about me

Hey Everybody, I guess I'm what you would call a scatterbrain. It's not that I'm not a good listener just more of an observer. But I suppose all good writers are. Goal of mine would be to publish at least one of my stories in my lifetime. I usually don't write realisitically, because let's face it reality is boring. Unless, of course, if you're a major movie star, well, then you're doing pretty good for yourself. I hate cheesy stories where the plot starts in the first chapter so if you read my writing I will tend to drag out the essence of my main idea. Just so it brings the main character and reader closer together so my audience can see my characters point of view and know why they might make a wrong turn here and there. As for likes I'll say lazy, rainy days when nobodys home with me and I could get a good read in. As for dislikes . . .definitely negative people and thoughts. They get you no where. I have many favorite quotes, but my newest favorite is . . . "There is no telling how many miles you will have to run while chasing a dream." I say some people get discovered on YouTube and others could be discovered on Mibba . . .who knows ;)


Night Drifters: The Knight
characters: Danny & Nick
status: Story Completed

Night Drifters: Dark Temptations
characters: Danny & Nick
status: Sequel Active

Voodoo Series: The Great Bane
characters: Iris Wylock
status: active

A Girl's Survival Guide To High School Boys
characters: Andy & CeeCee
status: active

Letters To Jason
characters: Jason & Anna
status: active

Sweet Nothings
characters: Casey & Ryder
status: active

Loose Strings
characters: Mackenzie & Noah
status: active