And if you'll let me, I'll make your heart beat
I'm Kayla I love to read Fan fictions or original fictions. I also love reading anything science fiction. I am 18 years old. I plan on going to college in the fall.. maybe.. Right now I work at Wal-mart in the "Smoke shop" as an over night cashier. I'm a tad bit crazy and hyper but people seem to like that about me. I can't have a very serious conversation. My attention span is about the size of a squirrels there for I was known as squirrel in school.

I'll get you up, get you dancin' on your feet
Music is my life.. I can't go more than a couple hours without singing or listening to music. My taste in music varies I can listen to just about any type. Local bands are my favorite. Music can change my mood just by the type. It can cheer me up or calm me down or even wake me up. Art is my passion it helps me release stress and it lifts my mood if I need it.

And while you're asleep, I'll be in your dreams
I have attempted to write a story to put on here but I can't get past the second chapter. My thought proses is too jumbled to write a story and my grammar sucks too bad. =]
Just feel the rhythm of that beat
Content: username.
Lyrics: xx
Layout: x | x.
Requested: Kaylabelle
Credit: ©pas