/ Comments

  • Oh, and the guy right under my name [where it says "laadidadi" at the top of the page] is Edward Scissorhands. He's a character from a hilarious/kinda sad movie. I love that movie. :D
    April 7th, 2010 at 05:40pm
  • Yaaay, glad to hear you did well. :D
    xD The guy with "good bye" on the back of his jacket is Jimmy Urine. He's the singer of Mindless Self Indulgence, which is a band. Jimmy is pretty crazy, and wears some funny stuff. He spray paints on the back of most of his jackets that he wears on stage.
    The guy wearing the grey shirt with his hand over his mouth is Drama. He's Rob Dyrdek's cousin, who is a skateboarder. There used to be a show on Mtv called "Rob and Big" and it was about Rob usually does on a day to day basis. That's where I learned about Drama. :D
    The guy at the very top of my profile, with the bandanna and hoodie, is Charlie Scene from Hollywood Undead (band). He's one of the singers and he also plays guitar in some songs. :D
    April 7th, 2010 at 05:39pm
  • Nooo, you're not dumb at that type of stuff. When I first started out on the computer/internet, I was like " can save an image in different formats?! WHAT?!" xD
    Well I'm actually homeschooled. So to answer your question, school was going terrible. xD Thaat's why I'm homeschooled. lol But I like homeschool. It's okay. I'll be starting college next year, so I'm excited for that. :D
    >.< Sounds brutal. I hate exams. I hope you do well! :D
    April 7th, 2010 at 06:24am
  • this story is amazing but thats not good
    April 7th, 2010 at 12:54am
  • I like pizza, too. xD
    I found the background image on photobucket (you have to have a url for the image to be able to use it on mibba). I was just looking through "colorful images" on photobucket, and I found it. :D
    It is moving. :D It's a GIF image. A GIF image/file usually means that it would be animated. :)
    April 6th, 2010 at 09:24pm
  • Well I was determined to learn, so I tried not to give up. I haven't touched my guitar in a long time. One of the strings actually broke a few weeks ago. :( lol whenever I was just learning some basic notes, I thought "Not sure if it's supposed to sound like that....." xD
    Cool. :D I think my family members would describe me the same way. xD
    Enjoy your pizza. :D I actually had pizza last night, and for lunch (warmed it up again haha) today. It was goooood. :D
    April 6th, 2010 at 08:08pm
  • 2words: april weather.
    it's just a normal cold-warm-cold-rain-hot-warm-cold-warm-rain....that kind of pattern...haha xD
    how bout yours??
    April 6th, 2010 at 05:11pm
  • Sure xD

    "Look mommy I made my first friend!"
    Joke xD

    Anywho.. How are you today/tonight.
    I really suck with telling what time it is in other places xD

    well I have to go paint my finger nails.. Have to scare off any girly girls with my black nails.. Mwahaha
    Anywho.. Rawr ;D
    April 6th, 2010 at 03:11pm
  • I like being weird! All my family members know me as the spaz, nerd, crazy; WHATEVER! xD
    I actually took French in 1st grade. I went to a private school, and they taught a language in almost every grade. D: I only took one year of it. It was only once a week, and that was 8 years ago, so needless to say I don't remember much about French. lol
    Then I took Spanish in the second grade (still at the private school). But that was 7 years ago, and only once a week, for one year. I can remember basic numbers, and how to say "Hello, how are you?" and "Good, thank you!" and "bless you!" in Spanish. xD
    I really want to learn German, because most of my family is German. :D I would also want to learn Swedish, because.......I just like Sweden. xD
    No, I can't really play any instruments. :(
    I took guitar, and failed. lol I tried to teach myself, but it just got so hard after learning all of the notes and 5 of the chords. I can, however, play a few songs on the guitar, and I can still read all of the notes. :)
    April 6th, 2010 at 06:31am
  • Me and Frozen Eskimo (I call her "Alaska" lol) go way back. :)
    I have an iTouch, as well. One time I accidentally turned on my iTouch with my elbow, and I randomly told her about it. She was a little confused, so I continued to tell her that I was turning on my iTouch with different body parts. xD I just sound insane. LOL
    I believe you were born to speak English. I've tried learning several different languages, and it just isn't something I'm good at. :/
    Tehe I'm having fun talking with you, too. :D
    April 6th, 2010 at 02:36am
  • hey im kenzie i read your story and i love it :)
    April 5th, 2010 at 11:15pm
  • would be really creepy if we would always have to pee at the same time...
    It'd be like:
    "I HAVE TO PEE!!!"
    "OH! ME TOO!!!"

    ....we're talking about pee....
    April 5th, 2010 at 07:47pm
  • well, it's about Jesus Christs rebirth and the object of life is normally the egg, so yeah: lots of eggs at easter. you paint the eggs either yellow, red, orange, green, etc. and it's really really fun ;D
    and then there's the bunny also an object of life, maybe cuz they get little bunnies so quickly? i dunno, but there's just the tradition of THE EASTER BUNNY!!! YAY!!! and yeah.
    so the whole celebration is about the easter bunny bringing chocolate and coloured and painted eggs to little children and he MIGHT also bring by a bike or something else u wished for. most people give their kids presents how they would actually gift them at x-mas but well, they hav loads of money.. ._.
    and that's easter :)
    we have 1 week and 2 days plus the weekend, so on wednesday there's school again ^-^"
    April 5th, 2010 at 07:00pm
  • Ugh, I heard London is a lot like that every day. It's pretty overcast in London. :(
    Well, I might go do something today. Just not sure what, exactly. xD I hope to leave the house at least three days in a row, this week. lol
    Yes! I am very weird! I think Frozen Eskimo can vouch for that. *turns iPod on with forehead* xD
    By the way, you don't talk/type like the average American teenager. You're WAAAY smarter. :D Seriously, your English is amazing. I know a lot of people your age who can't even spell the word "pronounce". You're very very smart. :)
    April 5th, 2010 at 06:27pm
  • :D

    I just realized that English is your second language....seriously? damn xD I never would have guessedd.....
    April 5th, 2010 at 06:13pm
  • of coooouuuuurrrrrsssseee!!!!!!!!
    April 5th, 2010 at 05:41pm
  • oh thank you!!! i guess....haha :D
    aw...ur soo awesome!!!! haha ;P
    so........................................................watcha doin? do u also have easter holidays in turkey..or not? ...i'm not christian, but i still get chocolate!!! YAY YAY YAAAAAAAAAY!!!
    haha xP
    April 5th, 2010 at 03:36pm
  • Well, I guess I should feel awesome judging that I reminded you of your ..needs
    April 5th, 2010 at 12:16pm
  • Sorry for the late reply. I was gone allll day long. D:
    The weather is great, where I am. :D It's warm, and a little breezy. How's the weather in Turkey?
    April 5th, 2010 at 02:58am
  • heheh xD im likey that tooOooo! im goood! Today is Pascha! :D foood... wow im weird 0_o
    April 4th, 2010 at 09:33pm