gimme, gimme some of that

Emi 15 British Notorious

[date] 22th march
[mood] rocking out
[music] I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - my chemical romance
[reading] The Dark Tower, The Drawing of Three - stephen king
[updated] username- was previously 'the_enemy'
[working on] something to put up here && getting through school
[purpose] rethinking life choices
[obsession] mcr
[craving] a red bull and a bar of galaxy chocolate
[about me] um.. A few things about me.. Okay: my eyes change colour. From light grey to dark grey to light blue to dark blue. It's really quite cool.I love reading, writing, and drawing. I hate my family. Music is an addiction of mine. I love wolves, cheese and the colour red. You make up the rest. :)

vampire money

chapters: 1/1
characters: girl
status: completed


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