My Report on Gay Marriage

This is something I wrote for my English class, we had to write a persuasive essay on something we felt strongly about. I chose Gay Marriage. Please, take the time to read it. Whether you agree or disagree, please keep the comments civil and appropriate, thanks. :)The Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of HappinessOver twenty-five percent of Americans are homosexual. These Americans, the same...
March 29th, 2012 at 07:16am

Writers Block

So, I have two stories that I desperately want to finish but the problem is that I have no time and school has been really stressfull. Plus, I am suffering from a severe case of writers block which totally irritates me. I hate leaving my subscribers hanging because my stupid self couldn't think of another chapter. I have tried listening to music, focusing on other things, and rereading them so I...
May 18th, 2011 at 05:07am

Dear Ex,

(This is a letter I wish I could mail to him but don't have the guts to. Read and comment if you'd like but mostly this is just me blowing off steam.)Dear Ex,Its funny how when we where dating you said you loved me and never wanted to leave when we were together. You joked how we could hide you in my closet and spend the night cuddling. Then when we broke up you basically said I was holding you...
April 21st, 2011 at 07:36am

Judgemental people.

Not one person can sayhey don't judge people by how they look. At least not at first. As much as I hate it and try to stop myself from doing it, I still judge a book by it's cover. At least until I actually hold a conversation with said person.I know a few people who won't even talk to certain people based on the way they look. They havn't said a word to eachother and they are immediately wary....
August 9th, 2010 at 08:53am


Everytime I watch the music video for "Dear God" I always cry because I see Jimmy in it alive and doing what he loves. Everytime I read something about him being dead I tear up. I don't understand how I can have so much compassion for a man I never met. Maybe it's because everything anyone says about him is that he's so funloving and I wonder why someone like that has to die at such a young age....
July 16th, 2010 at 12:30pm

Sooo yeah.

Yay! Summer is finially here. I think I speak for everyone when I say I was so sick of school. I just graduated the 8th grade! Yay for me :D Anyways if any of you have read my stories I apologize for not updating faster, school was draining my creativity. I had suffered a major case of writers block. Anyways over the summer expect more updates and hopefully more stories. I want to write more short...
June 7th, 2010 at 05:58am

Blah Blah just some stuff that was annoying me

Okay so we all hear it (some even say it), No homo. What we mean is we dont like the same sex when we say something like "your pretty" to a girl if your a girl. It offends most gay lesbian or bisexual people. At least the ones i know.Also another thing. homophobes. What is your problem with gay people? You act like its some sort of disease that you can catch. Please grow the fuck up! So what a guy...
April 27th, 2010 at 07:20am

Things that are on my mind

War. I don't get it. Why can't everyone settle their differences with confrences or meetings? why does it HAVE to be through violence? I mean really do these people honestly think killing a bunch of soldiers is going to solve anything? All it does is create tragedy for both sides.That sounds like a great idea! Lets send my son or daughter off to go get killed! I understand that there are benefits...
April 6th, 2010 at 12:04am