Maybe I'm back?

Hey guys!So here's the thing, I kinda have lost all inspiration to write and it's absolutely awful. I've been trying and there will be times where my brain explodes with amazing... but that is very rare.Anywho, I'm going to be trying my best to write things and such.Would anyone be willing to read a new Harry Potter FanFic? Or is that too old now?Also, my One-Shot thing still stands. So if anyone...
March 23rd, 2013 at 04:47pm

Update for my Readers.

Oh my goodness guys! Guess what!?I got my laptop back. It's been broken for a while so I had to send it to my neighbor who makes his living by fixing computers. He's the best.One small problem though...My neighbor told me what was wrong with my wonderful piece of technology; My hard drive crashed.Two years worth of writing, a 150-200 page book, all my pictures, videos, my memories. All of it is...
July 19th, 2012 at 05:01pm


Yo yo yo Mibbians!I am going to start writing one-shots for people! The please PM me with the following info you want in your story:Name:Age:Gender:Height:Ethnicity:Personality:Hair/Eye color:Romantic Interest: If there is one.Here is a list of things I can write about:-(most) Band members-Actors-any CSI, CSI: Miami, and CSI: NY-Twilight-Harry Potter-Criminal Minds-Percy Jackson and the...
August 13th, 2011 at 01:53am