thing about recording stuff on the living room TV is that someone can easily stop the recording. Not even kidding. I went out there last night to watch the saved episodes of Falling Skies that I had to watch and when I got to the one that was on just this last Sunday, I found that someone stopped the recording after 42 minutes. D:< I was NOT happy. I don't know who did it but whoever it is, they're just lucky that the show will be on again on Saturday night, so I'll be sure to watch that.

    The bag is the only usable item that I've made.

    Storms blow when your shows are on. -_____-

    Do you watch Project Runway? It premiered last night and I was soo excited, haha. I like Olivier, because he has some cool designs, an awesome British (I think) accent, and he's just so cute. I want to give him a hug or something. :D
    July 29th, 2011 at 06:55pm
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    haha I think that's the point of getting a new wall though, it won't look the same. You can put up things that more resemble you at that moment. When I started my wall, I had so many depressing things on it, now it's not like that. I've got pictures and things that remind me of stuff. It's just more self expression than anything. haha okay! I don't know how full it was when you saw it last, but it's started to go upwards on both sides of my window. I'm sure your new wall will look great!

    Yes, little notes with things on them, some of them were things people would say, others are just objects and so on. The one I picked to write the tattoo story was "Very first tattoo." so... yep.

    I was confused too... I thought you meant your family up there was really protective. Yeah, my parents are always worried, but they are not as bad as Moira and her children. She is CONSTANTLY calling and asking where they are and what they're doing. But still, I'm 3 weeks away from being 16, I'm not going to go do something TOTALLY reckless. My dad always says I don't have to sneak out, I can just use the front door. I suppose that's nice... but he'd probably want to know where I was going and whatnot.

    haha well that's what you get for being adventurous before me xD

    I havent seen that movie in forever! I've been watching all of the movies in my house this summer... But I never really pay attention to them anymore.

    No... I sat on my computer and read. I also ate lunch with my mom which was awkward because she was nagging me about something I don't even remember anymore, so I told her to leave me alone. It probably had something to do with school or working. Now that I think of it, I think it was about getting a job... What else did you do today!?
    July 27th, 2011 at 04:06am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I forgot to answer your questions about my wall! D: I took down my wall because there was so much tape and everything was stuck together. I saw Charlie McDonnell's video about his wall and I thought I should hang everything differently. Also, I wanted to take some stuff down that I didn't need. You can have your wall back as soon as you move, right!? hahahahaha I've got a box of stuff that needs to go on my wall xD There's like... four or five things on my wall from you! You can make me something if you'd like! :D

    Well I made all the inspirational things myself, and just found this cool container thing in my house!

    Why would they ask so many questions? Really? They're afraid you're going to do something bad?

    No I haven't smoked before. I've heard after you smoke a couple of times the taste doesn't bother you as much. hahaha a moose, really?

    Well that sucks. I don't think I've ever had raisin bread!

    I've been a lazy bum for 2/3 of my summer! I'm just bored now... That was sweet of your mom!
    July 26th, 2011 at 11:19pm
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I felt the need to write you back immediately for what you said at the bottom!

    Well my mom explained it as they ordered me a new pair and they were going to pop the lenses out of the pair that broke. So a new pair. Yes, but that's because I was bored as fuck and went to my inspiration jar. Thank you :) Definitely not, I would like it on my forearm! I just found the picture and thought it'd be more accurate if I said shoulder.

    I actually feel sort of good. That probably not a good thing to feel, but fuck it. I waited around for almost two years, and so he lost his chance. It doesn't bother me that he's not in my life.

    YES, for the first time! I know... but it was still good! hahaha fine! I won't become a hermit! I would've been beyond pissed at your aunt for saying something like that. I probably would've thrown something at her.

    Yeah, I think experiences are good, but you've still got enough experience to give people advice.

    THERE'S NO BOARDWALK?!?! That's crazy. I'm never going there! I asked my parents if I could go on a roadtrip this summer and it was crazy, they were firing off questions left and right.

    That's ridiculous, no one spends that kind of money on jeans! But I suppose you need them since you always say you have no jeans to wear! OKAY HERE'S THE BUSINESS THAT MADE ME REPLY QUICKLY! like... cigarettes or weed? I think that is a good experience! What'd you think of it?

    Why are you alone in her house? Why haven't you gone to find the half naked boy? See... these are the important questions in life! You bake bread with your grandma? That's so cool... my grandma doesn't let us make anything in her kitchen!

    Well, I didn't get up until 11:30 because I was in one of those moods where I could sleep forever. I've been on my computer for half an hour. That's pretty much all I've done today. I put my contacts in because I don't wanna hurt my eyes anymore... but my eyes are like... throbbing or something. It feels amazing to have them closed.

