
Better to be paranoid than to be oblivious to all the shit going on around you.

Crazy. Amiable. Introspective. Passionate. Photographer. Dedicated. Dreamer. Sophisticated. Intellect. Paranoid. Listener. Negative. Determined. Defensive. Strong. Fun.

Hello I'm C

This is my profile believe it or not.

I never know whether to keep these short and sweet or long and informative.

I vote.. long and informative.

I'm not a vegetarian. Animals will die some way or another, if we weren't supposed to eat them, we wouldn't. It's part of a natural human food chain to eat meat. So don't advocate the vegetarian shit in my face.

I LOVE drumming and aim to do 2+ hours a day.

Never revise as much as I should as I always get caught up in more interesting stuff. Like health. And politics.

I would love to be able to write captivating stories easily, however I haven't much experience. So I have not completed my first story yet and will probably forget about it anyway.

I like friendly people and think the world needs more of 'em!

I have an amazing group of friends and think alot of them.

I don't trust people easily and probably never will trust you....

But. I'm non-judgmental and I'll talk to you whoever you are :]

Amazed if you've all of read this.

Music: CMND/CTRL -Deftones.
Mood: Content
Currently: Lol'ing at the A's I'm getting.. didn't believe I could.
Updates: Blessed With Oblivion