Back Again, Back Again

Why hello there Mibba! It's certainly been a while!Seriously, though, for the past couple of months it's like I haven't been able to write almost anything. I'm just going to go ahead and blame one very hectic school life - *sigh*.On a brighter note, however, said school life is only ten freaking weeks away from ending! Forever!!!!!! These next two weeks might be hell in terms of assessment and OPs...
August 26th, 2011 at 01:26am

Brunei Airport = Boredom

Yup. Especially when you're stuck there for five hours. Joy.Must. Focus. On. The good stuff! Okay - Thailand, Thailand, ThailandThailandThailand!!! That should do it :)We fly Royal Brunei Airlines because tickets are cheaper for those under 18 but above 14 (where other airlines start to define you as 'adult'). It means a 7 hour flight to Brunei, a long stopover, and then an hour-and-a-half flight...
March 28th, 2011 at 01:54am

Dear Jesus, please somehow get me out of work tonight!

Sigh. The joys of waitressing :(Nah. I'll go, be a good little child and earn my $10 an hour. I'm just sooooo tired!Church conference - Suncoast Fiesta - is on this weekend, and so far it has been amazing! The guest speaker is this guy from Sydney, Phil Pringle (you may have heard of him, he has this online bible college course used all over the world), who is a brilliant speaker :) Spent most of...
March 19th, 2011 at 06:08am

Flying Time and Sleepy Eyes

My goodness gracious, how this term has flown! It seems like only yesterday I was going to my year 12 home class for the very first time....and now there's only a week left.....and only a week until I go to Thailand with my family!!!!I'm soooo excited! Not only do I get to spend two weeks in another country (and a country I love), but I also get to see some of my friends over there! A couple of my...
March 18th, 2011 at 08:35am

Superfast Journal!

Allo everyone, how's it going? Good? Lovely. Bad? Aw, poor thing!I am currently feeling incredibly hyperactive for no apparent reason, so it's probably a good thing that I'm about to go out so I don;t break something and get yelled at. I went shopping today with my wonderful mother (who is a great person but occasionally infuriating) to get clothes for yr 12 camp, which is next week.Camp:...
February 27th, 2011 at 09:00am

Thoughts on Valentines Day

So, it's that one day where couples are legally allowed to be gushy and super-sweet without the singletons throwing things at them or being intentional third wheels.In my experience there are two main views of Valentines Day:1. It's a super-wonderful day and something to look forward to. It's a day where you can buy something special for your partner.2. It may have originally been something...
February 14th, 2011 at 11:32am

Angry Confetti

Last year (yr. 11), our Science 21 teacher was dysfunctional but she knew what she was talking about. This year we have a guy who generally does sub work or years 8 and 9.Our assignment this term is called "You Are What You Eat", and we have to do an extended experimental investigation (min 2 weeks) concerning something like exercise, fad diets or healthy eating. One of the key focus areas we have...
February 7th, 2011 at 12:29pm

Looking Ahead

To the formal!!!! Okay, yes it is basically a full school year away, but seriously - I HAS DRESS PLANS!!!!My family and I are going to Thailand for the Term One holidays, and the tailors in Bangkok are a) very talented and b) a lot cheaper than getting a dress in Australia. Therefore, I have been spending the last week googling formal dresses to find a picture of one I like.And I found the most...
January 22nd, 2011 at 08:45am

Baking Mishaps!

A few months ago, our oven broke. Consequently, we have a gas stove top and a convection oven that Dad picked up during a sale.The convection oven is evil. It was born in hell.The first cake I made in the oven was a triple chocolate cake of awesomeness - or at least it should have been. I followed the instructions in the manual, reducing the temperature and increasing the cooking time. I ended up...
December 23rd, 2010 at 04:17am

Stuck in a Rut

So, it's about the middle of the holidays here in Australia - summer and Christmas and all things not-school (aka wonderful after so much end-of-year stress). I had been looking forwards to this for weeks, and when the holidays finally arrived I immediately took advantage of them. For the past...hmmm, let me see...for the past month I have done pretty much nothing.Sure, I've been to three...
December 20th, 2010 at 11:33am

Assessment Stress

We all get it, we all live through it. But the living through it bit can be absolutely AWFUL.It's the last school week of the year for me (yay!), and that means, unfortunately, lots and lots of assessment. For some reason, the teachers love to put all of the exams and due dates all in the last two weeks of each term.So: I had a Modern History essay last Tuesday, a Maths assignment that made no...
November 24th, 2010 at 11:25am

Amazing People and I Am Seriously Freaking Out Right Now!!!!!