    What'd you do today!?
    July 26th, 2011 at 08:24pm
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    My eyes hurt like fuck, but:
    July 26th, 2011 at 08:30am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I know, it was terrible, but I'm getting my new pair hopefully at the end of this week. DON'T GIVE UP, I'LL SHANK YOU IF YOU DO! Muahahaha you're not allowed to give up on this one!broke my laptop today too... so writing outside will be a negatory.

    AANNNDDDDD Andy decided to text me today, and we got into an arguement, I basically said that he had disappeared from my life for the last couple of weeks and he was like "I was in Utah for the past two weeks and didn't have service for half of it. Sorry I didn't tell you where I was or anything." and after calling me strange and he was confused by me I said this, word for word. "I know that. I realized I shouldn't care too much about people who don't give a damn about me. So I stopped being curious about what was going on in your life." I just hope that I got it through his head that I really don't want to be hurt anymore, and therefore he won't be in my life. Or something like that anyways. Thoughts?

    Because that was the first time I've ever had cooked Ramen! I didn't make it though... I was too lazy. Justice made it. Carol is your... aunt? That's kind of... gross honestly. NO, but I can buy one at the store before becoming a hermit and then wearing it while I'm playing one! It'll be like I'm a character a strange play!

    Hey, I'm having a hard time remembering what the fricken month is... hahaha you're welcome :D

    Well... I don't HEAR you... but yes, 5 days. I understand!

    D: I'd be like "Excuse me? Don't call me a bitch, you don't even know me." That's so stupid. I'd be so pissed off, having space and a big room is never a bad thing.

    You watch a lot of tv though... and I think you channel me sometimes. You just happen to channel the advice that's actually useful and good!

    I took down my wall last night... it took me FOREVER to get most of the things down and taken apart from each other. And then I put some stuff back up, it's almost complete now, there's still a gap at the bottom though :P

    I really want to go to California. REALLY fucking bad. I want ice cream on a boardwalk, and longboarding along the beach. jasldkjfelaj :( I wanna leave this place so bad, it's ridiculous.
    July 26th, 2011 at 04:21am
  • city lights;

    city lights; (100)

    United States
    I'm not even out of town and I still have this weeks and last weeks to watch. Someone always seem to be in the living room though, where the DVR is. Grr. >.<

    I actually haven't heard of some of those shows you named, haha.

    I don't really do much. I spend some time on the computer, writing and such, and maybe I'll go somewhere with my sister, like the mall or someplace else that sounds fun but when you get there it really isn't. I like pretending I'm really creative too by trying to make stuff out of clothes I don't wear and the like. They're my little projects.

    OHH, DR. SEXY IS ON RIGHT NOW ON TNT!!! Haha, I'm glad I turned the channel. YEAH. I like this episode of Supernatural. :DDDDD
    July 25th, 2011 at 05:18pm
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Yeah, it's only four chapters in right now. I haven't really written anything. My eyes hurt like a bitch because I have to wear my old glasses. My new ones broke last night. I was already upset yesterday and then I went to fold them to go to sleep and the right bendy side thing snapped. I cried, that's how upset I was. Anyways, I'll try and write something. Have you written anything? Yeah EXACTLY, which is why I made Adelle leave, sometimes sad things need to happen.

    Yeah, I know. It was weird like... two days after they broke up was when he and I hung out and I HAD COOKED RAMEN. but anyways, he was just mentioning their relationship and stuff. Hermits are cool though!

    hahaha yes, Zach Bowler. Is her boyfriend nice? Or is he like Zach? hahaha that's pretty funny though! I love calling a guy pretty, it's just better than saying 'hot'. Ehh that sucks, I'm sorry! Sleep is always a wonderful and sacred thing.

    I KNOW RIGHT!? I was pissed. Honey, we start on the 9th... the freshmen start on the 8th for Freshmen Day. hahaha suckers. We start on Tuesday, August 9th.

    I don't even know what today is... but I hope that's soon!
    July 25th, 2011 at 01:43am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Well... I dunno! Meh, alright. I wrote a chapter of the other story I'm reworking, and I'm working on another right now. Hopefully I will have the next two chapters of that story out this weekend. BUT SHE CAN'T DIE!!! D:

    No, they broke up like... a week or so ago. Justice was getting annoyed with her, plus he doesn't really like the responsibility of being with someone. He's like me in that respect I think... OKAY, I was suppose to go camping for real this weekend, but my mom got hurt last weekend and she felt like crap today. So she called me and was like "We're not going camping this weekend." So that crisis has been averted! I've only been camping once this year so far... I talked to him for a good portion of today! That sounds like fun though! You just want to sleep? really?

