DarkestStorm / Comments

  • OH MY GOD! I'm SORRY! I thought I'd replied to you. Facepalm

    What is it about engineer that you wanna know? tehe
    April 30th, 2014 at 08:57pm
  • Ah... *sigh*

    I'll have to come back tomorrow to continue with the project.

    Materials engineering basically is we learn about the materials used in engineering. And like we learn about metals, alloys, ceramic and stuff. And periodic table.
    April 28th, 2014 at 08:56am
  • I have Materials Engineering from 10 to 11 and then I went to the lab to do the layout design mini project and right now I really wanna cry cause we have to start all over again because for some reasons our previous file went missing. And we have another class from 2 to 5. Oh my god!! I wanna die now. Kill me. mrgun
    April 28th, 2014 at 07:20am
  • Don't feel bad!

    Alcohol is an acquired taste haha. I never used to like it either. But if you start with girly, fruity drinks it helps. If you go straight for the hard stuff you're never gonna like it.

    Infinity On High is a great album. I was fortunate enough to come in pretty near the beginning. A few months before they released From Under The Cork Tree. Take This To Your Grave was still the album out when I discovered them. It was instant love. Pete is one of those people I feel a soul connection with which I know sounds weird. But I just feel a kinship with him. The month that I saw them live and subsequently fell in love was the month that Pete attempted suicide. It's eerie to think about.

    I do listen to Panic! I'm a fan, especially, of the new stuff. Not that the old stuff wasn't good but I just like the sound now.

    I highly recommend all of those films haha. And Tim Burton is a genius. You should definitely give his stuff a shot. It's odd because he's odd but it's also awesome. If nothing else watch Beetlejuice. Or if you like comics, his version of Batman. Both movies star Michael Keaton.
    April 28th, 2014 at 05:57am
  • Oh pft. Don't even worry about it.

    Yeah. I don't feel twenty six. I feel about sixteen. Though I'm glad I'm at least twenty one so I can drink haha.

    Oh I love Joseph and Klaus. Those dimples. That accent. Swoon.

    I have not seen a game in person, unfortunately. I would love to though.

    I haven't listened to Sing yet. I need to. I actually really loved the new FOB album. It was such a different sound for them. Of course the old stuff will always be in my heart. I can play those albums now and sing all the words at the top of my voice.

    Favorite films? Arsenic and Old Lace, The Boondock Saints, Across The Universe, Fight Club, American Psycho, Perks Of Being A Wallflower, Girl Interrupted. There's more but they aren't coming to me haha. Horror films, of course. Tim Burton films.
    April 28th, 2014 at 05:10am
  • XD

    Yeah, I do too. Or I'm not sure if I got runny nose because of the morning breeze and all. Think I haven't fallen sick for quite a while now and I really don't want to start now. tehe
    April 28th, 2014 at 02:04am
  • Nah... it's okay. I understand. XD

    I'm supposed to get ready for class right now tbh. tehe And I'm doing fine, but I think I may come up with a flu or something. Facepalm
    April 28th, 2014 at 01:33am
  • Hiya there! XD

    How are you doing? (I don't know why I even do this. I just feel like talking. tehe)
    April 27th, 2014 at 05:39pm
  • Thank you! I'm twenty six - i.e. really fucking old hahaha. It's strange because for the most part I feel no older than twenty one. Life goes by too fast. No likey.

    I mean - I'm kind of a chicken when it comes to some horror. I watch from between my fingers and get all jumpy but I love that feeling too. I'm strange. I like classic horror films too. Evil Dead will forever be one of my favorites. I still have yet to see the remake though.

    I actually did like Nina as Katherine - she was badass. But I always felt like Elena was whiny and too moody. But I had never read the books so maybe she was just being true to character? Haha.

    Daniel Gillies, Joseph Morgan, and Nate Buzolic are so deliciously handsome. It's really not fair.

    Hockey is so much fun. It's a brutal game but it keeps my attention and it's just fun to watch. There's also attractive players Wink

    I have so many Glee covers in my iTunes library. Their Christmas album - the first one - is one of my favorites. My tastes are varied. The Beatles are an all time favorite. Right now I'm obsessed with The 1975. I love Arctic Monkeys and 5 Seconds of Summer and Ed Sheeran. Old school - Fall Out Boy and All Time Low. Next February will be my 10th anniversary with FOB. Crazy, innit? I've only heard a few Bastille songs but I like them a lot. Yeah you can pretty much find any genre in my library.

