zombies bite / Comments

  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    It is a very good show. Pretty awesome you wrote an article about it in your skool paper. (I love spelling school wrong I should mention) EVEN MORE BAD ASS that all your articles are zombie related! Why couldn't you have wrote for our school paper!? That would have been awesome! Our paper sucked! I usually spent about an entire class period making fun of it. Okay, if you really want to see it, I will give you fair warning. There is a lot of weird stuff... Like creepy sex stuff in it... Like... Okay... For instance: The zombies figure out they can spread whatever it is they have with seaman... And so... They figure out that if they masturbate into a cup, and put dip the bullets in... They can shoot people, and then infect them... I did not make that up. That's the level of disturbing your getting yourself into. If you're still intrigued, like I said, its called Crossed... And I was just crazy enough to enjoy it. Ha ha! No shitty romance is always good... I'll admit, I sort of wrote romance into the thing I was writing. I originally didn't intend to, but... I wanted to make a WAY less annoying couple than something like twilight. My co-author (She just kind of gives me ideas mostly) requested love for her character, so I figured what the hell? Add a few more romances in there... Just make them entertaining. Ha ha! But normally, I'd say the hell with romances too... I was surprised at how decent they turned out to be. I'm not a very mushy guy. Ha ha!
    December 23rd, 2010 at 06:46am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    YES! You watch that show too eh? It is a great show. I sort of missed the last episode... I think it was the last episode of the season. (Don't tell me what happens, I still have to download it. Lol) That was in the first episode. I started to read the comics, and the comics weren't near as good as the show is. Like... The show actually adds stuff to the comics. Usually they subtract things, but in this case its actually the opposite. I've always been partial to the crazy ass infected zombies from 28 Days Later, and 28 Weeks Later. I just find zombies that haul ass at full speed after you that much scarier. There's this one comic... Which you probably shouldn't read... Because its really disturbing. Its called Crossed, and they basically made their zombies like... Regular people turned insane. Like... Sick in the head insane. There are things in those comics that are just... In the words of my friend Alex, they cannot be unseen. Best way I can put it. BUT! That being said, I love the author's take on the genre, and I sort of borrowed a little piece of it. Thinking zombies are scary as hell. Just my opinion. LOL! Keep working on them dude! If you've stuck with them this long, they have to be good! Or else you'd have given up long ago! Hopefully someday I'll be buying them... I look forward to that day in fact. Lol
    December 22nd, 2010 at 01:21am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Hahaha! Yes! Zombie/monster sleeve sounds bad ass dude. I agree, zombies are the best dude. There's so many different things that can be done with them, so many variations, so many plots you can have. Its not usually the zombies themselves, its the plot around them. Its the people in the situation that make them interesting. Although! I watched this one zombie movie, it was a comedy though. Called Wasting Away, and it was from the point of view of the zombies. That was kind of funny. They didn't know they were zombies, and you actually cheer for the zombies to win in it. Kind of interesting. Anyway, as for your sequel. You'll get around to it one of these days. It'll just take something you're really happy with to go through with it. I know how it is having a ton of ideas you want to do... But its a very positive thing homey. Embrace it! Use it! Cherish it! You may end up missing it some day.
    December 21st, 2010 at 08:37am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Ha ha! Yea dude! I feel ya on the twilight thing. Like I said, if Ashley Greene wasn't in them, I wouldn't have any part of them. Monster tattoo eh? That would be pretty sweet. My sister has suggested I get a tattoo sleeve dedicated to zombies... I would love that! I want it cartoony though. Hard to explain my vision. I will have to check that website out now! Sounds interesting. I met some pretty cool people on here, and why not expand the crazy writing network I say. Sounds pretty bad ass dude. Currently attempting to write my sequel... With mixed results. Oh! And freak out a female friend of mine with pictures of girls making out... I got yelled at... Worth it. Ha ha! I'm so lame.
    December 21st, 2010 at 12:57am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Hey! You read my story! Sweet! I always do the tired thing when I read. For whatever reason reading knocks me out. No matter how much I'm into the story it always makes my eyelids heavy for whatever reason. That being said, if you ever read the rest of it, you'll have to tell me what you think. I screwed up a few parts... One of those things you notice on a second read through. Lol, any who, vampire demon! That sounds pretty bad ass. No sparkling! That is good. I've only watched the movies for one reason... Ashley Greene's in them... Don't judge me... She's hot... Doo doo doo... Moving on... But why does he sparkle? I don't get that. Now seriously, if I seen that guy sparkling I'd be all like: That guy really should lay off the glitter. I wouldn't scream VAMPIRE!!! There's that whole thing where he's about to reveal himself with that, and I was like THIS IS SO STUPID!!... Enough about Twilight without Ashley Greene!... I hope the story goes well! I've never seen that site. Any good?
    December 20th, 2010 at 01:21am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Oh dude! I'm the exact same way about stuff like that! Its a miracle I've stuck to this story I've been writing for as long as I have. I honestly can't believe I finished a whole story. Now I have the sequel coming... Which I really need to work on some more. But yea... I know how it is. I think the only reason I keep writing this one is because there's a bunch of friends I have that love it, and bug me about the next chapter. Ha ha! Including the girl who comes up with over half the ideas in it, and a very good friend I met through writing it who's currently in China doing what she can to stay sane. If not for them... I probably would have started something new too. Its good to have lots of ideas though! One of these day's you'll get a really bad ass one, and you won't want to stop. I know this! I have seen this!... Okay I'm not psychic, but still! It will happen. You're young yet, just trust me on this. I do the same thing... I really need to write my other story too... See I have too many projects as well homey. Ha ha!
    December 19th, 2010 at 05:30pm
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Congrats on the finals! Glad you did well! And don't sweat the wait on responding. I'm a patient man. Ha ha! I actually didn't pick the name Riley, my friend did. I'm actually not the best at naming characters... In fact I fell I'm pretty terrible at it... So usually I let somebody else pick the names. Do whatever you would like on the story too. It is your story, and you should be the one who's happy with it. I know how that is when you rush things. Trust me I know. Its never good, because you start writing things just to get them done, and it all suffers. I try to explain that to people. Take your time! Sometimes its good to take a break at the very least! Let the idea come to you. If you try to force it, it won't be good. I know exactly where you're coming from. So do what you feel is right homey. I trust and respect whatever you come up with.
    December 19th, 2010 at 03:18am
  • HelpI'mAlive

