my young veins


Ladies & Gentlemen may I present Jordan Taylor.
She just so happens to be a Freshman, but no, she isn’t some immature little doucher.
Jordan just so happens to be made of dreamer’s truths & giant hearts.
She is part Jordan, part Burry, part Oreo, & part Muffin. Mixed together she makes a Joreoburrymuffin.
Petey thinks that combination is delicious. (;
Oh, & most importantly, she has another half. His name is Petey.
They’ve got what it takes to make it for a long time- so don’t fuck it up, or you’ll get my disco stick up in places disco’s aren’t supposed to be placed.
If there is one thing to remember about Jordan, is she deserves nothing but love.
This girl right here, has a heart built only for love- yet stupid people keep trying to knock her done.
Everyone time someone knocks her down, she gets back up. & that is what makes her who she is.
That is why she is shines so much brighter than anyone. You’ll just have to live with that.
She can outshine anyone in beauty, talent, and everything else. So you better be jealous.
She’s got amazing friends, & I’m proud to one of them. Being friends with Jordan is like winning the freaking loto. Except you don’t have to pay taxes. Taxes ruin everything. She does not.
It’s hard to put who she is into words without throwing out every aging cliché in the book.
There is no way I could form any intricate word or sentence fragment that could even come close to describing Jordan.
You just have to learn to live with the fact that Jordan Taylor will take your breath away and make everything okay.

- as written by Dana (obscene.)