coast rider / Comments

  • Painter's Dream

    Painter's Dream (200)

    United States
    I love you too :D
    And yes a long carrot (;

    I'm glad I made your day <333
    If you ever need some cheering up, just call me up ;D

    I'm Snow (:
    June 28th, 2011 at 05:58am
  • colorful language

    colorful language (100)

    United States
    Yeah no it's actually a pretty decent show. I actually like Stiles, he's adorable and it's like funny to watch him 'cause he has that like awkwardness to him, you know what I mean?

    And my week was good :) Went to the beach, hung out with friends, and I've been packing because we're going to Florida on Saturday to visit family and then we're bringing my best friend who moved to Florida last year home for a few days :)
    June 28th, 2011 at 05:55am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Yes, me too.

    Uhhh no, not really. I mean, I decided that I'm not to keen on the idea of getting hurt again, so THEREFORE! I shant be doing going on with his shenanigans. I just have to tell him that.

    Yes, I have gone back. It should be a bit better than it was. I KNOW, it's like: "Who did you fuck to get that many subscribers?" Or you know... they're story whoring.

    That is a good goal! It probably hurts because it's constantly being tense while doing sit ups. Invent something? Like a neck brace?

    It was raining earlier, but it stopped a while ago. I wish it was raining though. I love writing in that type of weather too, it's perfect!
    June 28th, 2011 at 03:23am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I can't! I've been exiled to the house for 4 days... my dad is out of town on business!

    I guess that was a side note, he wasn't the reason. I just felt really terrible, like sick to my stomach. I brought it up, I asked him if he deserved another chance and he said no.

    I shall go read your chapter after this! Yes, I agree.

    Yes, see! I thought so too, it really does help I think.

    Aaa that sounds like fun. I swear you're actually working out, not just talking about it! That's great!

    I don't know either, because they have no lives anyways? I've only seen parts of that season.

    hahaha well... I thought I could try and get you to enjoy math, but that didn't work... xD
    June 28th, 2011 at 12:18am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Buy some random dino chicken nuggets? Yes... because I have my license! If I did have my license, I'd probably just leave town.

    I just feel like shit right now. So this whole Andy thing doesn't particularily matter. He doesn't think he deserves another chance, so I'm EXTREMELY hesitant to give him one. I miss him as my friend, not even as anything more, But seriously, fuck it. I'm going up to bed when I'm done writing you, and I'm going to sleep it all off.

    No that totally makes sense to me! I know exactly what that's like, it's happened to me multiple times. But then something always ruins it. That quote was my religion for quite some time, and then I stopped remembering it. It really do love that quote though!

    Tell me when a new chapter is out! I was writing a bit of the next chapter for sunflower, but it makes Adelle sound a bit bitter, so I'm just gonna stop for a while.

    I was just in a good mood, like nothing could get to me. And I still feel that a little bit, but definitely not like yesterday. I think it's that I'm done trying to give a fuck about what people think of me because it's honestly not worth the hassle. I'm sick of waiting around for someone to care about me, it's time for me to care about myself for once.

    How was your day?

    I'm kind of glad Jackie Evancho didn't win America's Got Talent, but she's really got a talent that's hard to come by.

    They made a formula? Where the hell did you find that in the first place?!? Is it going to help you become better at math? xD
    June 27th, 2011 at 05:17am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I do not remember that whatsoever!

    Okie dokie, then make a banner!

    Yes, I suppose I do. but if you want to accomplish anything, it's got to happen.

    Yeah, you're totally right. I know I could live without him in my life, but maybe I WANT him there, does that make sense? It's just that I'm so comfortable with him around, which is really weird because I don't even like people in the first place. I need to talk to him about what's going on in my head. I shouldn't have something I don't need...

    I don't like oranges anyways! Only clementines xD hahahaha that's hilarious, she really wrote that? I always pull it apart from the outside, so it's not a big deal. But geez... a vagina? she couldn't have said anything else?!?!

    Yeah, exactly. I think he's just super upset and pissed off that he basically came down to see me and didn't see me at all. But I dunno, I got over it after venting to you. So thanks, I didn't end up laying in bed crying, but I feel like doing that now. I don't have anything to cry about though because I'm happy. Weird, but true!

    How was your day?
    June 26th, 2011 at 01:42am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I haven't noticed a difference, but I haven't had dino nuggets since I was like... 9

    Which one is easiest on you?

    That's okay! We'll have plenty of space for the game... that's in a box.

    haha that sounds like a good plan to me!

