Matt Smith
twinkle twinkle little star
how I wonder what you are

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Hello there. How goes it? Nothing here but a young teenage girl that tries to keep up with life. I am currently struggling between the choices of leaving this city that seems to have a wrong outlook, or not getting anywhere in life. Though it's as if I already have made the choice to both stay in Jersey and not get anywhere in life.Believe me, everyone doesn't go clubbing every night. We do have work and such. I'm not tan, nor am I white. I'm not mean, nor am I nice. And I'm certainly not beautiful, then again I'm not entirely ugly. Inside or out. What I read are completely different. Online, slashes are the most wonderful things that have ever been written. Real books, on the other hand go from sci-fi and fantasy to books from Ellen Hopkins and John Green. Music is something I cannot live without.

Let's talk, yeah?

up above the sky so high
like a diamond in the sky
twinkle twinkle little star
how I wonder what you are

Coding by Gemma @ OnlyLiars
Image was found via Tinypic