Drenched In Tears

March 10, 2010 7:54 pm
Mood: happy?
Music: Hungover - Ke$ha

Hey what's up everyone? Anywho I'm gonna start my very first story and add a one-shot(for my bestie) just so ya know since this is the update thing bajamber. Also I made my own layout!! does happy dance This took some time, but I think I've got a handle of it. :)

Wassup? :D My name is Tanner I'm 14 Currently I am single cause middle school guys are immature butt holes I believe in love at first sight and karma Music is my drug of choice due to it making feel whatever I need it to make me feel I love my kitty, Drew(named ever single one of my pets after pokemon people :3) My friends think I'm mentally challenged, but think I'm one hell of a writer and artist When it comes to [b]emotions[/b], mine are screwed up Celebs I love are Matt(from Cage the Elephant, met him last weekend at a concert in Charlotte, NC), Christopher Drew(he's so sexy!), Johnny Depp(there's nothing to say), and Haley Williams(she's my idol) I'm a very random person sometimes, I talk too much, I like being lazy, and I'm scared of lightning


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