Letting Go of Reality - Getting into Character

I found lately I'm looking into an empty pool. My story Broken was a hit and I remember slipping into a time warp of sorts to really bring that story alive. I poured my soul into it and in the end I found it was something I had been proud of but it wasn't this story that would be something I could call amazing - so I deleted it. I remember for weeks I felt this connection to a character (His name...
January 25th, 2014 at 01:00pm

A new story, finally! It's been awhile since I been on Mibba

Long time no see,Well, I'm back on Mibba and ready to get back to writing: Which leads me to my new story called 'Chasing Freedom'I was doing some research about what I was going to do next and this idea sort of sparked (along with a fast and furious sort of story line I'll be writing a little ways down the line) but for now I'm doing a 'government turns against it's people' type of story. A bit...
December 7th, 2013 at 10:56am

I Really Feel Like My Soul Is Dying

I had this dream last night - it was a pretty intense dream. I don't know what was really happening in the dream other than my mom and I were somewhere, think it was this doctors office but this doctors office was this fair ground...it was weird and they told my mom and I they weren't able to help us. The doctor told my mom to cut down on imperfect children is to reduce the population of useless...
August 7th, 2013 at 06:57pm

The Perfect Victim Story

I don't know how many people are still on my friends list that still read my blogs since I fell off the face of the earth for awhile but as promised The Perfect Victim is back up, 3 chapters of it anyhow. I am actually rewriting it from the 4th chapter and going a different route. So it anyone is still wanting to follow that story please go...
August 2nd, 2013 at 10:21pm

Hit Rock Bottom And It Just Keeps Falling

I don't see much beauty now a days. With myself mostly - though the growing animosity I have felt towards people has been one of the main things that still burns brightly in my mind. As someone who is disabled and never given a chance to prove what they can do, I find the world cold and cryptic to those who aren't 'normal'. Do I wish I was normal? Yes. I wish I didn't have muscular Dystrophy. Do I...
May 28th, 2013 at 04:59pm

I Hate Liars - I hate abusers to

The stupid never learn and the weak-minded never forget. That's all I can say. Though I'm glad the only thing I sent was the one thing in the mail to her. It turned out to be a waste anyhow because Katie went back to Carmon. It was all drama and all lies, and I think she was lying to get my Hanson stuff and she knows where I live though she can't do anything so I'm not worried. What pisses me off...
May 21st, 2013 at 01:45pm

O shoot...I deleted the wrong story (victim)

I'm having a severely bad day - if mom getting on my fucking case wasn't enough I deleted the wrong story. I went to delete Beautiful Silence and it has the same pic icon and it was The Perfect Victim not BS - I know I wasn't happy with it but I don't have a backup to it either! Not on my computer, and the other site I have it posted to won't let me copy and paste. Well...there goes that. I'm...
May 19th, 2013 at 07:56am

Comment Swap - A Read For A Read

Ok, I'm going to try this again. Last time I tried a comment swap, I read and commented but no one else bothered to help me back. Maybe two people but that was it. I have a story I would like read, two actually but it's an either or at this point. I would use regular comment swap but mine's broken and has been for months. Ok here's the plots:One is a new one I am writing called 'Song Of The Dead -...
May 18th, 2013 at 12:35pm

Weight Loss

I'm trying to research things that will kill my appetite. I suffer from very weak bones because of my Muscular Dystrophy. I was on Loratab for pain but they took me off them because the dr was a self rightous religious nut-bat. I've been in such a lot of pain and my appetite is a million times worse. I lost 120 pounds I gained 50 of that back and I'm so desperate to get back on the wagon but I...
May 17th, 2013 at 09:49am

Story requests part 2

For some reason my messages with stories requests disappeared :-/ I dunno how I didn't delete any of them but they just disappeared. I had 2 in q but the messages disappeared and I don't remember who requested. Anyhow I have more time since I'm back from my vacation and am taking story requests. Just a few rules: I don't do incest, I don't do bestiality. I can do slash (same sex) but I'm not a big...
May 15th, 2013 at 09:08am

Story Requests

I figure while I'm just sort of sitting here, waiting for my friend to get on so she can edit my latest chapter. I figure I'd do something I never have before - write a story to someone's specifications. What their character(s) want to be named and what type of story they want. Though there are things I will NOT write. I won't write incest. no m/d or s/m or f/s or d/f/m or s/b/d/m...you know any...
April 24th, 2013 at 08:38pm

The Importance Of Having Good Friends

If anything life has taught me these past few weeks - it would have to be the importance of friends. In this life we have very few people we can count on - we have very few people who will understand or be there for when we fall. The most important thing we can be in this life is a good person and the most important thing we can have is a good friend. We all fall eventually, it's who will be there...
April 22nd, 2013 at 05:24am

No Hope For The Human Race - Why People Are So Cruel *mature content*

I never post a blog that doesn't serve some sort of purpose. This particular entry deals with real life. I know - what a bore...not really though. This one deals with the cruelty of human nature. We all have a mean streak in us. I know I do - but mine is normally reserved for assholes who deserve it. I don't get upset easily but when I do, like my hair color, I see red. I'm not just seeing red...
April 17th, 2013 at 02:09am

Constructive Criticism Is Hard To Swallow And I'm Noticing Not Many People Handle It Well - + Another Subject

Ok,First an foremost, over the past few days I have read some amazing stories - but there are some that I have critiqued that do need work. As a writer and constructive reader I don't over nitpick like a lot of people , where ever sentence needs to have the perfect coma everywhere. I think that's over stepping. Also, I never see a writer as a bad writer, just one that needs to improve because in...
April 15th, 2013 at 07:44am

Comment Swap Isn't Working, Any Interesting New Stories You Want Me To Check Out?

I'm very much into comment swapping/free reading. Sadly my comment swap is broken but if you got a story you want more comments on or advice/opinion then feel free to reply. I have one I'd actually like more opinions/comments on. It's called 'The Perfect Victim' and it's about this deaf girl (and another character) who are kidnapped by these would be bank robbers and forced to rob a bank. They're...
April 12th, 2013 at 07:14pm