ShallWeDance? / Comments

  • i like F2F. the thought is interesting. i think you should keep going.
    and yes i saw the layouts, i even left you a comment on your journal saying i liked FBS's.
    hahahaha oh yes, my bordum yesterday knows no bounds.
    the blue feather is amazing. truely. i gotta find something amazing like that and attach it to angels... but what? hmmm
    must think on that one.
    July 10th, 2010 at 12:35am
  • I remember on state tests in school, when I had to write what school I go to, I always wrote "public" without the L. I think I corrected myself most of the time, but I may have missed it once.

    Yes; there should be a class for it! I always feel so much better after a good long nap. I tend to take my naps around seven in the evening until ten or so, and then I stay up all night. ^^

    I guess the upside to using books is that you can't copy/paste everything straight into your paper. Plagiarism is much less tempting with a book. You have to put more effort into it, so maybe that's why yours turned out so well. But it's just so inconvenient, it's really not worth all that work.

    That's cool. Writer's block sucks though. x.x

    xD I like some fruit, but only in moderation. Vegetables is where it's at.

    Haha, that's so cool! I would totally do that except I didn't buy my friend anything to wrap. D: I actually haven't drawn her anything yet and her birthday's tomorrow. So she's not gonna get my card for a few days. :(

    Just start writing and see what happens. :D
    July 9th, 2010 at 07:30pm
  • Thanks for your comment on my story:)
    July 9th, 2010 at 07:44am
  • ohh... lmfao, I feel stupid now. :D

    Anyways, you're welcome, I like leaving detailed reviews because it really helps writers, I find. So yeah, no problem.
    July 9th, 2010 at 04:10am
  • you started a new story? O.o
    hey yo, you can put individual banners for the chapters? >:O
    you should figure out how to do that fo angels and put one at the 1st chapter and the first chapter of part two :3
    i dont care what one, just pick >.>
    anywho, im uber bored so im leaving you a message on here aswell as myspace :D
    yes, im stalking you now jasper. you like it.
    also howd you get the little blue feather at the bottom of the index page?

    im so glad youre so much smarter than me so i can jack all your knowlege :3
    July 9th, 2010 at 12:52am
  • I just glanced at my comment after posting and it looked like I wrote, "my mom is really hot". o_O
    July 8th, 2010 at 01:04am
  • Yeah, that's how it is when you type for a few hours straight. All the blood runs out of them and they're freezing. Fortunately, my room is really hot right now. I'm pouring sweat but at least my fingers are cozy. :D

    Argh, old folks need to get with the times, man. No one does research from books at a library anymore. It takes way too long. x.x

    Haha aw, that's cool. ^^ Sometimes I wish my friends or family were more interested in reading my work. It might be kind of embarrassing, depending, but it's always nice to get extra encouragement. Even if they didn't like it, it would be nice to think they're interested in reading it in the first place. My best friend Kelly is the only one who likes to read my stuff, but I don't know if that counts because I actually met her online, and we're both writers so we read each others' stories.

    Ehh, I'm not a big fan of fruit. I likes my vegetables. ^^ I haven't eaten like anything today. I should probably do that before I begin to decompose.

    Yeah? I have to make Kelly a card too. I made my friend Wesley one and then remembered that Kelly's birthday is a week later. So now it's in three days. Hooray for homemade cards! ^^

    Aww. :( You don't really have to specify on everything. I like never state a time period in my stories. But then again, I'm terrible at description to begin with. I'm sure whatever you write for the next chapter is guaranteed to blow me away. :D
    July 8th, 2010 at 01:03am
  • It's alright. I don't like the hassle.
    Did you really? That's actually my favorite story that I'm writing. I'm not sure if you'll like it but we'll see. =) It does have detail but not too much. How much of it are you planning to read? If you like all of it can you comment on it for me? And tell me what you think about it too. =)
    July 7th, 2010 at 02:24am
  • Hahaha, that's funny. I wrote that one when I was thirteen. I mean, I think the plot was good but the way I wrote the story was bad. There was also too much dialogue for my likings. I like more detail than talking. That's why they have plays and then there are stories. I would show you the original version (that is if you want to see it). But anyway, let me not babble on your comment area.
    July 7th, 2010 at 01:10am
  • Aha, my dad doesn't know much about computers either, but since I like never get off mine, he assumes that it's become as vital to me as food and oxygen. So I don't go without one for more than a couple days.

    My dad is quite cool. He's a crazy old man, but he's pretty amusing.

    Salad is good on occasion. I mostly just like black olives and grape tomatoes. I had chili and garlic toast for lunch today. It was fantastic.

    It used to help me to draw on lined paper since it's less blank. But yeah, I feel you. I made a birthday card a few days ago though! ^^

    Yeah, the next chapter is going to be about the mortal town. I haven't decided what era the story is set in. Any ideas?

