Well yeah, now I'm kinda lonely with out my friends and her...

all of my friends went on a road-trip to colorado (which my parents wouldn't let me go on), and check left for Europe....sooo yeah, no more parties, hanging out, or kissing the night away... I'm so bored that my sister is teaching me how to crochet, and sew...and doing make up and hair. HELP ME.I need to get out of the house, but I'm to shy to go to a club or a bar or something to meet people, no...
June 3rd, 2010 at 02:56am

Two more days left *sigh*

I never realized that after high school Check would leave. Yeah, she's going to Europe for school, since her dad lives over there. And not only that, she is trying to distance herself from me, to make the break easier.Some of my friends said that I should follow her (yeah, they came back) but I'm way too broke for that.So, time to hit up some parties and have a blast with all of my friends one...
May 15th, 2010 at 03:39pm

Poof they're gone.

So no one is really talking to me today. Only Check. This sucks. Now only the nerdy weird people that I really don't like talk to me. and when I talk to them alone its normal, but in a group it sucks.Why are they being such girls about this? I'm going to a concert tonight, and I might see them there, so maybe I can learn what's going on and all.Oh well, at least I'm lucky enough that my parents...
April 29th, 2010 at 06:00pm

So I get the girl and lose my Friends. WTF!

(if you get confused with reading any of this, my other journals explain it. mostly. just if anyone is curious)Now my friends are pissed off at me. WTF. They say I'm whipped and I'm losing them the more I gain Check. PISS. They didn' even want to hang out wih me after school. They didn't seem to hate Check and I at lunch today, so why are they picking on me now? I haven't done anything wrong. I...
April 29th, 2010 at 05:05am

She said it too <3

She finally said it back. she sent me a text after school asking me to meet her at the part about 5 blocks away from the school. We sat on the swings in silence for a while just swinging. and she said I love you too and held my hand.I just started laughing. I couldn't get myself to do anything else but hold her hand, swinging, and laugh the pain out of me and replace it with joy.I sound so girly,...
April 28th, 2010 at 05:57pm

So She Speaks

she came up to me yesterday after school and dragged me to her car and just cried on me. It was so hard for me not to too. I don't know what that means, we didn't say anything, just when she was done I told her to call e when she was ready to talk.If anyone was wondering, I call her Check. Don't ask why I call her that, I don't even remember the reason either. It had something to do with seventh...
April 27th, 2010 at 05:53pm

Shouldn't have come to school.

Yep my mom made me. Here I am in the Library skipping. We have 4 out of my five classes together. I wish I could fake cramps or something like my sister does. Damn you girls and your easy ways out ;)But I don't really know what to do, and since about 95% of mibba are girls, I need your help. I don't feel like typing the whole thing again so its in my last journall, but to sum it up I got broken by...
April 26th, 2010 at 06:11pm

I messed it up and now she is gone.

A perfect night. A romantic dinner, a night full of dancing, bowling and eating Ihop with all of our closest friends. About 4:30 am we came back to my house (being to tired to drive all the way back to her house) we went up to my room and laied down on my bed and started talking about the night we had just had together.and she kissed me.for two years I have been in love with this girl, being there...
April 26th, 2010 at 06:17am

Why is Prom so important to girls?

The girl I'm taking to prom I've been in love with forever. I got her favorite flowers for her corsage, full bloom tulips, and I rented a limo with the money I've saved up.Now she doesn't want to go because someone has the same dress as her. WTF.So MY mom is out shopping with her for a new dress. MY MOM!I don't get women. Why is prom such a "romantic" thing? Its just a dance blown way out of...
April 24th, 2010 at 10:47pm


yeah I went with brown, but eh, I still am sexy <.< right? oh well.Today my friend really pissed me off today. I have REALLY BAD A.D.D. and I have to take tests in an isolated room where nothing can destract me from finishing my test. I came into class to get my test earily before everyone got in there to see what I was doing (I guess a lot of people get jealous when I leave, huh)my friend...
April 14th, 2010 at 02:21am

I can lead a Nation with a Microphone

Obama is just pissing me off. first the healthcare bill, taxes, now limiting our weapons?IS HE REALLY THAT STUPID? ARE PEOPLE REALLY THAT STUPID? I looked up survays during his election and found a really funny one. They when around asking Obama supporters if they support a list of things that Obama had planned for them, when it was really McCain's list of things.THEY ALL SUPPORTED OBAMA WHEN THEY...
April 13th, 2010 at 03:59pm

I want a Dragon too :(

damn, I just when and saw How to Train Your Dragon. I WANT NOW. I just couldn't stop giggling :3 Yeah, Imbarassing, but still, cute as hell. (that phrase makes no sence, since I do not believe hell would be very cute...)but anyways, I just learned I was Failing two classes. Crrap. I'm so grounded if my parents find out.oh yeah, I what to get something for a certain someone... what should I get her...
April 12th, 2010 at 03:27am

51 comments and not once did I reply...

Why do people feel the need to welcome me, or anyone, to a website? It's silly I say...But I need story ideas, I'm bored and I feel like posting something new insted of my other old things... and don't ask for my poems, they really suck.What should I write about? I'm really up for anything...please? I have nothing to do all week (well really thats a lie, I just don't feel like doing anything...
April 11th, 2010 at 04:03am