February 27th 2010

Today was okay....I had my acting thingy cancelled so I didn't have to go. It kinda pissed me off because i still haven't gotten my script and i'm a main character. UghhSo instead I went to my basketball game. We versed another town besides our own for once _(this is rec people.)_ We lost by one basket (2 points.) One girl was extremely over-the-top rough. She punched and elbowed me in the mouth,...
February 28th, 2010 at 03:29am

Starting Point

Okay, here it goes. I will be pouring out everything I know about people and life in this. I realize that my life can be extremely boring but still. Whatever.I will be writing my 'journal entry' and then whenever random people come up, i will put their info right in the entry. It'll be awkward sometimes I geuss, but I don't really care.I've never done a journal before too, so i might suck....
February 27th, 2010 at 03:59am