    How about favorite films? (I like playing twenty questions when I meet new people haha)
    April 19th, 2014 at 07:23am
  • Hahaha it's perfectly okay! I tend to ramble too! I actually just recently had a birthday - March 16th. When is yours?

    HIMYM is my favorite show of all time. Even though I've heard the finale is a disappointment I would still recommend it. Those characters have become a part of me. Like old friends.

    2 Broke Girls is HILARIOUS. Very raunchy but so funny. Mom is a cute and funny show too. Recommend both. I love old 90s sitcoms. Roseanne is a good one! Friends is probably my favorite though.

    American Horror Story can be a little jarring sometimes. But I dig horror a lot. I'm also into witchcraft so Coven, for me, was amazing. Jessica Lange is a goddess. Evan Peters is freaking adorable. Taissa Farmiga is amazing. I just love it.

    Yes, Teen Wolf! There are too many attractive boys on that show to not watch it haha. I watched the first two seasons of Vampire Diaries but then I kind of lost interest. I'm not really a fan of Nina Dobrev so I think that's why. I've been wanting to watch The Originals though because I did like that story line and Klaus and Elijah and Kol are gorgeous.

    I never watched anime... I don't think. I remember being into Pokemon when I was a lot younger. Does that count? Haha. I used to watch Gilmore Girls with my mom. That reminds me of another show! Supernatural - I need to catch up. I've seen sporadic episodes and all of season one but I haven't caught up yet.

    Did you watch the hockey part of the winter Olympics? Because some of my hockey babies were there on different teams. Team Canada, USA, Russia, Sweden. My NHL teams are the Blackhawks and the Penguins. The Blackhawks just lost their first playoff game in 3OT so I'm mad hahaha. They won the cup last year and though I feel like it's unrealistic I want a repeat.

    What about music? What kind of bands are you into?

    *If I don't answer tonight, I fell asleep. I'm pretty exhausted and now that the Hawks have lost their game I'm ready to hit the sheets haha.
    April 18th, 2014 at 07:07am
  • Hi Amber! Yes, I'm Kate! It's so nice to be properly introduced! Shows I watch... well, I kind of suck at tv sometimes. I watch(ed) HIMYM though I haven't yet watched the last few weeks and finale because I heard it was disappointing and I spent eight years invested in that show so I'm pouting about it like the giant twelve year old I am haha. I like the other Monday night shows - 2 Broke Girls and Mom. I watch a lot of reruns of old shows - Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, That 70s Show. I LOVE American Horror Story but again, I suck, so I'm still behind on Coven and have not watched any of Asylum. I'm catching up on TW like a million years late to that fandom (halfway through season one). Shows on my to watch list: Hemlock Grove, Breaking Bad, GoT, etc. I also am big into sports and right now is playoff hockey so yeah hahaha. What about you, new friend?
    April 18th, 2014 at 05:47am
  • Just stopping by to say heyy!!! Lol
    April 16th, 2014 at 10:24am
  • You're very welcome. Cute
    April 13th, 2014 at 03:40pm
  • Hey, you should mark ''Relief, Tears, You Don't Know This, Our Same Word'' and ''Reminiscence, Keep Us Together'' as complete stories.
    April 12th, 2014 at 06:22pm
  • It's good. It was the first big show that Zach was in, though he hasn't been in much. It's funny. You should watch it from the beginning.
    April 11th, 2014 at 10:50pm
  • Yeah, there's not much to it but I don't care. I love Zach so much.

    Have you watched Scrubs?
    April 11th, 2014 at 10:39pm
  • The fact that you've seen Garden State makes me happy. That movie is so wonderful. Did you know that Zach Braff's next movie (he wrote, directed and produced) comes out in July? The trailers out too. I can't wait T_T
    April 11th, 2014 at 10:12pm
  • No problem, friend. C:
    April 9th, 2014 at 09:55pm
  • Yeah. Finding good friends is tough. Feel free to talk to me whenever, though. So any fun plans for the weekend? It's only ten PM and I'm already sleepy.
    March 30th, 2014 at 04:55am
  • Me too. :/ They were doing so well. I wanna thank you for regularly commenting my stuff too. It really does mean a lot. Lord knows I can always use new friends. Cool
    March 30th, 2014 at 12:51am