I go by xinvisiblextearsx as the username. My name is Lindsey. I'm bored. I'm 17. I like to write. I wonder why they make these things when no one ever know what to write. Pancakes are jealous of waffles. Cupcakes are muffins with masks. Zorro must not have known how to spell his whole name cause all he ever put was "z". Don't let the man get you down. Pie is the shiz.

I like cookies (giggles insanely, It's an inside joke.) I wish stars would learn to listen to wishes. The moon so needs to be made out of queso. Airplanes go "blinky-blinky." (Mady) Elevators do go up when Mady pushes the button after five freakin minutes of standing there awkwardly. The things they did to that chex mix...(Amberguesa) This one time at video stars...(Twixr) Mountain Dew bottle...(Joe, Steven, Twixr, Alex) I bet he still has scars...(Most who know about the mountain dew bottle) Well, you see what had happened was...(All of Us) Techno 2 ams..(Mady) .The Couch.....(Twixr) .I blame the voices...(Me) Sparkling vampires are just fags in body glitter...(Alex) Boxers rule...(They make for good shorts) Taco Sauce...(Marcus, Cody, Brandon) Never let her drink tequila, she'll be kidnapped...(Twixr) How did you break a shower with glass panels over an inch thick? (Me and Twixr) You can't say g**d*** (pronounced as jee-dee, Alex C.)...Well, Jesus Dangit! (Alex) But I likey the dumbledore (Me and Mady) Mountain Dew Midnights (Me and Meredith) Yes, I am a girl... Yes, I am a true redhead, No, I won't prove it... I like head banging, hardcore, hobo punchin, heart attack inducing stuff...(Alex)[

comment? :]


Fiery Eyes, Frozen Heart/Down to the Wire
boy: Daemon.
girl: Aiden.
chapter: #1

To the Believer
boy: Daemon.
girl: Jules
chapter: #1

layout by allyssa@lieslikelullabies. | picture credit.