    Eh, depends on who I'm with. It's called 'breaking you of your shell'! Plus, you'll regret not doing those things some day.

    The whole Andy thing is making me think like... what if being together could work? What if, what if, what if... GAH!

    That's nice, sleeping in is a wonderful thing!

    What did they say about oranges??

    I got into a fight with Zac Castleman. I don't have time to see him while he's down here and we started fighting about how "Kelly, Collin, and Sadie" all took time to see him, but I couldn't. I don't know why, but I feel like he and I are strangers... and somehow I'm like, holding back tears. I don't even think I'm crying because of him, but just because of everything that's happened today. It's too fucking much.
    June 25th, 2011 at 05:08am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Well yes... but i didn't write in my jounal at all. I wrote in a normal notebook.

    Ohhh that's interesting. Does it make eating them more fun or something?

    Oh. well... I don't know how to make banners... that's far too much work for me. And I'm not creative whatsoever. I don't know what I'm talking about! D:

    OR I could just wait until you bring it with! Then there is less work for me!

    Well you didn't tell me that! It's a good thing, Fridays are the best days to have off!

    OHHHHH that's cute!

    Hey now... you can do anything you want. I mean, age is really only just a number, as cliche as that is. I'd go crazy and do all the stuff I want to do, but I'm such an introvert that I can't get past my own mind.

    Well... I pretty much hung out with Andy all day, he left at 2. But FOR FUCKS SAKE. He avoided the whole point of why he was here and said that it was "uneeded" to tell me. And I heard him mumbling something like "if she says no." so... now I'm texting him and he said that he feels like a complete ass because of the last time we hung out and 'believe it or not, I really like you.' yeah. I NEED YOUR HELP adjfladjwjafljea (I can't figure out the face for how I'm feeling.)

    Anyways, what'd you do today!?
    June 24th, 2011 at 10:11pm
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    I laughed about it inwardly as I wrote it down on the plane. Yeah, I suppose. I don't think I'm afraid of getting hurt because I know nothing is even worth it.

    That's quite strange! Do you not like chicken nuggets or something!?

    D: What's the difference between a banner and a layout!? I know I'm lazy :3

    What the hell is 'Scribbles'?

    Wait... you're not working today?

    I have a lot of questions this morning... I just noticed that. What is the waterfall braid?

    haha ohhhh I see, that kind of makes sense. But shouldn't you like... live the way you want and then make Hollywood model a TV show after you!?
    June 24th, 2011 at 05:41pm
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Did I tell you about the dream I had with him in it?!?!?!? I guess I totally forgot. But anyways, I fell asleep on the plane coming home and basically, I had this dream where I was crying and Andy turned around and was like "Does no one else see this!?" and so he talked to me, and after a while, he asked me if we could be together and I said no. Then I woke up. Thanks, that makes me feel better about this situation. I don't think being sucked back into his games is even on my priorities list.

    Your layouts are really good though. AND I'm lazy... I thought you knew that! xD

    Yes, we are infinitely cooler than them. I agree! I'll bring... stuff. What that 'stuff' is, I do not know.

    Exactly. It'd be terrible, and you'd probably end up hating like... Apple pie this time.

    I know I'm lazy... but I went out and ran yesterday morning... at 6:30! I think I've gone running this summer more than I've run in my entire life. Alright, I can paint you a blob!

    I could try! Other options like...?

    Why do you think that? Do you say the same things or something?
    June 24th, 2011 at 08:03am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    that's true, you're right. I do care a little bit. It's the curiousity that's getting to me... but the feeling isn't as bad as I thought it would be. aaa that's a good idea, I have the stuff I've already written, but in the story the ending is happy. I am going to make it more similar to real life. But yeah, I'll probably see if he's up for talking to me tomorrow.

    I know how to make a story layout xD I'm just extremely lazy, which is why they all look the same.YAY!

    Yes ma'am! Yes to that question as well... but god I hope they're not going to drive me crazy, I haven't seen them in a while, so that's a big possibility. I don't know... my mom has to work until noon that Friday she has just informed us. So we'll have the morning to do stuff here.

    :D I don't know how to make pie though :(

    Dance dance dance! I actually really love dancing, although I'm terrible at it! Read a book? really... I walked into my mom's office and was like "I'm SO bored. I need suggestions." and that's the first thing she said. But I don't wanna read! Even though I have two library books (and two books of mine that I'm reading too.) I need a cool hobby... like painting or skating or something.

    hahahaha nice... it's a good thing you didn't punch her, you wouldn't have gotten any money!

