First Journal Entry: Part Two

CONTINUED---->Seeing as how I didn't know there was a limit.Where was I? Oh. Right. For writing/reading enjoy fantasy/horror/romance. I'll read anything, but those are my favourites. Right now I'm into the Mortal Instruments Series. No one ruin it for me, okay?Poetry. Hmm. I've been writing poetry since I was eleven. My friend had gotten me started when we kept trying to write lyrics, but we...
February 14th, 2010 at 04:17am

First Journal Entry: Part One

Hello fellow Mibba members :DToday I embarked on my first ever postings, hoping some of you will enjoy the way my mind reaches out to you.I'm not one to mindlessly write away about my life, but if you'll sit back for a bit and read this journal (apologies beforehand for it's length), then I'm sure we'll be bestest of friends (:As my profile states, I'm fifteen. I'll be sixteen next thursday....
February 13th, 2010 at 05:53pm