I'm back/weight loss/plans!

Hey Mibba!I haven't been on here for absolutely ages, and it's just hitting me now how much I missed it. I’ve been online a lot more lately, what with applying for jobs and everything, but I have a different laptop at the moment because SOMEONE decided to take back the laptop they gave me for my birthday, as they believed their need for it was greater than mine (so rude and untrue) so I had to...
May 30th, 2013 at 05:12am

New job/worried about my boyfriend

So I recently got a new job, after job hunting for over a year :D I'm now a sales assistant at an awesome shop called Tiger, which sells a variety of stuff for under £30. I originally got hired as a part time employee, and am supposed to work 15 hours a week, but we're really short staffed at the moment, so I'm doing closer to 35 hours a week at the moment, which I don't mind in a way 'cause...
August 28th, 2012 at 01:02am

Genuinely don't know what to do.

My ex boyfriend has been in and out of hospital for the past month or so, due to ongoing kidney problems which have recently been diagnosed. The doctors do not know much about either of the conditions he has been diagnosed with, as they are both reasonably new, so it's all trial and error.Anyway, since he's been ill, he's been living with me, as his mum lives a while away from the hospital where...
July 30th, 2012 at 05:53pm

Dilemma - advice please?

So I have a massive dilemma at the moment, and I was hoping someone could help me - I've already texted loads of my friends and family to ask for advice, but I'm still undecided.Me and my ex broke up in March, but we've remained on good terms and have recently even been talking about getting back together - he also keeps saying that he loves me, and that he wishes we'd never split up, which is...
July 15th, 2012 at 01:16am

Relationships suck. So do girls who flirt with your (very recent) ex.

Wow, Mibba, long time no speak.A lot has happened since I was last on here, mainly the fact that me and my boyfriend broke up the other day. It just wasn't working any more, and neither of us was happy any more, so we sat down and had a serious chat about it all, and we mutually agreed to split up. We went to see a film together yesterday as just friends, and we got along fine - no arguments, no...
April 20th, 2012 at 01:02am

Exes and Ohs

My ex from nearly 2 years ago added me back on Facebook a couple of days ago...he changed his name and he's cut his hair since we last spoke, so I didn't realise it was him at first.We got talking, and he started flirting with me again, telling me how much he's missed me and that he wants to meet up again and see if the spark is still there, and he's texting me loads telling me nice things. For...
April 4th, 2012 at 02:40am

Those fake friends...

I really hate those fake friends, who claim that they'll always be there for you, but in your time of need are nowhere to be found, and who ignore your texts/calls/messages, then pop up days/weeks/months later with only a casual "Hi, how are you?"I really hate those fake friends, who say they're not doing anything when you ask them what they're up to, and who cancel their plans with you at the...
March 29th, 2012 at 03:19am

I finally decided what to do...contains some good advice too.

I went to see a band called Yashin the other day, at the Underworld in Camden. I went with my boyfriend, who I've been with for nearly 20 months, and who I've been having problems with for a while, and two good friends.While I was there, I bumped into J from the band I mentioned in a previous journal post, and he gave me some advice, which I think is pretty good, and summed up how I was feeling...
March 27th, 2012 at 01:47am

I Will Never Understand Guys...

I'm still just about with my boyfriend, after all the hassle of him talking to his ex - which, incidentally, is partly what we argued about the day we pretty much split up last month - but there's up days and down days since then...mainly downs, but I'm trying to work hard to make more ups.Anyway, the main reason I'm writing this journal is because of something I realised today - there's this very...
March 20th, 2012 at 01:54am


Hii guys.I'm finding it kinda hard to trust my boyfriend of 17 months at the moment...We've been arguing quite a lot since around August last year, and we very rarely used to, which is bad enough. He'd recently moved out of a room down the road from mine, onto a boat about an hour away from me, and I'm guessing this contributed in some way to the arguing. He made a friend - let's call him L - who...
January 28th, 2012 at 01:19am