I sat and watched this city crumble, just as it was being built..|advice?

Why hello, fellow bloggers.So believe it or not, I actually have a reason for this entry.I need advicee.But first of all;Id love to tell you about this song,reverse, by gabrielle Aplin.Her lyrics ring amazingly true.It takes an amazing song, to get me to just drop everything, and listen.This song can do that, and reminds me of lost innocence and naivety we can never get back.So anyway, the...
May 4th, 2010 at 11:44am

One of those days.. question?!

So its the holidays for me,and I must say... Im actually prefering being back at school, i like it so much better when life is busy.Im in one of those moods, where I just feel like writing, though I have nothing in particular to write about, or any restriction or guidelines.mmm I've spent the majority of my day on Evony, yes i succumb to the advertising!But meeh, as long as it keeps me happy...
April 11th, 2010 at 01:12pm

one of those nights. | questions...

Ohh hello there Journal!we should be friends.hit me up, and we can make pizza together.wahaha.cravings, cravings.;Dum, um.So im in human bio.and yes.I had one of those nights last night,you know and i was pretty much beginning that oh-so-non-existant being up there to show me some mercy.and he decided to play some mind games.I found my mp3 charger, only for it to be broken >:[ (yes, i am uberly...
March 12th, 2010 at 05:46am

Ache, ache, ache | q.a?

Oh hello there Joural.So I'm missing that boy,and well, i think im sick.and feel like whining to someone.so why not the mibba population, eh?i cant swallow pills,cos of the sicknes.sand therefore i cant get rid of the migraine.or the muscle aches that seem to be running up and down my spine/neck/shoulders...i just got a paper plane thrown at me too.thanks steve, thanks.man i have the best...
March 9th, 2010 at 03:16am

Reason to smile, | questions questions questions

Ohh hello.So I'm still trying to finish that second chapter for BitterEnd.I'll get there eventually, i really will.Today I have this most amazing back pinch, oww.and once again, im craving a massage.I managed to find a boy,that makes me smile.And now i can finally say hes all mine.Its a pretty good feeling,and somewhat of an accomplishment.Anyway yeah,so i just really wanted to put that out...
March 7th, 2010 at 03:05am

Sleep alone tonight,,, | I'm curious of the following!

Helllo there sonnehs.I have a masssive headache,I think I should be getting a neck masage...right this second.Im sick of the random msn adds I'm getting from people of VF.I mean, the only thing they want is...to get me naked.le sigh.I'd take it down, you know...do the logical thing.except I have that naive hope, that maybe theres somene half decent out there in the cyber world.Did I mention I have...
March 3rd, 2010 at 12:31pm

Your moans echo, all the time. | answer my questions?

hellllo.So earlier today I remember thinking"man, I really want to bring this up in a journal entry, see what response I get."now of course, I've forgotten.Hmm, Its interesting.I seem to be getting closer to my work friends,than my school friends.And i actually want to.Um, Um.My dad decided to tell me, just as I reached work this morning,that my mother and him are seperating....oh,and that my...
March 1st, 2010 at 09:54am

Because sometimes I like to write, unstructured. | ... more questions.

Helllo there.So I think I'm finally getting the hang of Mibba,everyone here is so nice.I just have to finish writing up my second chapter for The bitter end,its unfortunate that I dont like to write in chronological order.Life at the moment is somewhat stressful,I'm being let down, stood up, or dissapointed everyway I turn,by the people I'm supposed to be able to rely on.(some background...
February 27th, 2010 at 08:48am

Every unsaid thought will go unheard. | Questions.

So Hello,My idea of a journal is simply to write whatever comes to mind.So if you want to cristise, go ahead... I can't help where my brain chooses to take me.And comments or Advice are always welcome.First off I want to mention a certain link that I would encourage everyone to click on.http://www.openuphappiness.blogspot.comIt'll let you read my blog, along with Hayley.Whose a crazy girl that...
February 23rd, 2010 at 01:52pm