salvatore. / Comments

  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States

    Hahahaha. I wish I COULD slap her, but knowing her, she'd probably sue me for abuse or something. -_- And yeah, that's true, and I wish that she could understand that lying to a cop is really NOT something she wants to make a habit of. And it's really not fair at all! He may not have been the REASON for the accident, but he was certainly a factor. *sigh* Whatever. I can only hope that next week is better.

    Yes, thank God. And ahhh, sounds like fun! Especially the eye exam. ;) Hahaha. And just sleeping, writing, and trying to muster up the strength to make it through the rest of the school year without completely losing my mind. Hahaha.
    April 4th, 2013 at 04:24am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh, hey! It has been a while and don't even worry about it! I completely understand.

    Everything is alright over here. Hope all is well with you, too!
    April 4th, 2013 at 03:19am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    Ahhh! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! And, um, I just posted a new chapter. So there you go. Hahahaha.

    Ugh. It's a long story. In short, I got into a SUPER minor car accident yesterday, where I scraped a really tiny amount of paint off a girl's car, but she's a bitch and started freaking out about it and, instead of taking my information when I offered it, she reported me to the school cop, saying that I fled the scene of the accident, therefore almost getting me ARRESTED. Then, I found out later in the day that she told the same lie to her friends, who don't even KNOW me, and they're trying to figure out who I am so they can get whatever twisted revenge. Might I add that her car was an old, shitty car. It was not a 2013 BMW or anything else crazy.

    And now I'm fighting with my mother and brother because part of the reason I got into the accident was that my brother made me really late, and I told him that if he made me late again, I wouldn't drive him, and my mother sided with my brother in the argument like she always does because he's her favorite. So I'm basically miserable. But whatever.

    Hahaha. I think I have 30. ^_^ And ahhh, I'm so jealous. I have to wait until the 15th for break. -_- Hahaha. How has your break been so far?
    April 4th, 2013 at 02:25am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    AWKWARD because I just posted the below comment before I saw your comment on my profile.


    Hahahaa. But anyway, school itself is SO old, and I'm completely over it, and my week so far has been really crappy, so your return to Mibba absolutely brightened my mood. ^_^ How is everything going with you? Other than your fabulous experience of meeting Ed freaking Sheeran and going to the TSwift concert. ;)
    April 4th, 2013 at 01:00am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    OH MY GOD. HI! I feel like I haven't heard from you in forever, so I just squealed when I saw you commented on my story. Hahahaha. But I'm so glad that you enjoy Fame Whore so much! That makes me so excited. :D Thanks so much for commenting! ^_^
    April 4th, 2013 at 12:57am
  • luke ham ham.

    luke ham ham. (100)

    United States
    How are you? It's been a while!
    I updated They Don't Know About Us and posted a new Louis story called I'll Look After You. I hate to ask this, but would you mind checking them out for me whenever you have time and possibly leaving a comment? It would really mean a lot <3
    January 26th, 2013 at 04:18pm
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    Merry Christmas!
    Hope you had a lovely day full of friends, family, and tons of love!

    And hello! Yes, it's been a while.
    I am quite enjoying my break.

    Hope your finals were too tedious, and I also hope that you're have a wonderful break.
    December 26th, 2012 at 04:40am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    I knowww. I wish I put bets on every time my English teacher said, "Ugh, I have to grade" because I'd be a rich, rich person. Hahaha.

    And hooorah! I sure hope so. 'Cause that'd be fun. I have a feeling I'm going to be the teacher that kids like because I never really grew up. Hahaha.
    December 24th, 2012 at 09:10pm
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    Aw, thanks. And hoorah! :D

    I totally agree. I know some people who have an essay and stuff to write over break, and it's like, that's a total waste of time. We have school all year to do that nonsense. Our break is supposed to be for US. *sigh* Whatever. Teachers can be nuts. When I'm a teacher, my kids will always stay work-free over breaks and long weekends. :D
    December 24th, 2012 at 08:58pm
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    Hey, it's way better than just stressful. :D I'm glad you're having fun.

    And mine's been solid so far. I wrote SO MUCH the past couple of days for Trouble, so that's really awesome. Heh heh. Although, now I'm kind of seeing the end in sight, so that sucks, but whatever. I'm just excited because I have so little homework over vacation. :)
    December 24th, 2012 at 08:38pm
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    Hola! And thanks, hon! You, too. How has your holiday break been so far?
    December 24th, 2012 at 08:25pm
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    Haha, I could say the same. Even though I love learning about the holocaust, it always makes me cry. Have you ever seen Schindler's List?
    Yes, just a few more feels so long though!
    Haha, yeah. I decided to leave it in, and I explained it in the journal.

