Relationships :s

So, I'm lonely.And I have no life.I'm pathetic, I knowThe more I think about being in a relationship, the more I think about all the asshole guys in my town.I've grown up to be told that all guys want is sex. And that there's not such thing as a nice guy. There's no prince charming out there for me.And all I want to know, is there such thing as falling in love?Because with all the relationships...
May 20th, 2012 at 07:26am

37 more school days!

37 more school days until summer!Well, actually, 37 more school days and until I'm on a plane going to Manila!I'm freaking out. I am so excited. We're going to Manila, then to Boracay, then Bacolod, then to Phu Quoc Island, and then back to Boracay.I'm going on a six week vacation.I'm dying.Of excited.Oh my f*ck.So now I have some questions for YOU.1: How many more school days until you have...
April 24th, 2012 at 04:32pm

Some People Are Just Rude.

So, I was on and I had made a gif to post on tumblr. I'm holding up a piece of paper that says, "They're going to judge me anyway, so whatever." And I got some comments from this guy*.[*I'll keep his name hidden, and change it to Person.]Personthat's because they see what is obvious: you are ugly and human trashJessahahhahaha, fuck you too. :)Personwut i do girl. it's not my fault you...
March 24th, 2012 at 02:45am


Hey guys!I've been thinking a lot about some bullying issues I've seen.Friend 1 has had to move two hours away due to bullying. She couldn't move anywhere closer, because rumors spread fast and far. Everyone in the towns around us knew her for her "whoring around" and use of drugs. Little does everyone know, bullying and rough home life is what lead her to do these things.Friend 2 has to face...
March 23rd, 2012 at 10:49pm

Tumblr it up.

Tumblr, my lovely's.We are here to talk about tumblr.I am doing some promoting.I'm doing promo for promo's.But I find self promotions work the best, so I guess it's actually a self-promotion for a promo?Either way, I just thought I would give a little shout out, because I am also following EVERYONE back for the rest of the night.Are you excited? I am. My dash has been so dead, I need a whole lot...
March 23rd, 2012 at 09:54am

Are You Afraid Of Clowns? + Questions!

Well, I had two friends over a couple nights ago. We decided to skype with some friends, Owen and Trevor. The five of us were talking and Trevor asked if we wanted to hear a story. This is what he said,So-and-so's friend, a girl in her teens, is babysitting for a family in Newport Beach, Ca. The family is wealthy and has a very large house — you know the sort, with a ridiculous amount of rooms....
March 21st, 2012 at 12:47am

I Need To Be More Productive.

All I ever do is sit on my ass all day, on tumblr, twitter, facebook, ect,ect,ect.Damn. I need a life.I mean, I have a life. I hang out with friends and stuff. But, we don't really do much..I need something to do, that isn't pointless.I've cleaned my room, kinda.I've made a huge collage on my wall.And that's it.So now I'm here, asking for advice and ideas. I really need some help here. I wish...
March 17th, 2012 at 08:40pm