Ponyess / Stories

  • The Pink Zoo and the Wubbed up Keeper

    The Pink Zoo and the Wubbed up Keeper (3) / Info

    Fan fiction (Fantasy)
    Word count:
    2 704

    Diane Pie establishes the combination of the Fetishist’s wet dream, and the cuddly petting zoo. Of course she only did it in the name of joy and laughter. In the same breath, she threw a party and celebrated the freedom and liberated them.

    May 7th, 2017 at 07:10am

  • The Body Suit for a Week

    The Body Suit for a Week (7) / Info

    Original fiction (Horror, Sci-fi, Fantasy)
    Word count:
    8 814

    I like taking in on a hotel, and trying out a new one is a special treat to me. I make a thing out of exploring all their services. This is no different, even if the services came out as a bit odd and unusual. While I guess the suit suited my taste.

    March 29th, 2017 at 01:53am

  • Accept: A Silent Exchange

    Accept: A Silent Exchange (3) / Info

    Original fiction (Fantasy, Teen)
    Word count:
    2 924

    I had accepted it, I did take him on his word. I was promised to enjoy myself more, if I was quiet through the entire day or 24 hours. With the rush of fright and exhilaration, it actually did work, despite what it looked like. Silent sex?

    February 24th, 2017 at 01:02am

  • Solaris, the Coercion of Self

    Solaris, the Coercion of Self (14) / Info

    Original fiction (Sci-fi, Fantasy)
    Word count:
    25 695

    Solaris center, the solace of teenagers with identity issues and unusual or unexpected requirements. If the problem is in your head, or your body, the Solaris treats you with coercion towards a happy life you never could have dreamt of.

    February 21st, 2017 at 08:33am

  • Through the Kitchen

    Through the Kitchen (2) / Info

    Original fiction (Fantasy)
    Word count:
    1 227

    The adventure is bound to go through the kitchen, but not for the obvious reason I had been expecting. One ended up seeking employment at a restaurant, only to find oneself in a situation never expected. Not only am I to be prepared as the meal, but to be reborn as the next pony.

    February 13th, 2017 at 02:08pm

  • The Unicorn Factory

    The Unicorn Factory (3) / Info

    Fan fiction (Sci-fi, Fantasy)
    Word count:
    4 645

    If you said that Unicorns did not exist, you would have been correct. Only now they are created.

    January 18th, 2017 at 05:45am

  • The Mistress and Her Zippers

    The Mistress and Her Zippers (3) / Info

    Original fiction (Sci-fi, Fantasy)
    Word count:
    6 077

    Shopping is fun, and we had all been to the new Boutique by now; of course I had too. Later, I found out of the Mistresses living and working in the basement, the sub-levels. Of course I had to go down in order to check her out in search for some special fun.

    January 15th, 2017 at 12:42am

  • A Twilight Adventure in Pink

    A Twilight Adventure in Pink (3) / Info

    Fan fiction (Romance, Fantasy, Teen)
    Word count:
    5 266

    Diane Pie brings a surprise over to Twilight ’s place, after Flash had been invited over for some fun. Little did Twilight Sparkle or Flash know what is in store for them. Yet, some fun is promised.

    December 26th, 2016 at 02:04pm

  • A Different Prison

    A Different Prison / Info

    Original fiction (Sci-fi, Fantasy, Crime)
    Word count:

    A prison is a prison, it’s where I went as part of the punishment for a crime of which I had been convicted. What I had not expected, is the severity of my punishment. I am utterly exposed to the elements and the public eye, no escape.

    December 25th, 2016 at 12:59pm

  • Shopping Is Pun

    Shopping Is Pun (7) / Info

    Original fiction (Fantasy, Teen)
    Word count:
    10 612

    Going to a new stories is fun, and exploring what they have in store is even more so. This shop promised something more, and to make it for you, as you dreamed up your wishes. What is to come next?

    December 22nd, 2016 at 11:30pm