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Bonjour! Well, as you can see, my name is Sara. I love the colour purple and anything chocolate. I'm half Spanish and I get confused a lot, but I'd like to think that I'm smart enough. I like almost all music but I don't actually have a favourite song - just a lot of songs that I love! I'm usually found gaming, writing, cycling, playing the guitar/piano or reading. And.... I don't really know what else to write here, so if you want to know more about me, all you have to do is ask!

Bold Underline Italic Strikethrough Link


November @ 10:55PM - Date&Time
Unknown - Mood
Getting on with life (: - Doing
Terrible Things - Music

Living life to it's fullest - that's all you can do :3 Getting a new camera for Christmas and I'm actually so unbelievably excited!! ^.^ I haven't been on this in over a year but I have some story ideas and poems etc that I want to put up so once I put pen to paper I'll put them up and update regularly. Promise (: I wrote the stories on here years ago, and I realise now that they need to be edited badly, and 'The Snow' needs to be completely rewritten (obviously still keeping the same theme and main storyline).


The Snow
Boy&Girl: Nikole & Tom
Last Update:
Status: Being Rewritten

The Nightmare
Boy&Girl: Bella
Last Update:
Status: Incomplete (chapter being checked and edited)


Pink Floyd
Led Zeppelin
Van Halen

Really, you can use this for whatever you want. Like links, or friends, or whatever. Honestly, I just ran out of box content (x