I was at my friends house it was three oclock in the morning, and Jimmy (a guy I've liked for a long time who likes me back), and I were the only two still awake. We had also went on an amazing walk around midnight, but his sister, the friend I went there for didn't go. It was just Hannah, Jimmy, and I. We almost kissed there under the stars, but his mom and sister came in the truck looking for...
July 23rd, 2010 at 03:52pm

You man***!!!

There is this guy I really like, or used to like, I really don't know. Anyway we were talking a lot, and he said all these thing like " I really really like you." I guess those words were lies, because the night he asked me out, the night I had been looking forward too, I was talking to his sister (my best friend) and I told her when he asked me. Well she told me to think it through, cause he is a...
May 19th, 2010 at 03:58am


So there is this boy at school, he flirts with me all the time, and I also like him. He lives down the street from me, and today when my brother and I were playing outside, and him and his brothers were playing too. I always caught him looking down my street. There is also this dance at my school coming up and I'm not sure if I should ask him, or lead him on to ask me out. I really don't know what...
March 16th, 2010 at 03:04am

why the hell did I ever trust you if you tell someone I hate everything.

On Friday I was in math, and I get called down to the counselor's office. The person I hate was in there, I tried to be her friend because she was friends with my best friend, Shelly, and her name is Rebbecca, and when the counselor walked in she put this whole fucking' show on. She did that all just to find out that Shelly blabbed about something that was a joke, and wasn't even true. I can't...
February 28th, 2010 at 07:24pm


Well today was the first time we went to school on time in about two and a half weeks. For some strange reason I think I liked going to school, though it might have been the cabin fever thinking that. I had a good time, actually. It might have something to do with we didn't do anything, but talk. Which I think was fine, the teachers didn't. I really did enjoy it though. I also had fun at school....
February 16th, 2010 at 02:45am

Some Day.

Well today my church had there youth sermon, it was wonderful. They sang in different languages, danced up to offering. I absolutely loved it. Then I get home, and after a while I check my facebook, and my best friend's status says that she had the worst day ever. So of course I call her and she is basically crying. Seriously if that ever happens again I might to go get the body bags. Just...
February 15th, 2010 at 02:44am

Um..... No.

Seriously, why does this always happen. We went looking for phones the first time, and I found this really cool phone. I was so close to getting it, and then I get stuck with the phone I have now. Well my mom breaks her phone, and gets one that is so much like the one I first wanted, and she gets because her phone breaks. She doesn't even text that much. Maybe, just maybe I can get her to trade...
February 13th, 2010 at 05:24pm

Finllay, but why did I ask for it?

We finally went back to school, it was on delay, but still we went back. Now I just need to know why I wanted to go back. We just sat there and got headaches, either from teachers or the annoying preps that are too confused with there egos. Though it was nice to see all my friends, but I don't think it was worth it to just go, do nothing, go home, do nothing. I did more while we were gone. I made...
February 13th, 2010 at 02:50am

What? Not again.

How does this always happen? I used to like school being closed, but now we've been out more than a week. I never thought I would say this,but... I want school to be open again.You'd think that all this wind, snow, ice, and any other weather getting us out of school, would be nice for me, since there is no school for a week. It's just tearing me apart, because since there's no school, there isn't...
February 11th, 2010 at 03:46pm

What do I do?

Ugh!What do I do when Rebbecca is such a bitch i just want to go, and punch her guts out (if she has any)? I really just want this all to end. I'm losing one friend that i wanted to, and one that I never thought of losing. Though I'm gaining some better friends in the process.It's just so hard when I know that I'm also creating too much pain for me and those around me.Is there ever going to be an...
February 11th, 2010 at 02:01am