    Yes, I agree! I won't be able to do anything the weekend before school though... did I tell you my mother is making me go camping that weekend? GRRRR.

    I spent like... 3 months on it and I forgot about a lot of the earlier stuff. Plus I don't always WATCH it, more listen to the stuff that's being said.

    When do you come home?
    July 23rd, 2011 at 06:10am
  • city lights;

    city lights; (100)

    United States
    Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Family Guy (love it, haha), Switched at Birth is pretty cool, and most recently I like Falling Skies. It just started, but it looks really promising. I used to watch Fringe, but I kind of stopped for some reason. I think school was making me forget about the new episodes or something. That 70's Show I love. I am always watching that, even if I've seen the episode multiple times already.

    How about you? Would we get along if we were stuck in a room with a TV or would I have to shove you into a wall? :D
    July 23rd, 2011 at 01:31am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I started writing the next chapter... but so far it sucks. I normally say they suck, but this one is SO bad that I'll probably just skip it and write Adelle's chapter instead. Don't kill her because that would be tragic! If she does die though can she get into a car crash or something? No, I know nothing of this Adam and Eve plot...

    hahaha what is this Winnie the Pooh about? Yeah, I suppose we all do if we want to make changes.

    Well, I just don't want to hang out with Justice. He wanted to hang out again today. He was like "Do you wanna go see a movie with me and Gabe?" and I told him that I'm going camping this weekend and I'd have to go before 5. Then he was like "Gabe can't go blah blah blah. Would you want to go if it was just me and you?" UGHHHHH so I made up an excuse. I shant be going to any movies today! Fuse is a music channel on TV! It's like MTV before MTV got all fucked up with reality shows.

    My life is so boring... I think I'm going to go watch some LOST. Bye-bye!
    July 22nd, 2011 at 09:36pm
  • city lights;

    city lights; (100)

    United States
    Haha, oh yeah, that ones funny.

    I don't think I really have one favorite episode. They all have those lines or scenes that just have me laughing. Like in the on that was on this morning. The little kid is the anti-christ and whatever he believes is true, so they took a buzzer to this ham and it completely cooked it. Dean just continues to eat it throughout the episode. And then there's that Christmas one with the Pagan gods and Sam tells him that Christmas is actually influenced by a lot of Pagan rituals. Next thing you're going to tell me the Easter bunny is Jewish, Deans says. Funny. :D
    July 22nd, 2011 at 07:38pm
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Even if I did make it go longer, it'd just be useless because the story will end up a certain way anyways. D: Abigail dies!?!?!

    Well that's good! It's good you guys got along! Now you know you'll be fine in another school, right?

    ehhhh I will when school starts. I don't wanna hang out with anyone right now. I'll switch with you! I don't have the patience to read right now... so I'm watching Fuse.
    July 21st, 2011 at 10:20pm
  • city lights;

    city lights; (100)

    United States
    Yeah, same here. They're still funny, so I still watch them. :D

    You're going to love the sixth season. So AWESOME. A lot of blam! and kapow! awesomeness. Yep. Oh they shoul definetly have more strong women in the show. Bella was cool. She was annoying but she was cool. Haha, I liked when she first appeared on the show, with the bad luck. That one was funny and she shoots Sam. "What the hell's the matter with you! You don't just go around shooting people. " Ha. Dean. :D
    July 21st, 2011 at 10:08pm
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I haven't really thought about it... I don't know what I want to happen. I'm sort of in a mental rut right now, and I'm sort of upset at the fact that the story is coming to an end.

    That's a weird dream... but you know that I just want you to be happy at whatever school you choose. I can't force you to stay at some place you hate.

    It's alright. Justice is being a creep because he is constantly asking if I want to hang out. I haven't really talked to Andy because he's been busy. I honestly haven't done much. How's life for you?
    July 21st, 2011 at 03:37am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I wrote another chapter. It makes me feel like I need to look at vintage/ old looking photos on Tumblr, why? I have no idea, but I'm kind of... I dunno, there's a part of me that really enjoys the chapter, and another (smaller) part of me is sad because of it. aldjfeajdfjealjk
    July 19th, 2011 at 06:34am
  • city lights;

    city lights; (100)

    United States
    I used to do that but then I basically watched each episode more than enough times. They reach the end and then start all over at the beginning again. It's good for people that want to get caught up with the series. c:

    They need to start it soon. I'm impatient. :| Haha, yeah, Cass seemed a bit power hungry at the end of last season with the whole God thing. I can't imagine him not being in the new season with that in mind. I hope he is.
    July 19th, 2011 at 12:45am