Day 23 (a.k.a. The 15-year-old Mexican is about to E-X-P-L-O-D-E.)

JESUFU.Okay, I'm at 14,269 words for NaNoWriMo. I started a week late, and my math grade was tanking, so I had to get a tutor and I fell behind on my writing and BLARGHGHGHGHG. Therefore, I am staying up until I reach 20,000. It's currently 12:03, Pacific time. Let's do this.In other news, my cousins are visiting for Let's-make-food-and-get-fat day. One is in the guest room and one is in my...
November 24th, 2011 at 09:04am

Three straight days of no NaNoWriMo writing.

Um, I just feel like posting a journal really quick before I jet off to the cast party. But yeah, it's been three days and I have not written ANYTHING for "my novel."I love casually referring to it as "my novel." I feel my sophistication points jump up.Anyway, it's because school is a major cockblock. Hopefully, I'll convince my dad to let me stay in my room and have a write-in. I had a dream last...
November 12th, 2011 at 05:26am

The Charlie Sheen roast.

I. Am. Dying.This is literally making my night. I have to say, a lot of the best burns aren't even directed at Charlie- oh wait, that was brilliant."Every morning of your life is like the first 2 minutes of Law & Order: SVU!" - Anthony... whatshisface.But I have to say, my personal favourite is...*drumroll.*I've been reading The Illiad, so a lot of my jokes are based on that. See, Seth? You're...
September 20th, 2011 at 07:58am

Brb. Having an artist's breakdown.

Okay, well, my first week of sophomore year is almost over and so far I've survived. Much harder than freshman year, though that's what I expected, because seniors who graduate from my high school come back and visit, and tell us that freshman year of college is easier than junior-senior years.Nyehhhhhhhhh. I'- OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.(hit my funny bone. owww...)Anyway. Where was I?Oh right.Well my...
August 19th, 2011 at 05:23am

A Supernatural addiction, part one of many.

So I'm realizing how addicted I've become to the show Supernatural. I'm willing to blow $240 of my birthday money on seasons 2-5 on DVD. It's just so gooooooood.*le sob.*But... I need help with something.I'm starting a Supernatural fic (oh my gosh, I know, you're so excited) and... I need someone to recommend some good SPN stories on here. Or, well, anywhere, I guess. (I only have accounts on...
July 13th, 2011 at 01:14am

What the hell does "sellout" mean?

Sellout might seriously be one of the most overused words today. Seriously.WARNING: YOU ARE ENTERING A RANT ZONE.Honestly. Absolutely NO ONE can change their sound nowadays without being accused of being a sellout. I've asked ten different people and gotten ten different answers and it's driving me crazy.Here's what I say.Sellout - noun: A term commonly used in the music industry used to describe...
May 16th, 2011 at 05:23am

My newfound "Chicago" obsession and how I'm hacking the school wireless.

I've watched the 2003 movie musical "Chicago" about 15 times in the past month. It's SO ADDICTING. Favourite songs are "Cell Block Tango" and "Mr. Cellophane." I want it to be our school musical next year, because I want to play Velma Kelly more than anything.It's just such an amazing story. I think it's still relevant to modern times. I mean, look at Charlie Sheen. He's an abusive drug addict and...
April 7th, 2011 at 07:44pm

Mibba needs an iPhone app.

Seriously. Wouldn't that be so amazing?I mean, I already have a pretty consistent routine when I hack the school wifi.Check the app store, check Facebook, check YouTube...And then I have to open up Safari and log into Mibba and all that, which is kinda inconvinient since the wifi is really slow, and I don't have much time before class.But what if there was an app? Check your subscriptions, your...
March 5th, 2011 at 06:40am

Here is how my procrastination is going to kill me.

So.I'm in World Lit II Honors, as you may not know but you now do know.And we have a Greek mythology project.And I have ADD so I find it very hard to focus.BUT this time it will be different.This time, I will...*deep breath*Step away from Mibba until March 11th, when the project is due.GAHHHHHHHHHH!This is going to KILL ME!!But I need to conquer my procrastination because I know that if I work on...
February 27th, 2011 at 04:01am

How to ramble about school on a Monday morning.

I'm not quite sure why I'm awake before 10 when today is MLK Day and we have no school. (woot!) But once I dragged myself out of bed, the answer hit me like a ton of bricks.HOMEWORK.Yes, homework. That evil evil little bitch. >_<My fucktruck load of homework comes entirely from my World Lit II Honors class. And my teacher for that is also my teacher for drama. So I see her twice a...
January 17th, 2011 at 05:59pm

Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. But you should. Cause this is about my stories.

So. I've finished the story map for "Hearts & Spades" and the sequel, which I believe was named "Into Your Arms." I sure hope so. I used pen.Now then, as I sat in my drama class watching two seniors arguing over custody of a creepy plastic baby doll, I thought to myself...SELF! You should rewrite Monroeville Academy! And here's how!Then I came up with this whole new idea and the vampires will...
September 15th, 2010 at 03:42am

Airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars...

Seriously, if they were, I could have everything I'd ever wished for. Have you seen the Las Vegas sky on a Friday night? It's really pretty, actually. Airplane after airplane, wish after wish...Alright. My move is a week away. I have last minute crap to pack, boxes to tape, and the hellhole of my sister's room to clean. *shudder* I want to write with every fiber of my being butI CAN'T THINK OF...
June 23rd, 2010 at 06:26am

Various "blah blah blah" and why the sky is now purple.

I'm just kidding, the sky is now fuschia.Anyway...I have indeed dropped off the face of the Earth. I'm currently rotating around Mars (hey, I can see Lady Gaga from here!) and feasting on astronaut food (marshmallows.)The points of this entry is to point out the fact that I am currently in the middle of finals right now. You should also add the fact that I'm packing up my house and getting ready...
May 29th, 2010 at 09:58pm

Possible story ideas?

Did anyone ever watch the movie "Speed Racer"? It's pretty modern... 2008, I think? The live-action one with Emile Hirch.Well, I am very fascinated with that modern world and have considered writing a story that takes place in that time. Here's the summary that I sketched in my notebook earlier:Welcome to the sprawling megapolis of Metro. Spanning for dozens of miles, from polished estates and...
April 1st, 2010 at 01:58am

Hey! :)

Hi everyone! So, for months, I had been on Quizilla and was getting incredibly annoyed at how little the moderators seem to care on that site... But now I'm on Mibba, and I love it already. I'm not getting spammed with annoying ads on every story, the stories I've seen so far look like people actually thought about the plot and it's completely original...Let me draw an example.The typical story on...
March 20th, 2010 at 04:41pm