midnighter13 / Comments

  • Hahaha! Or you could write notes on your computer! O.o XD

    Oh my gosh, that's awesome!! Well don't worry about anything, I love answering your questions!!
    And yes, oh yes. I use Adobe Photoshop CS3, and I love it. It's not very user friendly in that it's a bit hard to navigate and there are a whole lot of controls that beginners might not know what to do with. CS3 can be pretty pricey, though, so unless you're "illegal downloading savvy," I'd direct you to the free alternative, GIMP. Stands for GNU image manipulation program, and it does nearly everything photoshop does, minus a couple key features... The main thing, though, is that it supports transparency and layers, which are both essential in complex image editing. (Stuff with lots of sparkles, combining images seamlessly, switching heads and altering people's appearances)
    There are tons of GIMP tutorials on youtube, and to find it, just Google "GIMP free download."

    Haha, you can't be that bad!! :P
    March 18th, 2011 at 12:17am
  • Yeah, it does take a bit too much time... But it's really cool!! I went and got my hair trimmed today, so I had to take all the braids out. I sew each one in, so it took fifteen minutes to get five braids out. Lol

    Hmm. Well I'll just throw some info at you then.

    The ISO number on either the film or the adjustable number on your digital camera controls how sensitive the film or chip is. The higher the number, the more the silver particles (in film), and the more sensitive film is. So ISO 100 is great for sunny days, but helpless indoors. ISO 800, on the other hand, is about perfect for shooting inside scenes. Typically, ISO 1600 is pretty high, but these days, it's rather common for digital cameras to have 6400 settings.
    Always shoot in the lowest ISO possible. The reason for this is that, while it enables you to shoot in lower light, a higher ISO speed means more noise.
    This pic illustrates the effect of three different ISO speeds. Notice that the highest speed is the most grainy. (( http://loginricha.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/iso_compare.jpg?w=500&h=301 ))

    Aperture has a lot to do with amount of light let in and focusing. It's measured in f-stops and the bigger the f-stop number, the less light the camera lets in. The f-stops on the lens control a little opening for light that is inside the lens. The bigger the f-stop, the smaller the opening, and the smaller the f-stop number, the bigger the opening.(( http://www.eclecticelectronics.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/different-aperture-openings-500x449.jpg )) It's kind of backwards. This works in conjunction with shutter speed by controlling how much light goes into the camera. If the aperture is really high (say, f22), not a lot of light is let in and the shutter speed has to be longer.

    The reason for adjusting the aperture is to highlight perspective through depth of field. Now, there are many ways to do this, and aperture is only one. What a high aperture number does is it makes everything in the frame crystal clear. An infinite depth of field. A low aperture number like maybe F 2 or 2.8 only allows the subject (what you focused the camera on) to be crystal clear. Everything in front of that focal point and behind that point will be blurry. (( http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/167247_176312722407342_176051389100142_344691_7480861_n.jpg ))

    So yeah, that's three random things about photography... :P

    Lol! Yeah, man! Then you'd have to start an ubercool jazz band!! XD

    Hmm.. Kinda, not really. The line is, "The world goes a-flutter by." Jónsi, though. :P
    March 10th, 2011 at 02:28am
  • Hmm... well, some feathers are clipped in... Others are wired onto braids that have ribbons in them.. The beads are mostly wired to the braids as well... It's a dandy setup, I'm thinking... I keep the braids in all the time and put the feathers in every day. Time consuming, but hey.

    No problem!

    Okay, I see. And yeah, I have that problem as well... I mostly resort to saying "So?" It's sometimes funny to see the looks on peoples faces when they just don't know what to say after that... XD But yeah, he was definitely cool!!

    Oh muh gosh, yeah. His drummer is kickass. Amazing.
    March 7th, 2011 at 05:42pm
  • You're welcome! Yes, it actually is, and thank you! :)

    Okay, shutter speed. Let's start with the basics so you can get the full idea. When a camera takes a picture, what it is doing is exposing a piece of film or a digital chip to light. This all depends on time. If you expose the film for too long, the photograph will be too bright. Likewise, if you don't expose it long enough, it will not be bright enough to really see. This is where shutter speed comes into play. With the shutter speed on your camera, you can control how long the shutter stays open, aka how long you expose your film.
    (Side note: Long shutter speeds let in a lot of light, but can blur really easily. Bad for action photos, great for waterfalls. Short shutter speeds don't let in a lot of light, so they are bad for clear night shots, but great for freezing motion.)
    Long shutter speeds: (standardly more than 1/60 of a second)
    - http://www.digital-photography-school.com/wp-content/images/slow-shutter-speed-1-1.jpg
    - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/24/Shutter_speed_pool.jpg
    - http://pixdaus.com/pics/1231040540UmRh3nS.jpg
    Short shutter speeds: (standardly less than 1/60 of a second)
    - http://surfwithberserk.com/img/amazing/photos_worth_freezing/4.jpg
    - http://www.blogthevote.net/applemilk2.jpg
    - http://alwaysfirstathletics.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/bucking-horse.jpg

    Well opera really isn't my style, but I think he's adorable with a killer head voice!! And I'm kind of over here going, please, please smile again...
    But honestly, I wouldn't rule out homosexuality. Nor would I say that that's bad in any way. :P

    But now, you have to watch my lovely, Jónsi, definitely. He doesn't sing opera, but his head voice is awesome and he's just as adorable. :)
    And yes, he is gay. The boy playing the organ thing is his boyfriend. :) <3
    March 4th, 2011 at 09:19pm
  • Wow, that's so great!! I'm glad I could be of some help!! :D
    March 1st, 2011 at 01:48am
  • Hahahahaha!!!

