Updates & Shit

DATE: October Fifth, 2010.
MOOD: Iffy, though I’m writing another story, so I’m happy. :3
NOISE: Listening to Master Exploder - Tenacious D. "I do not need (do not need) a microphooone! 'CAUSE MY VOICE IS FUCKIN POWERFULL!" XD
UPDATE: Working on new chapter of Teenage Fae.

About me,

Hi, I’m Lyndsay. I love all kinds of music, but I quite love Panic At The Disco, All Time Low, Forgive Durden, Paramore and Motley Crue. (lol, look at all that modern shit and then Motley Crue XD) My bestie is Jess, she goes here with the name “AboveUsOnlySky.” She’s really fucking cool. Fur surious. My other besties are “j’adore_starbucks” and “kellyy.shadows.”THEY’RE AWESOME. :3 AND FOR SOME REASON, WORD IS BEING A BITCH AND THIS IS IN CAPITAL LETTERS. SORRY. D:

The Chronicles of a Teenage Fae
Code&Graphics by: Patty @ AVALANCHELYTS