    I keep french braiding my hair... but some of it is so short that it falls out. I seriously cannot wait until my hair grows out.
    June 24th, 2011 at 03:56am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Wow... that's just sad! They're your BROTHERS... xD

    So after he said that I asked why and he said 'it seems lke it should be said in person.' M: 'alright, fine. when?' A: 'When do you want?' M: 'I don't really care.' and he hasn't texted me back. Yes, exactly. I just don't want my emotions of this situation to affect what the story should convey at this moment. Because I feel like if I write something, it'll be... angry or something.

    Just the picture I sent you through PM!

    Camper, we moved it to the storage place, so my dad won't freak out and call of the trip this time. OH bring your swimsuit! We will probably tube down the river or something. Should we come get you?

    Yes we could! But what...?

    hahaha good! And you didn't kill anyone I presume...? What do you think of driving so far?

    My day... it was extremely boring. But somehow, it was nice as well. Later today, I'll be super bored though. I need to get a hobby. How was your day?
    June 24th, 2011 at 02:57am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Aaa well then it wasn't as big of a deal as you made it seem!

    Yes, I know. It totally fucking sucks sometimes. I'm like "dad, you're old, please start acting your age." That's true...

    Dude, I'm impressed xD YOU DON'T KNOW THEIR BIRTHDAYS!? Shame on you!

    Thanks :) I'm going to have to put the revising/writing that story on hold though. I woke up this afternoon (I woke up at one...) and I had a text from Andy. He said that he needed to talk to me, and so I said, 'okay, go for it.' and he said 'it should probably be in person.' I'm not nervous or anything, nor do I really care what he has to say. But I don't really want to think about writing a story that involves him when he wants to talk to me... does that make sense? Maybe I'll write anyways... I'll think about it.

    No, no need to worry! I just like the feeling when the plane drops and rises and your stomach follows. It's like a roller coaster. I like the taking off part of flying, but hate landing. I'm strange...

    You're welcome! okay cool, thanks! You could just make me a new layout instead, if you'd prefer that!

    Yes, that is what I wanted. It was lovely. I came downstairs in my shorts and tank top and was like "Oh look, two of my favorite people are here!" and I apparently looked 'cute' being barefoot in shorts and a tank top. Weirdos... Yes, it was much better than sleeping!

    Okie dokie! We've just got to figure out if we need to come get you and such. We have a sleeping bag and pillows for you I'm pretty sure.

    Not a single one! my dad is leaving town for business tomorrow though. Do you?
    June 23rd, 2011 at 10:25pm
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Oh, lame. I guess I didn't really miss out on anything.

    :D You're very welcome!

    Yeah... I was pretty surprised too. My dad was like "Wanna take shots together?" and I was like "Hell yeah!" so it was fun.

    Oh yeah? What's the date of my birthday? xD

    I posted it.

    Yes, it was quite scary, and every time the plane shook, I was like "WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" but after a while, I found it comforting.

    That's a pretty cool banner!

    I hung out with Justice and Gabe this afternoon. It was weird, I was asleep in my room and they rang the doorbell. My mom came into my room and was like "There are two boys outside for you." and I could kind of guess who it was, but it was still awesome. We went to the festival at the park, but that was lame.
    June 23rd, 2011 at 05:19am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    That doesn't really make sense...

    Yes. The waitress was filling up my glass and my mom was like "Stop there." and I wanted to slap her and be like, "Hey, this is my body. I want to drink an entire glass, bitch." but I didn't. The glass was almost full anyways. I had two shots of 'fire water', but tasted like vodka. And some wine... which was quite disgusting.

    hahaha yeah, that must totally suck. But that's what the weekends are for!

    D: Do you not remember my birthday!? again... I am suppose to get it in August.

    hehe yes, I know. I'm awful at trying to attain patience.

    hahaha nice, but she was sitting right there... so I couldn't make an excuse, so I just did it. :P

    MEH. I will... tomorrow or something because it's late now. I like it so far, but I also haven't seen it in two weeks. OOHHHHHHHH I totally forgot to tell you... I had this crazy paranoia that I was going to die in a plane crash on this trip... and on the first flight I took... the pilots name was KWON. And I saw a girl that looked like Kate. And everyone in China looked like Sun and Jin. I was FREAKING OUT.

    A banner!? For whom? Wanna make me one!? please!!! :D
    June 22nd, 2011 at 06:36am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    WHAT THE FUCK IS 'THE MIBBA REVOLUTION'!?!?!?!? is it something important that I missed?

