This weekend has broken me...

This entire weekend I’ve been in physical and emotional pain. I’ve been hovering in a messed up state of uncertainty. And the hovering stopped when I fell down some stairs. The bruises and scars aren’t stopping at the surface, my mental state has been torn to pieces as well.I lost the one person I had began to love.I lost the person that I didn’t dare to love.I spent meaningless time with...
January 17th, 2011 at 08:48pm

Just Let Me Ramble.

(On unrelated notes.)1. Called it! I'm pretty good predicting shit.I'm pretty good at seeing what's going to happen next with everyone but myself. From a mile away I can spot that two people will date, hook up, or break up. And things like that. And no, not everyone can do that. It takes a certain kind of intuitiveness to spot things like this. Trust me. I've been wrong once. I predicted how long...
August 8th, 2010 at 10:14am


This is going to sound aweful and whoreish, but guess what?! I don't care what you think because I won. The goal was to get him, and I would say I did just that. He had always been "all talk" but no more... Things changed tonight.Okay, [Pause.]Let me explain something to you. I have this very good friend, let's call him Marc, and we have been talking for what's going on probably around 3 years....
July 29th, 2010 at 09:35am

Uneasy Feeling.

I hate it when I feel like I can't distinguish dream from reality.I know it was real, I know it happened. But other than the subtle clues reminding me, it feels like a dream. I don't like this feeling, it makes me uneasy. It makes me feel like I don't have control of anything. It's terrifying losing all sense of time and reality. And I was completely sober, but I still woke up feeling in a dream...
April 4th, 2010 at 06:20pm

Addicted to Carpal Tunnel <3

I've been writing non-stop for the past week and have written so much! 10 chapters! I haven't written a story this fast since last summer when I wrote my last book for the same person who inspired this one!I'm worried I might be getting to personal, as if I'm exposing him for what he really is, but I can't help but find a story out of it. So I write and write! He's inspired so many things I've...
April 1st, 2010 at 01:59am