    Dumbldore? Who?

    Wow. Well good luck.. o.o
    February 9th, 2011 at 04:57am

    Sure!! XD It's quiet here... sometimes too quiet, but then I fix it by drumming on the kitchen sink or playing Skye or my keyboard... Or singing opera.

    Yeah! Kinda insane... Serves the football people right. Escaping from the north to head right into snow again. Ha.

    A man with a hat and a grandpa beard!! XD

    One at a time, missy, one at a time.
    Keep your pants on, is all I have to say... o.o
    February 7th, 2011 at 06:25am
  • That is sad... : / I love horsies...

    And yeah, it's quiet and i'm terribly out of shape... I need to, like... Start running my stairs or something.... o.o Or at least doing situps... Need to get my stomach re-flat... Haha!

    Haha, yeaah... Don't imagine they get a ton of snow... Could be wrong, though.. Texas has snow on the ground apparently..

    Oh. Well a wizard is a man with a hat!! :P

    Oh dear... Yeah, that is a strange movie... it's about this priest who goes to an exorcism school or something? I haven't seen it, it looked really scary and i don't do well with those things.... And that just makes it worse that the creepy mean priest wants you to see it... He's gonna rape you guys or something... O.O

    Good luck.
    February 6th, 2011 at 08:04pm
  • No! No sports for me!! Except the occasional horseback riding, which i'm pretty good at... But other than that, no.

    Bllaahh!! "You never quit on your music. No matter what happens. Cuz anytime something bad happens to you, that's the one place you can escape to and just let it go. I learned it the hard way. And anyway, look at me. Nothing bad's gonna happen. You gotta have a little faith. "

    Haha!! New Mexican people...

    The smiley? A wizard?
    And really??? A priest's house to watch about exorcisms??? I wouldn't go if I were you... Pardon me while I get all Jesus Freak on you, but that could be dangerous.. O.O
    February 5th, 2011 at 05:14am
  • Ugh. I'm not used to it!! My dad helped, though, and I had a good grip on the shovel from fretting chords on Skye..XD
    And yeah, he is!! :D Anytime is a good time to start playing guitar!! Such a great instrument.
    And.. I don't know. Maybe they mean city wide/city mandated... I don't know. Haha... We usually have two or three snow days each year in our school.
    February 4th, 2011 at 05:00pm
  • Also, thanks for the story comment!! :) And yeah, I'll post the dresses too when it comes time. :D
    February 3rd, 2011 at 10:16pm
  • Thank you! Yeah, that's Skye, my beautiful baby... I love him. :)
    And yeah, the random box stayed. :) I just moved everything around.
    Glad you flew through part of it!! Sorry about the rest though... : /
    And yeah, we got this nice big old blizzard! It was awesome... And now we have like... twenty inches of snow. No joke. The first half of yesterday was shoveling and I am completely sore.
    February 3rd, 2011 at 10:15pm
  • Hahaha! You nerd.. :P
    And amen to that! He should share with the rest of us... ><
    Haha.. Blue enough..
    February 2nd, 2011 at 02:24am
  • Oh yessss... Goodness. I hate his dancing, it's terrible and funny, but whatever. XD I'm just glad he's not all sexual about it like Tom.. it would NOT work with him. XD Tom's got it though... ;)
    January 31st, 2011 at 07:16pm
  • I am far from pretty, but thank you, dear.
    January 28th, 2011 at 05:02pm
  • Hahahaha!! I just had a grand old time looking up the FUN videos... Turns out there's a lot of them, but the first one was the best. XD You're right, Tom IS a great plankton.. XD
    This one is bad, but great. Hahahaha.. XD
    January 28th, 2011 at 12:32am
  • Oh gosh, no... I can't read music to save my life.. I can only hear it and play what I hear.

    But I went and googled music markings...
    Check that and see if that helps. I know nothing of what it means, but it looks like what you described.. XD

    F is for fire that burns down the whole town, U is for uranium... BOMBS! N is for no survivors down here in the deep blue seeaaaaaa..... XD
    January 27th, 2011 at 03:11am
  • Haha! Thanks!
    And oh my gosh, I love snow too!!!!! Except maybe not touching it... Or stepping in it... I just like looking at it and knowing that everyone else is probably complaining about it...
    They look cute and tiny with their pretty wings and [i]proportionally correct[/i] bodies.... -____-
    January 26th, 2011 at 04:51pm
  • Bah. ><
    But thank you!! I wanted to do something useful and amusing while I learn CSS and HTML more in depth... XD
    January 25th, 2011 at 09:13pm
  • lol No, my name is Shyla.
    Nice to meet you, friend.
    January 24th, 2011 at 10:29pm