    I don't know... I just missed home and everyone was staring and I was having to spend time with my family. Maybe that's it... yep, that's what it was. hahaha yes, they were sitting on either side of me! Yeah... it's weird. I thought it was really funny though.

    Well tanner than I was! That sucks that your tan disappeared, but I figured it would xD

    You can't just disappear from doing your job! hahaha don't give up!

    PSH. I've eaten McDonalds on 4 continents, it's tradition!

    Yes, I heard about that. But anyways, getting it later, it's not always a bad thing. I DO want my liscense though... because I want to drive around and see people.


    Yes, it was wonderful... and then it got late and now my mom's like "I plan to go to sleep at 10, so you better do the fish tank." and I don't want to do it. So I'm going to find a way to get out of it.

    Aaa well that's a good thing! Good that it got better... but Supernatural? I haven't even finished LOST yet!! I WILL THOUGH!
    June 22nd, 2011 at 05:43am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Ummm... I don't remember much from the first two cities because I was in a pretty bad mood through them. I just didn't want to be there. But I saw the taracota (or however it's spelt) warriors, and they're pretty... interesting until you get to the third pit and it's like "THIS IS SO FUCKING BORING." but that's where I had the creeper with the hat taking pictures of me and the two guys asked for my pictures. We went to a lot of silk factories and other types of factories. Those were pretty cool. I SAW UNDERWEAR ON A HANGER. That's as close as I got to the boat thing... I'll post that picture on Tumblr when I get my camera! What else... I climbed the great wall and had shots with my parents... and then proceeded to get sick because I mixed drinks. I'm telling you now, never mix your alcoholic drinks... it's terrible. Then there was... lots of walking and goodness everyone was staring.. it was scary. THEY HAD PHONES IN THE BATHROOM! Like in the hotel, and you could call people and stuff... it was strange. But... yes, It'll take me a bit to remember more!

    Ohhhh good... cause that'd be scary. Are you tan!?!?

    4 kids? Yes, I'd trade places with you. I plan on sleeping pretty much all of tomorrow xD

    Shadowing would be so much fun! For you it'd be more like visiting everyone! Which school are you thinking about?

    fadjfleaifjea YAY!! I'll go read them... after I rip apart my room. It needs to be dusted really bad.

    It tasted like the fries from home! Nothing to worry about!

    I didn't even bring my phone with me, I left it in the car the whole day. So you could've texted me xD REMEMBER WOMAN!!!

    My day was extremely lovely, I didn't get up until noon, and then I got my glasses, and did a whole bunch of errands. So yes, that's wonderful! How was your day!?
    June 22nd, 2011 at 01:29am
  • suddenlyobscure

    suddenlyobscure (100)

    United States
    Firstly: I MISSED YOU! :D

    Yes, I see. I completely agree with what you said in the first paragraph.

    Yeah, they only got on my nerves a couple of times, but I had my own room the entire trip, so it was quite nice.

    How can someone possibly be allergic to the sun? Are you sure thats what it is?

    How many kids do you babysit? Wanna trade places and do nothing all summer!?

    About the high school thing, when I read it I was sad. But then I thought that maybe it's a good thing. You'll get the opprotunity to make new friends and start over fresh. So I'm glad that you're okay with it. You're 100% sure you're going there? I'm sure everyone will be sad that you won't be at CV and they'll ask me where you are and I'll be like "not here... duh."

    hahahaha I didn't write anything in the time I was there. In fact, I only finished one book when I brough six with me. So I'm lazy. I've got the basis of the next chapter down in my head, so I've just got to type it. I'm getting my new glasses tomorrow though, so that's a plus xD

    ...I ate at their McDonald's! But I only had fries and a drink, but it still counts! I didn't see any boats with underwear on them... sorry to disappoint.

    How was your two weeks?
    June 21st, 2011 at 07:52am
  • colorful language

    colorful language (100)

    United States
    Sorry this is like days late haha, I like completely forgot about profile comments xD

    Anywho, I re-watched Teen Wolf and decided that if they had found a different actor for Scott it wouldn't be that bad of a show. Scott's just a horrible actor haha
    June 18th, 2011 at 01:32am
  • Sweetest Blasphemy.

    Sweetest Blasphemy. (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for reading/commenting my story =)
    It means alot.

    And now that you mention it, that part is rather pointless.
    June 18th, 2011 at 01:14am