The Ocean

You hear the roar, the churning waters and you feel the updraft of moist air. You breathe in that stagnant air and you wonder if there could be anything better; standing on the bow, overlooking the seemingly new world you’ve discovered. Staggering over the unsteady deck, you reach for the ship’s helm, trying to adjust course and maintain control. The ship fights the overwhelming waves, vying...
July 19th, 2011 at 04:42am

The Gradual

The notion that any structure or being can withstand change is unthinkable. Change is a factor in life that is unavoidable;You physically change, your mentality changes and your surroundings change. Change in terms of human development shouldbe comprehended as stages, stepping stones for the next. Each phase has a different purpose, whether it be to help the person, as a whole, develop their...
August 31st, 2010 at 04:14pm

Bolts and Locks

Its 5:00 am. I am sitting on the bench outside my dorm. The cigarette in my hand fizzles out leaving nothing but the filter. I breathe in the cold winter air, willing myself to become drowsy. Instead the sickness that dwells within me proves to be an obstacle I cannot overcome. Their is no view from my seat, no stars, nothing except an empty courtyard and cigarette butts. I just sit and wonder....
April 27th, 2010 at 09:46am

The Motion

The contours of your face are taunt and stretched, leaving a stunned expression written for all to read. The brain and nervous system struggle to send neural impulses to your body; begging it to move, pleading with it to revert to normal. But it is paralyzed, paralyzed from fear, and terror. This new found threat intimidates you to the brink. All instincts tell you to crawl away, and curl into a...
February 19th, 2010 at 09:58pm

The Ending

The inescapable truth, the center of all revolutions is the ending. The subject does not matter in any case; the fact is that all things come to an end. Whether it be life, love or friendship. Eventually we have to accept the inevitable outcome of never obtaining the everlasting. Every single person has had a moment which they wished lasted forever. All novels have an ending, even if the author...
February 18th, 2010 at 12:44pm