    HelpI'mAlive (100)

    United States
    I knowww.
    I hate how Edward sparkles.
    And how Bella's an empty shell who teaches teenage girls that its OK to throw yourself off cliffs when your boyfriend leaves you! XD
    Yea, I know I liked Daniel, too, but the end totally confused me.
    I did not bother reading the second book.
    December 18th, 2010 at 04:51am
  • HelpI'mAlive

    HelpI'mAlive (100)

    United States
    Actually, I just got Shiver out of the library (:
    I was planning on reading it soon...
    I read Fallen, too.
    I thought it was all kind of smushed together at the end.
    Ew, Twilight :P
    I liked the series the first time, but after that it was just...bleh.
    December 18th, 2010 at 04:46am
  • HelpI'mAlive

    HelpI'mAlive (100)

    United States
    I know! Hers is so beautiful and poetic...
    I love poetry, yet also writing stories too.
    I'm trying to combine the two (:
    December 18th, 2010 at 04:40am
  • HelpI'mAlive

    HelpI'mAlive (100)

    United States
    Yea I love that book (:
    December 18th, 2010 at 04:27am
  • Roden.

    Roden. (100)

    United States
    No problem.
    December 8th, 2010 at 03:21am
  • River Young;

    River Young; (100)

    No prob! Its an amazing story!
    December 7th, 2010 at 03:23pm
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Ha ha! Yea, I know how it is on youtube dude. I'm often surprised on that website... Not always pleasantly surprised mind you... That's a joke. Read the update. I liked it, but I said that in the story comment... Well I said it again! Sue me! I love how you have a character named Riley who's an asshole. In my story, I have a girl named Riley who's sort of a bitch nobody likes. I found it sort of... Interesting. Hope you get the next update up soon. I look forward to reading it. Psychology eh? Always a subject of interest. I never got a chance to take it in school though. And ADD effects all of us... Some of us just take pills for it.... That's another joke... I know they're bad. I don't have a team of writers! Its just me! Ha ha!
    December 7th, 2010 at 06:40am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Youtube eh? Huh, you know I never thought to check there for advice. I guess it just never hit me. Very interesting. I see you updated! I will be reading it... Probably tomorrow. Its been a long night, and I would like a fresh brain before I go to read it. And I know what you mean about making up stories as you go. Sometimes I plot things that I want to happen but everything in between is just like... A mystery. Hey, making things up as you go works out a lot of the time though. Usually you have that one moment where you go, "That would be awesome!" and you're good to go... Okay so... Expect story comments soon!
    December 6th, 2010 at 06:37am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    Ah, you'll hit your stride. I had that same problem at your age, and I'm actually quite jealous of your writing ability. I actually feel I can learn from you and you're 8 years younger than me. You have a different style of writing than I do. I went into your story not expecting anything and I was hooked. It was funny because I read it on a cell phone at work. I had to sign back in after every chapter because Mibba doesn't cooperate very well over the phone. I have a feeling someday if you keep it up, you'll be a writing pimp, and I'll be bragging about talking to you back in the day. (:
    December 5th, 2010 at 04:45am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    That does sound pretty cool! I hope your dream comes true dude. Plot holes are always tough. I know how that is. But I'm sure if you keep at it you'll figure it all out and write something bad ass. Nothing wrong with pretty sentences either. You have a very cool writing style, I loved that chapter about the girl's flashback I thought that was beautiful. Sent chills down my spine... In a good way. If I had to define how I write... I'm a big comic book dork, so I sort of write like Frank Miller... I feel I'd be better at writing scripts actually. I'm not the best at describing things at times, but I can write good dialogue. Hard to explain, but I like grittiness. Always been a fan of things like that. I sort of borrowed a comic concept in my story... I actually toned mine down compared to the comic "Crossed." (If you want to read the most F'd up zombie story ever, I highly recommend that comic.) I feel its pretty different from other stories out there. I love how yours combines genres though. Its like nuclear apocalypse meets zombie apocalypse, and that is pretty bad ass.
    December 5th, 2010 at 03:06am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    That's pretty awesome dude. Yea, I'd honestly like to get this one published. I just kind of decided to put it on here and see what people thought of it. That was my thinking anyways. Now I've learned its keeping people in China sane, and so I have to keep writing it. Ha ha! I'd have to do a lot of editing to mine for me to be fully happy with it. Its good and all, but... I'm picky. But I just love the imagery in your story. I think its very cool. Despite how planned out you have it. Ha ha!
    December 5th, 2010 at 01:12am
  • Tyrone_Swift

    Tyrone_Swift (100)

    United States
    You're very welcome! And expect more in the future. I really like it. And I'd be honored if you checked it out. It's on my page and believe it or not its one chapter away from being done. There's sequel soon, and I plan on giving this story some props in the last author's note. I'm spreadin' the word! Ha ha!
    December 4th, 2010 at 10:45pm
  • Ask the Angelsxx

    Ask the Angelsxx (100)

    I'm sorry about what I said on msn. I shouldn't have. :(
    November 26th, 2010 at 02:09am