Tattoo Suggestions?

I'm getting another tattoo to add to the collect I have on my body. This time I was thinking about getting a piece of lyrics tatted. I have some verses picked out and such, but I also like hearing others from different people. It would need to be appropriate for work unless I place it in a spot where it can be covered for a few hours. If you suggested a verse, can you tell me who the song and...
September 30th, 2011 at 03:06am

So There's This Guy...

He's in my Journalism class, and just recently asked for my number. I'm sort of attracted to him, but the thing is, I have a boyfriend. He told me one day, he saw my boyfriend and I arguing in the courtyard that left me storming away angrily. I’ve tried to talk to my close friends about this but they all say the same thing: “try something new, you never know he might be better than your...
September 12th, 2011 at 05:52pm

I Don't Know Why I Feel Like This...

My best friend is engaged... but I don't know why I'm not excited for her.Is something wrong with me?I mean, I was excited for her when she started dating her boyfriend, and I'll admit that I was sorta excited when she found out that she was pregnant, but I just don't know why I feel like this. It might be because it finally sinking in that my best friend isn't always going to be around, but her...
July 10th, 2011 at 06:57am