
Hi. I'm Tiana. I am a girl who loves music, and wants to be a ninja when she grows up. I came on here to talk to cool people and write stories. I have an account on Quizilla (two, actually) and if you want to check out those stories, they usernames are teebiejeebies and Tinarnia. I am here to post some of my other stories on here, hoping to get some response. I love to talk, so don't be shy. (:


Date: 3/18/10 - Today.
Time: 8:55 p.m.
Mood: Wishful. :D
Music: Love Story - Forever the Sickest Kids
Updates: Wanna talk? (:


See You In My Dreams
Genre: Original
Chapters: Three

Layout by Classic. at Classy, Not Classic Layouts.
Remove this credit or change my layout
and I will shank you.