emmared FMT! / Comments

  • Yeah I just randomly made that up one day. I also made up another saying. you use it in a situation like this for example: a girl says that she is better than everyone else. i say that you are better than everyone else my butt.

    I don't know if I am normal or not. I am leaning more on the crazy side now. IT'S NOT GOOD AT ALL! SIDNEY NEEDS TO SCORE TWO GOALS IN TODAY'S GAME.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 09:23pm
  • That must be cool to have a friend that lives there at least. I just have relatives. My parents would never do something like that. You are so lucky.

    Must be nice to be like that. My sister Ashley wears a size ten in kids and she is turning ten June 21st. I am mostly legs and arms even though I am only 5'2. My sis Cathy has that problem.

    I usually have to have my shirts tailored because my bust isn't exactly small but I have a small frame. My arms are tiny but not too tiny. That's pretty cool. I play hockey, track, and soccer.

    I am probably not an all around sports girl but I am sure as crap that I love sports.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 07:48pm
  • Yeah I learned French from my Aunt who lives in Montreal. I learned Russian from my 17 year old adopted cousin Alexandra. She says that I sound hilarious when I speak it so she laughs at me. I don't have a huge temper.

    I just bottle things up and when I explode it tends to be in another language. I can control it. I vent to myself a lot when I am dealing with a stressful day at school. It sucks a little though only because guy stare at you all the time and it makes me really nervous.

    I used to be deathly skinny when I was younger. Not now though. The skinny part when I was younger runs through my dad's side. Wow must be nice. Nobody can fit into my clothes.

    I know that I am not fat it's just I have different sized jeans than everyone else because of my curves and it sucks butt. Cathy wears a zero. I couldn't fit into a size zero to save my life. She is not starving herself she just has the genes that she is naturally that way.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 06:53pm
  • That's pretty cool actually. I am short but with curves in all of the right places. I don't really like to use them to my advantage but if necessary then yes. You speak the same languages as me?

    It's pretty cool to know those languages at least. Many people don't picture me either. Then again many people don't picture me being a straight A student and playing hockey.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 06:19pm
  • It is awesome at times but not really. We shock a lot of people at first. It goes me, then Ricky, then Cathy. Ricky and Cathy look a lot alike but I am the only different one.

    Everyone thinks that they are twins and I am just an older sibling. We are part Italian so they have the dark hair and eyes. I am a quarter Italian, Polish, Indian and German. I am the one with blond hair and these Ice blue eyes, and pale skin.

    I am not albino though. They have black hair, naturally tanned skin, and big brown eyes. That's funny in a way. I know and I can't believe that they lost.

    That must hurt a lot. It didn't hurt at all and after I burned myself I just went back into the pool. I feel bad for you. I have never broken a major bone in my body. I have broken fingers and toes though.

    I don't bruise easily. When I do though it hurts really bad. I have a couple scars but not much.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 06:09pm
  • I have two younger sisters. I am a triplet and the oldest. That's funny my friend Emily is like that. Same here with me. Ow!

    I burned myself a couple of times. I got out of my neighbor's pool and I was still wet. I was in a bikini and I decided to go make myself some eggs. I pulled the pan back to flip the egg and it touched my skin and it hurt so badly.

    I have a three inch long scar on my stomach now. I split my head open while sled riding in my yard. I had a concussion during a really bad car accident.

    At least you are better now though.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 04:59pm
  • I am such a klutz and my family makes fun of me for it. My mom keeps on telling all of my friends that I can't go up a set of stairs without falling. It's true though. Yeah at least it was yours.

    I have been a klutz ever since I was born and sometimes I think that it's good though.
    May 2nd, 2010 at 04:23am
  • I would feel so bad if I did something like that. I have never had it happen to me and I haven't done something like that. I have broken a DVD though a different way. I drinking some pop and I had the case open on the table.

    I tripped over my own leg and fell. I spilled the pop all over the case and it ruined the DVD. I felt so bad but I ended up getting her another movie instead.
    May 1st, 2010 at 09:56pm
  • How did they break it? That is a pretty good movie if I do say so myself. Yeah it's awesome.
    May 1st, 2010 at 06:27am
  • Really? I actually have the movie. Yep exactly traitors. It's OK. I really like the movie anyways.
    May 1st, 2010 at 05:28am
  • I know! He is cute but not the cutest person in the world. Yeah that sounds good. I think we both are traitors.
    May 1st, 2010 at 05:14am
  • i figured i'd give you a blackhawk...now then, the quicker you get it done, the quicker I announce prizes :P
    May 1st, 2010 at 03:32am
  • yes you can join my contest!
    just pick a number on the forum and i'll give you a player and a song!
    May 1st, 2010 at 12:03am
  • I know I thought that they were going to win! I love him as a girl but I hate him because I am a Pens fan. I am truly a Pittsburgh Penguins fan but in the other Eastern Conference round I am rooting for Boston.
    April 30th, 2010 at 11:14pm
  • 1 or 6, which one is it going to be?
    April 30th, 2010 at 10:52pm
  • haha your stories don't suck!
    and i know i saw that picture of jordan and i was like " i need to use this!" i love how he's in his helmet. Safety first! haha
    oh and the link to the jonny story is up. haha
    April 30th, 2010 at 10:04pm
  • haha don't worry i got excited about it too!
    and i'm starting to brainstorm ideas for a real tazer story. It may take a while because i want to get all the oneshots done and get caught up with my stories. but it will be up sometimes next month :)
    April 30th, 2010 at 09:49pm
  • http://stories.mibba.com/read/269493/Twist-of-Fate/ <-------- New Tazer oneshot coming soon. check it out?
    April 30th, 2010 at 04:03am
  • http://stories.mibba.com/read/269615/Still-Hold-The-Key/ << Preview!
    April 30th, 2010 at 01:17am
  • I love my randomness. Well I was watching it since it is the next day. I loved the Habs and I can't believe that they won.
    April 30th, 2010 at 12:45am