My friends are absolutely amazing people, and I love them to death. I don't know what I would do without my girls. They keep me up and happy, beat up people who mess with me and stop me from being a bitch.And just a few hours ago one of my girls - Kelsey - collapsed and had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance.It was terrifying. I came out of drama with another couple of girls, and we were...
November 18th, 2010 at 10:55am

Not So Lazy Anymore

I applied at the grocery store!!!! Yay me!!! It was good, though I [i[was shaking like I'd drunk sixteen billion litres of coffee, which I hadn't!I got to talk to the supervisor, and she said that because they hire in blocks it will get sent to the department who're hiring and they'll call me if they want to interview me. And then today my friend who got interviewed the day after I applied said...
November 15th, 2010 at 09:56am

The Sad Fate that Affects Every Lazy Teen

Also known as: I REALLY need money, but my pocket money doesn't cover it and I'm too lazy to go get a job.For the last year I have always been embarrassingly short of money when birthdays and invitations to outings come around. This makes me feel absolutely awful because my girls always always always get me amazing pressies and offer to pay for stuff so I can come along. Then when I have a chance...
November 14th, 2010 at 06:46am


The world is spinning, my head is spinning, everything is spinning. This way, then that way, then up, then down, then out of control.Sometimes I feel like I am completely and utterly out of control, like someone or something has torn the steering wheel of my life from my hands and just spun it, content to watch my life fall into chaos. I fall, no longer holding onto the edges of sanity, but...
November 10th, 2010 at 11:03am

Endless Washing, Odd Little Moments and Slam Poetry

Mama's away this week, visiting our uncle + cousins in NZ. Their mum (my mama's twin sister) died a year and a half ago from a degenerative brain disease, so she goes over now and then to make sure their okay.Anyway, because she's away Dad's become a temporary single parent - and has also realised that its a hell of a job, especially with three kids. I've been handling all of the washing instead...
November 7th, 2010 at 06:02am

I has a tennis ball in my throat :(

Not literally of course, but you have to admit that that would be a very, very entertaining thing to see...:PNah. There's a few viruses going round at school at the moment and I appear to have caught one. I had a horridible chest cough on Friday that just got worse over Saturday. On Sunday after babysitting the lil' monsters (aka creche kids) at church I had plans to go shopping for stuff with...
November 1st, 2010 at 02:16am

What I Call 'Spoilt Ranting'

When I feel the need to rant/whine about this I feel so spoilt and bratty...but sometimes you just need to say it and get it out of your system before it goes all rancid and sticks, you know?If my mother had her way, we would almost NEVER watch TV, or go on the computer, or play console-related games etc. etc.. I love my mama, but sometimes it just gets on my nerves.I'm sixteen years old and the...
October 30th, 2010 at 09:39am


I don't know what's wrong with me. I really have no clue.For the past week I have been really quiet and soft and slightly lethargic. I wasn't really happy but I wasn't exactly upset either. I just wasn't okay.Yesterday when I got home from school I felt very tired, very listless etc etc. I talked to Ma and she said to sleep and forget about homework and all that. I curled up in my very comfortable...
October 21st, 2010 at 04:43am

A Quick Question on Internet Download

Okay, so I know how to use a computer yeah? I mean, I can use all the basic Microsoft Office programs, navigate successfully around the Internet and do all those sorts of things. However, when it comes to the fine points of Internet download I am clueless.We get 18gs a month, and Dad just came around telling everyone in the house (especially me and my brother) that we can't do any online games or...
October 17th, 2010 at 07:37am