***ng hell.

I sit here and my mood keeps changing from being pissed off and annoyed to being upset depressed and so fucking worried that she’s never going to speak to me again. I sit here...staring at the computer screen, waiting for her name to pop up to inform me that she is talking to me, but it won’t. What can I do to fix this...how did I manage to screw this up in the first place. ‘Behind the...
June 10th, 2008 at 01:22pm


i give up.wont ask you anything anymore..wont tlk anymore whatever.ive had enough.i tried to find out and opbviously you didnt want to tell me so i dont know what to do.it hurts so much to know that i have to forve things out of you when something is wrong..you wont come to me.more than likely this will just piss you off even more bcoz im really good at doing that lately.things dont last very long...
June 10th, 2008 at 11:44am


i really feel like i need to let this all out and i cant write in my diary atm because there isnt enough privacy to do that so considering this is easier i will have to say what i feel here.i am so fucking sick of me. just when i thought that i was going to be happy again..finally ahpy, it all gets blown away again. i was happy for what 2 days max...fantastic. i really did think that this was...
February 14th, 2008 at 09:35am

hmm. twice in one day...

ive had to write here twice in one day which cannot be a good thing. its name came up again and i lost it...why the fuck do i get like this everytime i here his fuking name. i honeslty dont know what to say about how i feel..its like anger, jealousy, frustration, depression, and probably the worst feeling of all is the one that makes me feel like im not worth anything...she spoke to him today she...
January 17th, 2008 at 10:19am

thankfull i have only one friend on this...

its good i dnt have anyone else bcoz that way i can write stuff and no one has to kno...its like my diary except i dont have to actually get out a pen and write..this is so muhc easier.so im back to the old days....not wanting to get up in the mornings, just wanting to lay around all day and do absolutely fucking nothing, dont want to eat, having trouble sleeping...but that could be bcoz i am...
January 17th, 2008 at 03:51am