    Hmm, I was never good with stuff like that. Maybe like the seventeen or eighteen hundreds. I don't know, but do write more!
    July 7th, 2010 at 12:15am
  • Thank's lots for the comment on my story Eternal Love and for loving it. =) I love this story too. You should have seen the first written story of this story (if that makes sense) This story is the rewritten version of the first one... tell me if you don't get it? But anyway, it was horrible. So I'm rewriting it because I didn't want two years to go to waste. I'm happier with the outcome...sorry if I'm boring you. =Q I don't know why I'm telling you all of this. v_v I just like telling people things. =)
    July 6th, 2010 at 09:39pm
  • Aha, yeah. I guess I'm lucky because my dad seems to think that if I don't have access to a computer, I will die. It's not really true, but it's gotten me like five new computers over the reason, so I can't complain. xD

    I hear almond milk is delicious, but I've never had it. I only like chocolate soymilk, but the plain stuff is okay in cereal.

    Your mom's a religious freak? Not fun. My dad never liked that I read fiction instead of, in his words, "factual information". He's not a big reader, so I've never had him read my stuff (not that I would let him read most of it), but every time he sees something I've drawn, he's all, "Whoa, look at that! How cool!" Haha, and I don't even draw that well.

    Well, if it got published, I think you both would get your names on the cover, but no specific author would be specified for each chapter.

    Really? Awesome! You should put more up soon!
    July 6th, 2010 at 01:05am
  • I really like unique names, and even though Jasper isn't as far-reached as some names, I like it as a girl name. Very pretty :) And thanks :D my mom was really into unique names. My little sister is Bellamise and my older sister is Rioghan (Ree-Oh-Gan).
    I love both the cartoon dinosaurs and the real ones haha, but I gotta agree the cartoon ones are more adorable :D i like all the dinosaur themed things they have now.
    Pokemon is... man haha. I really like everything about it. I loved (and still love) watching the cartoon when I can catch it, and I've always been big on the game. I really love how places like Hot Topic are bringing it back into style now.
    Yeah, I'm a huge procrastinator haha. Especially with my writing. I think it has a bit to do with my OCD and perfectionism views on everything. I start to think about writing, and then I get worried it wont be any good, or etc. And then I just decide I'll do something else before I write, and then I never get to it.
    Small talk drives me crazy. I hate when I text my boyfriend, write a paragraph, and all he says is 'ok'. I love when people actually talk to me! :D
    July 5th, 2010 at 11:21pm
  • It's amazing! :D It's my favorite series. It's about vampires, but cooler. They don't sparkle either, haha!
    July 5th, 2010 at 09:02pm
  • Oh man, I hate that. I used to have a pretty old computer too, but I broke it, so now I have a vista.

    Eh, they aren't that different. Vegans just have to be a little more creative. ;D It's amazing how much you can do with soymilk once you get used to the taste. Pretty much everything you eat now, you could still eat, you'd just have to make it differently.

    Hm, yeah. A lot of my stuff I wouldn't want like my parents to read. Maybe that's just because I tend to add a lot of unnecessary dirty stuff. Haha.

    I'd feel sort of sad that my friend was getting all the credit for something I helped with. My friend Kelly and I write together, but we try to go chapter by chapter so we don't have to dispute over who puts their name on a chapter we wrote together.

    Writer's block is a bitch. But what's nice about posting stories on mibba is you do it chapter by chapter, so you don't have to be finished with a novel to put some of it up.

    Ohh, really? Wow, I can't believe I missed that. :S

    Haha, Aladdin? Nice. I love the genie. ^^
    July 5th, 2010 at 09:33am
  • Lol, you're welcome.
    July 5th, 2010 at 03:40am
  • Okay. I think what threw me off was that Nikolai was talking about skipping class, then asked why Estelle wasn't at home sleeping. It's a lot more obvious now that it's occurred to me that you can't stargaze during the day. About the ending though, that's pretty awesome. I love leaving readers hanging.

    July 4th, 2010 at 11:26pm
  • You're welcome. <33
    And thank you. (:
    I'm glad you like my writing. :D
    July 4th, 2010 at 10:19pm
  • Haha, I know the feeling. I used to edit my photos obnoxiously bright without knowing it because all the colors on my computer looked so dull. ._.

    Yeah, I guess. After three years, it's mostly just become a habit. I used to miss cake and stuff, but now it rarely crosses my mind.

    Haha thanks. I'm just trying to get better, I guess, so I get all excited when I get comments. xD I love to hear others' input, since I tend to think backwards and usually need all the reality checks I can get. I think you should have more readers too, but that could easily be arranged if you posted more stories. So far it appears that you have less than five chapters to yourself. D:

    Right on. I love short stories too, as they seem to be the only kind I ever finish. I hate adding extra information that isn't vital to the plot, so I don't have the same problem with dragging out unnecessary stuff, but I do get really bad writer's block when trying to think of something to bridge the gap between one event and the next. Usually what I do next is move on to another story until I find one that I can work with. And that works pretty well for me since I have like thirty novels in progress that I haven't totally given up on.
    July 4th, 2010 at 09:49pm
  • Thanks for all the story comments! ^____^ I'm going to read yours, like right now!

    I like food too, but I don't like eating out. I'm vegan; that might have something to do with it.

    Yeah, but I've been posting stories on mibba since 2008. For a long time, all my stories had less than ten.

    There's an idea... but I feel like I'd be spoiling it. A lot has to happen between the beginning and the end; I just don't quite know how to write it up. I also hate when my writing gets really short and fragmented. It's more to the point, which I guess is good, but it doesn't flow smoothly anymore, and that's something I don't like. It seems to happen more often when I'm desperately lacking in inspiration.
    July 4th, 2010 at 09:07pm