    Well, honestly, things can be a lot better. Besides the stress of finals, I've been feeling a little low, but I'll get through it. And how are you? Hope all is well in your life!
    December 11th, 2012 at 03:58am
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh, that's really interesting. I love learning about history. Mostly about World War 2. I'm looking into a history class for next semester.
    Yes! You're going to have such a fun time there! :)
    Yeah, I think it's nice that they do that for the students.
    Haha, You're right because when I started studying on Friday, I felt refreshed and ready, and then that feeling crashed and burned when I opened my math book.
    I swear, I've been going slightly crazy these past few days. Today, around 3 in the morning, I was writing up this journal and I wrote "people have to fight for their right to party!" I have a picture of it because it's so funny, and I didn't even know what I was writing anymore.
    December 9th, 2012 at 08:00pm
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    Hahaha. Ah, then they don't deserve the late start time. :p And yeah, I second that. I'm happy with how my life turned out. :D Or, well, is TURNING out, since I'm only seventeen, and my life isn't close to being over... I hope.

    That's an awesome way to be. I wish I could be that mature. Ha-ha. I'm a grudge-holder, hardcore. I'm trying to work on it, though, since it's kind of baby-ish.

    Hahaha. :) Yeah, I have a Beatles poster and a John Lennon poster. AH, I KNOW. :( It's absolutely horrific, the way he was murdered. Ugh, it disgusts me. :(
    December 8th, 2012 at 05:40pm
  • gnarly.

    gnarly. (100)

    United States
    Oh, I never knew it had history! I'll have to google that soon. I love googling things, and I can do it for hours.
    Oh, that's just wonderful, and nice! I wish you the best of luck in your travels!

    Oh, gosh, that's just terrible. Yeah, finals are just the worst thing.
    My older sister attends UCB, and at that college, during finals week, or dead week, a company or something brings therapy dogs/puppies for the students, so their stress can be lowered.

    I feel a little guilty because I should've been studying since I finished up classes today, but I decided to go out a bit with Romy, and it was so much fun. We went into the city and had an early dinner, and it was just nice.
    December 7th, 2012 at 08:43am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    I would kill to start school that late. And yes, you should put the people who whine about your time. Hahaha. But yeah, it would be. An awesome way to start thinking out of the box, that's for sure. Regular school is way too structured.

    Ahh, you're much wiser than the vast majority of kids our age.

    Hahaha. Thanks. :) I was raised on John Lennon, The Beatles, and Billy Joel. And that's all I listened to until I started discovering my own music when I was in seventh grade or so. :) And oh my lord, you should definitely watch it. It's incredible.
    December 7th, 2012 at 02:25am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    ...Are you freaking kidding me?! What time does your school start? 'Cause my first class begins at seven twenty eight. Hahaha. And I feel like a hippie school would be totally awesome. Hahaha.

    Definitely. Hahaha. My parents will probably nap. NOT that I'll blame them.

    That's awesome. :) I'm glad that you were able to get into that whatever place. And I'm sure the Taylor Swift songs helped out quite a bit.

    Ugh, Billy Joel is one of my all-time favorites. I've been listening to him since I was really little. He's so underrated. Hahaha. And my icon's a snapshot from the old 21 Jump Street show. It's Peter DeLuise and Johnny Depp. :)
    December 7th, 2012 at 02:02am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    Well, yeah. I still have school. Hahahah. NHS is before school, for some asinine reason. Hahaha. And NOOO. Oh my God. I'd be going to a massively hippie school. Nap Day is self-enforced. When I come home from school on Fridays, I immediately crawl into bed and go to sleep until I have to go to my father's house. Hahaha.

    Ah, I feel ya. And it's WAYYY too many people. Hahahaha. The dinner at the end of the year is going to be grueling, calling that many people. Ah, so our percentage is actually lower. Hahaha.

    Ohhh, I gotcha. :/ Well, it's something to keep you occupied, I guess! So there's something. How are you holding up with that whole situation? And yeah, I feel you. :/

    Hahaha. That's cool. :) And yeah, I think most people like to change it up. I just have this whole thing with change... Well, Billy Joel is a classic, so I'd never change my username, since I don't want to change it every time I change fandoms or anything. And with my icon...I don't know. I could change it. My icon's kind of crappy quality. But there's just something about it that I want to hold near and dear to my heart forever. Hahaha. Plus, most people don't get my icon, so there's always that little thing. :D
    December 7th, 2012 at 01:30am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    I will tonight. Ha-ha. I get to sleep in until six thirty again. And then tomorrow's Nap Day! I LOVE FRIDAY NAP DAY. It's the only thing that gets me through the week.

    Hahaha. No, I don't think I have. It's National Honor Society. I'm not sure if your school has one, but we do. It's supposed to be the smartest kids in the school, but because of the weight system for classes in our school, 90 kids have GPAs over a 3.75. Out of a class of four hundred. So it's a little...insane. Hahaha.

    Ughhh, that stinks. :( I hope you get out for some social time soon. School is an awful waste of time. :p

    Ah, it's all good. :D I actually haven't changed my username or icon since I first joined Mibba two years ago...hahaha.
    December 7th, 2012 at 01:11am
  • onlythegooddieyoung

    onlythegooddieyoung (100)

    United States
    Tee hee. :D

    I'm doing well, thank you. Tired today, since I had to get up early for NHS. But otherwise, fine. :) How about you?

    Gosh, every time I talk to you, you have a new fabulous icon. Ha-ha.
    December 7th, 2012 at 01:03am