
I'm God! I'm not, I'm just amazing and everyone loves me. I'm modest.

I'm happy who I am. Don't say to me: Ew, you're so weird, change you freaking freak. Because it won't happen.

Sometimes, I'll get bored, and actually update something but IMVU has called to me again. And I've been reunited with some pretty amazing people. More amazing than thy mibbians. No offense, I'm sure you're all nice, but currently, you're all whingy little brats that express how much they want to marry Justin Bieber (or whoever your new fantasy crush is) in a story no one will ever read or think twice about.

I am harsh. I always will be. I'm just like that. I'm so insanely me that I'll just have to express myself and annoy you.

Let's face it. You won't ever be able to compare to me. I am always rude, but if you're my friend, you will find me joking and we shall laugh.

I will not like you the moment I meet you, but if you can be an insistent pest, you may just grow on me.

This is my best friend. I love her, I will never lose her.